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go through my head, the stuff I want to do—”

      “So show me,” she said, cutting him off, her courage rising. “I know you think you’re scaring me off, but the only thing that’s going to do that is you lying to me. So you have some stuff to work through. I have a lot of baggage, too. Maybe we can do this, get you past it, and then move on and date like normal.”

      He shook his head. “We can date like normal without doing this. If you’re still willing to give me a chance, I can leave this behind. I think you knowing about it will help me control the urge better.”

      She gave him a half-smile. “That’s not how it works. My mother makes her money fulfilling the fantasies guys keep from their partners. If we’re going to date, I don’t want to be wondering if you’re secretly sneaking off to feed that part of you.”

      “I wouldn’t do that to you. I swear I won’t lie to you again.” He said the words fervently, like he truly believed them. But she knew him wanting the statement to be true wouldn’t actually make it so.

      She had no idea if there was a certain protocol in his slave-girl role-play, but she put her hands out to him, palms up. “I’m giving myself to you tonight. Let me help you check this off your fantasy list.”

      Storm clouds gathered over his face. “Stop, Brynn. You don’t know what you’re signing up for.”

      She held his gaze, refusing to look away, despite the anxiety hammering through her. “Like I said, show me.”


      “Fine.” She let her arms fall to her sides and turned back to her car. “Have a nice life, Reid.”

      His deep groan cut through the night and strong hands landed flat on the roof of her car, his muscular arms imprisoning her on each side. “Don’t do this.”

      Heavy footsteps sounded behind them. “Is everything all right out here?”


      “It’s fine,” Reid said through clenched teeth, his fierce tone rippling over her and awakening her senses.

      His quickening breath was hot on her neck, and his body heat radiated against her back. She should’ve been scared; she could sense his dwindling self-control—the man’s easy-going facade being stripped away by some dark, primal instinct within him.

      But something inside her wanted it. Wanted to push him over the edge. Her voice came out as a whisper. “Don’t let me leave, Reid.”

      The muscles in his arms flexed and bunched as if the war within him was raging in every sector of his body. He remained silent for agonizingly long seconds, then pushed himself away from the car. “Fine, you think this is what you want? Then lose the dress, Brynn.”

      “Wh-What?” She spun around, looking from him to Jace, who stood a few steps behind him with raised eyebrows, then to the area around them. Jace’s driveway was protected by hedges and trees and far off the road, but did Reid actually expect her to take off her clothes out here? In front of his best friend?

      Reid’s lip curled up. “What’s wrong?”


      “You said you wanted to give yourself to me, to know what this is about. Well, you’re getting your wish. If this isn’t what you want, then say ‘stop,’ and we’ll go to dinner and have a date like normal people.”

      She ground her teeth. So that’s what this was about? He wanted to prove he was right. That she couldn’t handle him. Well, screw that. She reached behind her and unzipped her dress, then slipped the narrow straps off her shoulders. After one fortifying breath, she let go and the material puddled onto the cobblestones at her feet, leaving her in her sheer bra and panties.

      A pained expression flitted over Reid’s face, and Jace’s eyes lit with male appreciation.

      “Jace, is the guesthouse unlocked?” Reid asked, his voice disconcertingly calm.

      “No, but I can go grab the key and open it for you.”

      Reid nodded. “Thanks. Do that.”

      Jace jogged toward the side of the house, and Reid walked toward Brynn with deliberate steps, his eyes not leaving hers. The moonless evening and the soft garden lights cast his face in a combination of light and shadow, but the intensity of his expression was clear. She held her breath, her heart beating so fast she worried it would hop out of her chest and flop onto the ground between them.

      When he reached her, his hand cupped her bare shoulder. “Turn around and close your eyes.”

      She followed his instruction and faced the car. Soft cotton brushed against her face, then tightened over her eyes—her dress, now a blindfold. His fingertips caressed the back of her neck, making her shiver despite the muggy night air. “You’re mine tonight. I let Jace look at you, but he gets nothing else now, you understand?”

      She nodded, relief flooding through her. She liked Jace, but it was Reid she wanted touching her. Even if this version of Reid was one she hadn’t quite met yet.

      He kissed her shoulder blade, nipped at it. “You remember what you called me the first time we met?”

      She paused, trying to wrangle in her buzzing brain so she could concentrate. What had she called him? Reid? No. She wet her lips. “Sir.”

      His hand curled around her waist, caressing her bare stomach. “That’s right. Tonight, that’s what you call me.”

      The feel of his fingers and the seductive confidence of his voice hypnotized her. She nodded again.

      “Tell me you understand,” he said, his voice low but firm.

      “Yes, sir.”

      “Good, girl. Let’s go.”

      In one swift movement, Reid lifted her off her feet and into his arms as if she weighed nothing. She grabbed for his neck, disoriented from the blindfold. “Whoa.”

      “I’ve got you, sugar. I won’t let you fall.”

      Sounds drifted to her ears as they made their way across the yard—crickets, frogs, the rustle of the leaves as the breeze touched them. She wondered if the landscaping continued around the side of the house or if she’d be exposed to the neighbors. The idea that people might see her half-naked, being carried by this powerful man, should’ve bothered her, but she was at ease in his arms.

      She had given herself to him, so if he wanted her exposed to others, then that was up to him. Tonight, he owned her.

      Damp heat pooled between her thighs at the thought.


      What had she gotten herself into?

      What the hell had he gotten himself into? Reid sat a blindfolded Brynn down on the edge of the bed and tossed her purse by the footboard. “Don’t move.”

      He stalked back to the doorway of the bedroom and leaned against the frame, watching her. He had fully expected her to bail the minute he’d asked her to strip in front of Jace—that had been his intent. But she’d shocked him, calling his bluff. And the minute he’d seen her bend to his will, he’d gotten an intoxicating rush so strong, it had made his head spin.

      Jace laid a hand on his shoulder, keeping his voice low. “The room’s yours. Leah and I will hang out in the main house. You need anything else from me? Do you want me to stay?”

      Possessiveness ripped through him like lightning, and he had to dial it back before responding. “No. I’ll be… fine.”

      Now if only he could believe that.

      Jace’s gaze flitted to Brynn, then back to him. “Just trust yourself. She does.”

      Reid nodded,

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