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You are very bold.

      Char. Your Creature Madam, and when you are pleas'd

      Sadness to me's a stranger, your good pardon

      If I speak like a fool, I could have wisht

      To have ta'ne your place to night, had bold Dinant

      Your first and most obsequious servant tasted

      Those delicates, which by his lethargie

      As it appears, have cloy'd my Lord.

      Lamira. No, more.

       Char. I am silenc'd, Madam.

      Lamira. Saw you my nurse this morning?

      Charl. No Madam.

      Lamira. I am full of fears.                     [Knock within.

      Who's that?

      Charl. She you enquir'd for.

      Lamira. Bring her in, and leave me.                     [Exit Charlote.

      Now nurse what news?

      Enter Nurse.

      Nurse. O Ladie dreadfull ones.

      They are to fight this morning, there's no remedie.

      I saw my Lord your Brother, and Verdone

      Take horse as I came by.

      Lamira. Where's Cleremont?

      Nurse. I met him too, and mounted.

      Lamira. Where's Dinant?

      Nurse. There's all the hope, I have staid him with a trick,

      If I have done well so.

      Lamira. What trick?

      Nurse. I told him,

      Your Ladiship laid your command upon him,

      To attend you presently, and to confirm it,

      Gave him the ring he oft hath seen you wear,

      That you bestowed on me: he waits without

      Disguis'd, and if you have that power in him,

      As I presume you have, it is in you

      To stay or alter him.

      Lamira. Have you learnt the place,

      Where they are to encounter?

      Nurse. Yes 'tis where

      The Duke of Burgundie met Lewis th' eleventh.

      Lamir. Enough, I will reward thee liberally,                     [Exit Nurse.

      Goe bring him in: full dear I loved Dinant,

      While it was lawfull, but those fires are quench'd

      I being now anothers, truth forgive me

      And let dissimulation be no crime,

      Though most unwillingly I put it on

      To guard a Brothers safetie.

      Enter Dinant.

      Din. Now your pleasure,

      Though ill you have deserv'd it, you perceive

      I am still your fool, and cannot but obey

      What ever you command.

      Lamira. You speak, as if

      You did repent it, and 'tis not worth my thanks then,

      But there has been a time, in which you would

      Receive this as a favour.

      Din. Hope was left then

      Of recompence.

      Lamira. Why I am still Lamira,

      And you Dinant, and 'tis yet in my power,

      I dare not say I'le put it into act,

      To reward your love and service.

      Din. There's some comfort.

      Lami. But think not that so low I prize my fame,

      To give it up to any man that refuses

      To buy it, or with danger of performance

      Of what I shall enjoin him.

      Din. Name that danger

      Be it of what horrid shape soever Ladie

      Which I will shrink at; only at this instant

      Be speedie in't.

      Lamira. I'le put you to the trial:

      You shall not fight to day, do you start at that?

      Not with my Brother, I have heard your difference,

      Mine is no Helens beauty to be purchas'd

      With blood, and so defended, if you look for

      Favours from me, deserve them with obedience,

      There's no way else to gain 'em.

      Din. You command

      What with mine honour I cannot obey,

      Which lies at pawn against it, and a friend

      Equally dear as that, or life, engag'd,

      Not for himself, but me.

      Lamira. Why, foolish man,

      Dare you solicite me to serve your lust,

      In which not only I abuse my Lord,

      My Father, and my family, but write whore,

      Though not upon my forehead, in my conscience,

      To be read hourly, and yet name your honour?

      Yours suffers but in circumstance; mine in substance.

      If you obey me, you part with some credit,

      From whom? the giddy multitude; but mankind

      Will censure me, and justly.

      Din. I will lose,

      What most I do desire, rather than hazard

      So dear a friend, or write my self a coward,

      'Tis better be no man.

      Lamira. This will not do;

      Why, I desire not, you should be a coward,

      Nor do I weigh my Brothers life with yours,

      Meet him, fight with him, do, and kill him fairly,

      Let me not suffer for you, I am careless.

      Din. Suffer for me?

      Lamira. For you, my kindness to you

      Already brands me with a strumpets name.

      Din. O that I knew the wretch!

      Lamira. I will not name him,

      Nor give you any Character to know him;

      But if you dare, and instantly ride forth

      At the west port of the City, and defend there

      My reputation, against all you meet,

      For two hours only, I'le not swear Dinant,

      To satisfie, (though sure I think I shall)

      What ever

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