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brought them all to their knees.

      That was what he would do with this one, if she were his.

      His body tightened. He would take her in his arms, kiss that contemptuous mouth until it was swollen with desire. He would carry her out of here, take her to his private plane, and at twenty thousand feet, in the privacy of the darkened cabin, he’d strip away that black dress so that her breasts tumbled into his hands and take her over and over until she understood what it was to be a woman and not an unattainable symbol…

      “Antonio! What on earth is the matter with you?”

      A graceful, red-taloned hand landed on his arm. Antonio blinked, cleared his throat, and fought free of the images that had suddenly blazed to life in his brain.

      “Susannah,” he said, and with some difficulty, smiled at the woman seated beside him. She was golden-haired; she was blue-eyed; she was all the things he liked to enjoy—and she was looking at him as if he’d lost his mind

      He took a deep breath. Hell. Perhaps he had Only a crazy man would waste time conjuring up such foolish imaginings about an ice princess when he had a hotblooded woman at his side.

      ”Querida,” he said softly. He took her hand in his. “I am sorry. My thoughts were a million miles away”

      The blonde smiled, but her eyes were hard. “Really? I didn’t think the brunette on the other side of the room was quite that far away.”

      “What brunette?” Antonio said, smiling. “I was thinking about you.”

      The blonde’s smile relaxed. “For a moment I thought that you’d forgotten all about me.”

      “Could the tide forget the moon?” Antonio said smoothly. He moved closer to her. “I have done as I promised,” he murmured. “I represented my country at the opening of the Denver Dance Folklorico Festival. Would you think it unkind of me if I suggested we leave and go someplace more private?”

      He saw the little tremor of anticipation shudder through Susannah’s body. She was ready for him, he knew. She had damned near been ready from the instant they’d met in Vegas—or was it Reno? For a moment, he couldn’t remember. His business took him everywhere and there were always women, beautiful women who were happy to become involved even when he made it clear—and he always did—that the liaison would never be permanent.

      “You are too arrogant, Antonio,” a woman had told him once with something that approximated a laugh, “but then, what else could you be, with your looks and your money?”

      It was probably true, Antonio thought as he rose to his feet, but there was no immodesty in admitting it. His looks were a fact of life, the only gift given him by the parents he had never known. As for his money—he had worked hard for what he had, and he owed no apologies to anyone. It was only those born to wealth, who thought it made them better than the rest of the world, who owed apologies. He had learned that a long time ago, from a woman with the face of an angel and the heart and morals of a puta.

      Hell! What was wrong with him tonight? It was the woman, dammit, the one across the crowded room. There was nothing about her beauty that could possibly remind him of Jessamyn but everything else was the same: the look of boredom, the air of insolence.

      All at once he knew she was looking at him.

      The knowledge moved over his skin like a breath of flame, but he gave no hint of his awareness. Instead, he drew back Susannah’s chair, helped her to her feet, shook hands with the men at the table, kissed the hands of their ladies.

      And then, only then, as if it were a little gift he had been savoring, he took Susannah’s elbow, turned around, and looked straight at her.

      He felt as if he’d been hit in the belly with a sledgehammer. It wasn’t that he hadn’t expected to find her eyes on him; it was what followed. The sudden rush of heat in his blood. The desire that knotted his gut. The way everything else dimmed and faded until there was only him, and her, and the need to—to…

      The woman’s mouth thinned with derision. She lifted her chin and turned away sharply, and suddenly Antonio felt as if he were standing here not in this expensive, custom-tailored tuxedo but in the T-shirt and work boots he’d worn for so many years.

      “Antonio, you’re hurting me!”

      He glanced down, surprised to find Susannah at his side, even more surprised to see the way his fingers were crushing her wrist. He loosened his grip instantly, offered a quick apology, and then he slipped his arm around her waist and led her through the room, not in a straight line but on a path designed to take him directly past the table where the woman with the silver eyes and hair the color of autumn leaves was seated.

      When he reached her, he let go of Susannah, put his hand gently in the small of her back and steered her ahead of him. It was all very proper, but it gave him just the time he needed. He saw the astonishment on the redhead’s beautiful face as he looked down at her.

      ”Señorita,” he said politely. “Do you, by any chance, speak Spanish?”

      She stared up at him, her eyes wide. After a moment, she nodded.

      Antonio smiled, leaned down, and spoke in his native tongue in a whisper meant for her alone.

      “Does it disgust you, to want a man like me?”

      She gasped and jerked back, and he laughed softly.

      “Perhaps it would make you feel better, señorita, to know that I would sooner take a vow of chastity than take a woman like you to my bed.”

      He straightened to his full height, nodded politely to the others at the table. Then he strolled unhurriedly after Susannah, through the ballroom and straight out the door.


      Kyra Landon felt as if someone had just tossed a bucket of ice water over her head.

      The world was full of crazy people. At twenty-two, despite her father’s best efforts to keep her wrapped in cotton batting, even she knew that.

      But she had never before come up against anyone as crazy as the man who’d just strutted past her


      Her head snapped up. Ronald was staring at her, his bushy eyebrows drawn together in a knot. The other people at the table were staring, too. My God, she thought, and her color deepened, if any of them understood Spanish…

      “What on earth did that man say to you?”

      The arts commissioner’s wife leaned forward. “It had to have been something incredible,” she said eagerly. “Just look at the way you’re blushing!”

      “Of course it was something incredible,” the ballet master’s boyfriend simpered. “A man that gorgeous wouldn’t say anything that wasn’t incredible. Isn’t that right, Miss Landon?”

      Kyra cleared her throat. “Do—do any of you speak Spanish?” she said, crossing her fingers in her lap.

      The ballet master sighed. “I studied it in high school, but I don’t remember a thing beyond te amo.

      Everyone laughed. Kyra felt her heart start beating again.

      “Listen, if that guy insulted you…” Ronald’s narrow jaw trembled. “If he did, I’ll-I’ll…”

      “No,” Kyra said quickly. She put her hand lightly on his arm. Ronald was an inch shorter than she was and probably five pounds lighter. The man who’d just pulled that act of unbelievably crude and rude machismo had looked to be the size of a tree; he could probably pick Ronald up with one hand tied behind him. “No,” she said, forcing a smile to her lips, “he, ah, he didn’t insult me at all.”

      Ronald didn’t look convinced. “What’d he say, then?”

      “Ah, he said…he said he hoped I’d tell whoever was in charge that, ah, that the new center is magnificent

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