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sent guilt worming its way beneath her skin. She did the job she was paid to do and liked to think she did it well. So why did she still feel like a trouble-making kid if she hadn’t done anything wrong? But maybe that was the problem. Maybe her guilt wasn’t in something she’d done. Perhaps it laid in all she hadn’t done. To borrow a motto from the armed forces, she wasn’t exactly being all she could be.

      “This assistant position is perfect for you,” Daryl added with a glance over her shoulder at Zach.


      Realization formed a knot in her stomach as Daryl’s words and Zach’s presence sank in. Work … with Zach. How was she supposed to work with him day after day when her skin tingled with anticipation whenever he was near?

      “Don’t you agree, Zach?”

      The firmly worded question told Allison that Zach had already made his disagreement perfectly clear. But his response was as cool and slick as the crystal on the face of the watch he wore as he said, “Of course. Allison will make the perfect partner. I’m looking forward to the start of our professional relationship.”

       Professional relationship.

      As they walked out of Daryl’s office together, Allison didn’t need any special app from Zach’s cutting-edge phone to translate what those words meant. The worst part was she should have seen it coming. She couldn’t have anticipated Daryl extending her contract, but she had worked at Knox long enough to know Zach’s reputation. Work first. Period.

      Yesterday going to dinner as Zach’s girlfriend had seemed like an adventure, one night of pretend before the clock struck midnight. But as with a different fairy tale, it was the kiss that broke the spell—a kiss that changed the moment from a fun adventure to something … more.

      A kiss that had knocked down the protective barriers she’d built since the breakup with Kevin. One that overwhelmed her common sense and made her long to surrender her entire body and soul. And one that Zach regretted just as deeply.

       Remember Plan A …

      In a few weeks, she’d walk away from Knox Security—and Zach—without a look back. Whatever ridiculous hope she’d had that he was different from Kevin had withered at his frigid reaction in front of their boss. She wouldn’t give Zach another thought. Not one …

      “Allison, wait.”

      She turned at the sound of his voice, but he was closer than she thought. She took a stumbling step back to avoid running straight into his chest. He reached out to steady her, his hands bracketing her waist exactly like they had before he kissed her. Heat soaked into her skin from his touch, and Zach must have felt it, too. He snatched his hands back before they could burn.

      “Allie—” He gave his head a quick shake. “Allison.”

      “Might as well call me Ms. Warner,” she muttered.

      He blinked as if the idea had actually crossed his mind. “What?”


      Silence fell between them, tension-filled and rife with could have been and never was. Zach sighed, regret flashing for an instant in his blue eyes. But then he straightened his shoulders, and his business-only mask fell into place. “I’ve been a salesman here for five years and not once has Daryl said I need help with a client. For him to insist on it …” The line etched between Zach’s brows clearly spoke his displeasure with his boss’s change in tactics. He shook his head. “I feel like I’m under a microscope right now, and I can’t do anything that might be seen as losing my head.”

      And why did that make everything so much worse? To know she wasn’t the only one who’d lost her head? It was one thing to feel control slip away during a heated kiss, but to hear him admit it as part of an argument for why that one kiss would never be anything more …

      “Last night was a mistake. The best thing for both of us is to pretend it never happened.”

      Allison felt her face start to heat as anger burned inside her. Zach expected her to keep her mouth shut and go on with business as usual. Just like Kevin had. And while she could no way compare her long-time relationship with Kevin to a single kiss from Zach or his brush-off to Kevin’s betrayal, Allison refused to make things that easy on him.

      “It’s too bad,” she said finally.

      “What is?”

      “That we didn’t know sooner that we’d be working together.”

      “I know. I’m glad we’re seeing this the same way,” he said, his voice grim, but Allison shook her head.

      “I don’t think we do. See, if you’d known we’d be working together, you never would have kissed me. Because now you’re going to forget that kiss ever happened.”

      “And what would you have done?” Zach asked, the words sounding pried from his throat with a rusty crowbar. “Had you known we’d be working together?”

      “Me?” She shrugged. “I still would have kissed you. But I would have tried a lot harder to make sure you couldn’t forget.”

      It was the perfect parting shot, and had life been a movie with Allison in the lead role, she would have gotten away with tossing the line over her shoulder on route to the elevator. But life wasn’t a movie, and she was starting to realize her sense of timing stunk. Instead of the director calling “cut,” the crack of Daryl’s door opening broke the moment, and both Allison and Zach froze. For a split second, her gaze stayed locked with Zach’s before she looked over to their boss framed by the doorway.

      “Good, you’re both still here.” Nothing in their boss’s expression gave any indication he’d picked up on the tension between her and Zach, but Allison’s sigh of relief was short-lived. “Zach, about that cancer benefit—take Allison with you. Your partnership starts tonight.”

       Chapter Four

       It’s only one night.

      Zach repeated the mantra as he handed the valet the keys to his car. The refrain had been playing through his mind from the moment Daryl insisted Zach take Allison along to the gala at the upscale Scottsdale hotel. Lights glowed from inside and out, illuminating the lobby and the well-dressed men and women making their way through the frosted glass doors.

      Just one night. He took a deep breath as he circled to the passenger side of the car and steadfastly ignored his conscience’s biting reminder that he’d used that same justification the night before—a decision that could potentially make tonight and the next few weeks feel like tap dancing through a minefield.

      Juggling a fake girlfriend and temporary assistant all wrapped up in one smart, sassy package would be difficult at any time. But to manage it when his total attention should be focused on winning the Collins account and making his case for the upcoming promotion …

      He could do it. He had to. Zach refused to let this opportunity slip by. He wasn’t going to spend his life looking back at his failures. He’d learned all he needed to know about could-have-beens from his father.

      Nathan Wilder had been a dreamer. But instead of dreaming about a glorious future, his dreams had remained locked in the past. He was the high school golden boy who’d never eclipsed his popularity as the starting quarterback, a grown man whose crowning achievement in life was being named homecoming king his senior year.

       Could have ridden that university football scholarship straight to the pros …

       Could have made a fortune in endorsements.

      And even as a young boy, Zach had understood why those could-have-beens never turned into more than that.

       Could have had it all … but then your mother got pregnant with you …


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