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have spent Christmas in Switzerland / We spent Christmas in Switzerland / We did spend Christmas in Switzerland. Vous avez passé septembre en France. (voo za-vay pass-ay sep-tom-bruh on fronce) You have spent September in France / You spent September in France / You did spend September in France. et (ay) and c’était (set-ay) it was C’était fantastique. (set-ay fon-tass-teek) It was fantastic. très agréable (trez ag-ray-arb-luh) lovely / very agreeable C’était très agréable. (set-ay trez ag-ray-arb-luh) It was lovely. / It was very agreeable. J’ai passé le week-end à Paris… et c’était très agréable. (zhay pass-ay luh weekend a pa-ree… ay set-ay trez ag-ray-arb-luh) I spent the weekend in Paris… and it was lovely. invitation (earn-vit-ass-yon) invitation invité (earn-vit-ay) invited préparation (pray-par-ass-yon) preparation préparé (pray-par-ay) prepared réservation (ray-zurv-ass-yon) reservation réservé (ray-zurv-ay) reserved / booked commandé (comm-on-day) ordered payé (pay-ay) paid fait (fay) done l’addition (la-dis-yon) the bill le dîner (luh din-ay) the dinner le rosbif (luh ros-beef) the roast beef une table (oon tarb-luh) a table une chambre (oon shom-bruh) a room un taxi (urn taxi) a taxi J’ai préparé le dîner. (zhay pray-par-ay luh din-ay) I have prepared the dinner / I prepared the dinner / I did prepare the dinner. J’ai commandé le rosbif pour le dîner. (zhay comm-on-day luh ros-beef poor luh din-ay) I have ordered roast beef for dinner / I ordered roast beef for dinner / I did order roast beef for dinner. J’ai réservé une table pour vous. (zhay ray-zurv-ay oon tarb-luh poor voo) I have booked a table for you / I booked a table for you / I did book a table for you. Elle a (ell a) She has Elle a réservé une table pour ce soir. (ell a ray-zurv-ay oon tarb-luh poor sir swar) She has booked / reserved a table for this evening – She booked / reserved a table for this evening – She did book / reserve a table for this evening. Il a (eel a) He has Il a réservé une chambre pour deux personnes. (eel a ray-zurv-ay oon shom-bruh poor duh purse-on) He has booked / reserved a room for two people – He booked / reserved a room for two people – He did book / reserve a room for two people. Nous avons réservé un taxi pour vous. (noo za-von ray-zur-vay urn taxi poor voo) We have booked a taxi for you / We booked a taxi for you / We did book a taxi for you. Nous avons payé l’addition. (noo za-von pay-ay la-dis-yon) We paid the bill / We have paid the the bill / We did pay the bill. Qu’est-ce que? (kess-kuh) What? / What is it that? Qu’est-ce que vous avez préparé? (kess-kuh voo za-vay pray-par-ay) What have you prepared? / What did you prepare? (literally “What is it that you have prepared?”) Qu’est-ce que vous avez fait? (kess-kuh voo za-vay fay) What have you done? / What did you do? (literally “What is it that you have done?”) J’ai réservé une table, commandé le dîner et puis payé l’addition. Qu’est-ce que vous avez fait? (zhay ray-zurv-ay oon tarb-luh, comm-on-day luh din-ay ay pwee pay-ay la-dis-yon. kess-kuh voo za-vay fay) I booked a table, ordered dinner and then paid the bill. What did you do?

      Now, do the same thing once again below, except that this time you’ll be reading through the list of English words and trying to recall the French. All you need to do is to be able to do one full read-through of them without making more than three mistakes in total and you’re done!

the weekend le week-end (luh weekend)
democratic démocratique (day-moe-kra-teek)
economic économique (ay-kon-oh-meek)
psychological psychologique (psee-ko-lozh-eek)

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