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enormous weight had fallen on its roof, literally crumpled up on itself. This all happened exactly at the same time as the three, having also broken down the back wall, flew out of the old workshop, followed by a deafening roar and a huge dark cloud. The car, out of control by now, crashed into a pile of rubbish that had been left at the side of the road and finally came to a halt.

      "Bloody hell," said the General, who had already repeatedly banged his head on the armrest of the car door. “Who taught you to drive like that?"

      In response, the skinny guy pressed his foot flat on the accelerator again and tried to find a way through all the junk. Various coloured rags were caught up between the wheels and an old television was left hanging off the rear bumper. He had to navigate around all the litter for quite a while before finally reaching the side of the road. With a dull thud the car crossed over the low pavement and the three found themselves back on the main road heading East.

      "Who the heck were they?" asked the big guy as he eased himself into the seat and tried to close the door.

      â€œAsk your little friend the restaurant owner,” snapped the thin one.

      "If I get hold of him again I’ll make him swallow all his cutlery, ladles included.”

      â€œWell what can you expect my friend? You should know by now that you can't trust anyone here." And as he turned into a side road on the right he added, “At least we managed to eat something.”

      The dark car set off, roaring into the darkness of the night, but leaving an unusual trail of unidentified liquid in its wake.

      Theos spacecraft - The President

      "But where do you get the energy to create such a powerful forcefield?" asked the Colonel intrigued, as he carefully observed the candle holder that had just been created.

      "Energy is everywhere, in every place in the universe," answered Azakis. “Everything that composes it is made of matter and matter is nothing more than a form of energy and vice versa. Even living beings are nothing more than simple forms of energy and matter.”

      "We’re made of the same substance as the stars,” whispered Elisa enraptured, remembering an old quote from someone, whose name she could not recall at that precise time.

      "I agree with that, but from here to being able to harness it like this is a big jump forward," said the Colonel.

      He was about to ask for further enlightenment when a blues tune, from his mobile, interrupted him.

      "Now who the heck’s that?" he said aloud while reading the caller’s name "Camp Adder – prison."

      â€œColonel Hudson,” he answered curtly into the microphone.

      "Colonel, finally."

      Jack immediately recognised the loud voice of the coloured sergeant who had accompanied him on many missions. "Sergeant, what is it?”

      "I've been looking for you for hours. "Where are you?"

      "Um, let's say I'm ‘running around like a whirlwind’. Anyway, tell me Sergeant, what's the problem?"

      "I just wanted to inform you that your request to transfer the General has been carried out without any problems."

      â€œRequest to transfer the General? "What the devil are you talking about?"

      "I have before me a written order, signed by you, authorising General Richard Wright and Colonel Oliver Morris to collect General Campbell to be transferred to somewhere top secret. I checked and it’s your signature."

      "But I’ve never authorised anything of the sort." The Colonel paused briefly then said, "So where is the General now?"

      "I have no idea, Sir. The officers I was telling you about took him into custody."

      "Damn, he’s managed to escape." Then he had an intuition and said, “Sergeant, would you be able to describe the two soldiers who came to collect him, to me?"

      â€œCertainly. One was tall and thin and the other was shorter and rather overweight. They had.......”

      â€œOkay Sergeant, that's enough. I understand. Thank you.”

      "I hope I haven't messed up.”

      "Don't worry, it wasn't your fault," and he ended the conversation.

      "What’s happened?" asked Elisa worriedly.

      "Those two who attacked us, who we caught, have got away and they’ve also managed to make that bastard General Campbell escape.”

      "I'm sorry dear, I really am sorry but don't worry too much. We’ve got much bigger problems to worry about right now, haven’t we?"

      "You're right." So saying he slipped the candle holder from her hands and, showing it to Azakis, asked "Now, where were we?"

      â€œThe source of energy.”

      â€œRight. I mean, how the heck does this thing work?"

      "Well it's not that simple to explain, but we can say that it absorbs the energy all around it and gives it the shape for which it has been programmed."

      "Well," said Jack puzzled. “I can’t say I’ve understood very much really. But the fact is that it works and it does so really well. Do you think this technology could also be replicated on Earth?"

      â€œAbsolutely. I don't see any problem. When the time comes, I’ll tell Petri to transfer all the information you need, to you.”

      "Fantastic. I’m just thinking of the looks on our scientists’ faces when they are faced with a revelation of this sort. At present, we still can't produce serious amounts of energy except from fossil fuels or nuclear energy. I think your visit is going to revolutionise a lot of things on our planet.”

      "As they always have," added Azakis with a little smile.

      "If I remember correctly," said Elisa entering the discussion, "was it not a scientist called Nikola Tesla, who lived between 1800 and 1900, who imagined a form of energy that permeated the whole cosmos?”

      "Wow," answered Jack amazed. "I didn't know you were such an expert.”

      "There are a lot of things you still have to find out about me, dear," and with a decidedly sassy gesture, she ran her hand through her long hair.

      â€œActually,” continued Jack, “Tesla did a lot more. Apart from the realisation of a whole series of inventions that we still use today, he theorised the possibility of using what he called ‘ether’ as an inexhaustible source of energy. This substance, which allegedly pervades the entire universe, if properly stimulated, could provide power anywhere, at any time." Pleased by the fact that his beloved was watching him with growing admiration, he proudly continued his explanation “However, after clashing with the hypocrisy and greed of those in power at the time, the scholar stated that humanity was still not ready for an upheaval of that sort and abandoned the project, making all trace of it disappear. Only now, after more than 100 years, our scientists have started to postulate the presence of a ‘substance’ they call ‘dark matter’ and also an energy form known as ‘dark energy’, which allegedly makes up more than 70% of the density of the universe."

      "I'm impressed," said the doctor looking at him in astonishment. "I didn’t think you were so learned on this subject either."

      "There are a lot of things you still have to find out about me, dear," replied Jack with the same quip and the same gesture, although his hair was definitely too short to achieve the desired effect.

      "Perhaps we're talking about the same thing,” stated Azakis, pleased.

      â€œUnlimited energy, available to everyone, everywhere in the universe and at no cost ... incredible.” Jack

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