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And Tess was pretty sure it was why Macy seemed to be taking a strong liking to her, as well, which was fine with Tess.

      She thought of her own birth mother. Tess had been in kindergarten, Seth in first grade and Zachary in third when their mother had taken off. The despair that had washed over her all those years ago still had a way of working itself into the pit of her stomach now and then. Though Jacqueline Vega hadn’t died, she’d still left Tess feeling orphaned. Lloyd had done his best to fill the empty space his wife had left, yet Tess had plunged into a state of withdrawal, closing herself off from everyone.

      The comfort she found in caring for her many pets had cushioned her, and she’d reached out to them, wrapping their presence around her like a cloak. She’d taken to nurturing every stray cat and dog, every fallen bird she could get her hands on, somehow needing to reverse her role from child to caregiver. To act as mother to creatures more innocent and helpless than her.

      Lloyd had immediately picked up on what his daughter was doing. With kindness and love, he’d joined Tess in caring for her critters, gradually pulling her from the dark place where her little soul had gone to hide. He called it “getting back her sunshine,” and he’d worked hard to make sure that her emotional needs were properly cared for, as well as those of his two boys.

      And then Raelene had come along, and Tess had felt loved twofold as Rae stepped so naturally into the role of mother. Unable to have kids of her own, Raelene rejoiced in her new family and thanked God on a daily basis—out loud, right in front of Tess and her brothers—for the children he had brought into her life.

      And that was the reason Tess would never, ever abandon Rae. No matter what. Her mother needed her, and she could think of nothing she’d rather do with her time than be there for the woman who’d stood by her and loved her throughout her childhood. No matter how much Rae’s state of mind deteriorated, nothing could ever take away the bond they’d shared. A bond Tess still clung to.

      Shaking her thoughts back to the here and now, Tess readied herself for the 4-H meeting. She dressed in a clean pair of bib overalls and a T-shirt, then combed her damp hair into two braids. Adding a ball cap to her attire, she stepped outside just as she heard Wade’s Ford pull into the driveway.

      When she opened the truck’s passenger door and locked eyes with Wade, it was the first time in as long as she could remember that she regretted not having taken more care with her appearance. She’d had little time for dating, what with looking after her mother. Not to mention the awkwardness she’d striven to avoid by not bringing a boy home. She didn’t want anyone, not even her girlfriends, to witness Rae’s deteriorating condition. Ashamed of her attitude now, which had been somewhat self-centered back then, Tess nevertheless still harbored some of those feelings. Only, presently they were on her mother’s behalf. If Tess were been in Raelene’s shoes, she wouldn’t want strangers staring at her, wondering about her disease.

      And as far as the opposite sex went, a fling with one of her father’s ranch hands when she was nineteen had left Tess wary of repeating the experience. She simply had better things to do with her time. And fussing with hair and makeup wasn’t one of them.

      At least she wasn’t in the disheveled state Wade had caught her in this morning, with her hair barely combed and lack of sleep puffing her eyes. Still, she felt like Cinderella after midnight as she slid onto the seat beside Macy.

      Wade was dressed in a white Western shirt with silver metallic threads woven through the material, and shiny pearl snaps. His freshly pressed jeans looked new, and his dark hair seemed neatly combed beneath a black hat that wasn’t at all battered and worn. His feet were encased, not in his usual scuffed Tony Lamas, but in a highly polished pair of round-toed, black cowboy boots with a riding heel. A whiff of sage-scented cologne floated her way across the truck’s interior.

      “Wow,” Tess said without thinking. “Where are you going all spiffed up?” Did he have a date? Maybe he planned to drop Macy at 4-H and leave. The idea left a strange, sour feeling in the pit of her stomach, though it shouldn’t have. Wade could spend his time any way he wanted.

      “What do you mean—where am I going?” Wade practically growled the words as he put the truck into gear, but a playful look in his eyes diluted the force behind them. “I thought we were picking you up for 4-H.”

      Self-consciously, Tess fingered the bill of her ball cap, which read Have You Hugged Your Cat Today? “Yep. That’s right.” Groping for something to ease her discomfort, she shot him a crooked grin. “I just wasn’t aware it was a formal occasion.”

      “What, this old thing?” he teased, holding out his arms as he looked the front of his shirt up and down. Then he winked, and Tess’s heart did a crazy little flop.

      “Dad,” Macy scolded, giving him a shove. “You know those are new clothes.” She turned smugly toward Tess. “He’s being modest. He doesn’t want to shout the fact that he sold his first saddle today, just one hour—” she held up her forefinger “—after our Web site was up and running.”

      “Really?” Tess tilted her head in pleasant surprise. Her dad carried some of Wade’s leatherwork in the store, but she hadn’t been aware he was making saddles.

      Wade eased off the clutch, focusing on the road ahead as he pulled from the driveway. He glanced at her. “It took me totally by surprise. The guy e-mailed me and it turned out he lives in Deer Creek.” The neighboring town lay ten miles west of Ferguson. “He drove right out and bought the saddle.”

      “Congratulations,” Tess said.

      “Dad got enough for the saddle to get each of us new shirts and jeans,” Macy said. Her voice rose with excitement. “And, to put some money away toward a new barrel horse for me! I might be able to get one this summer after all.”

      “Say…” Tess drew back in exaggerated admiration. “Now, that is something to celebrate.” She smiled at Macy, then addressed Wade. “You realize her project horse has to be registered with the extension office by June 1, don’t you?” Each 4-H member had to declare in writing which horse they planned to use for the year’s events, which included horse shows and gymkhanas.

      The smile he’d worn slipped from Wade’s face, to be replaced by his typical scowl. “I know that.” He stared straight ahead. “I guess she’ll just have to use Amber for another year.”

      “If you’re sure,” Tess said, letting him know that she still had a way around that if he wanted to take it. “She can have more than one project horse, you know.”

      Now he did glance at her. “I’m aware of that, and yes, I’m sure,” he emphasized.

      Tess barely suppressed the urge to stick her tongue out at his profile as he faced the road. “Stubborn,” she muttered.

      “What’s that?” he asked. Macy raised her eyebrows and cast a questioning look from one to the other.

      “Stubborn…stains.” Tess brushed at a nonexistent spot on her clean overalls. “I always spill when I eat ice cream, and it looks like I’m wearing a spoonful of my dessert.” She reached out to give Macy’s arm an affectionate shake. “How about you, kiddo?”

      “Sometimes.” Macy wrinkled her nose.

      “Wanna test ourselves? I’m for a banana split after the meeting if you are. My treat.” She glanced at Wade. “You can even bring your grumpy old dad if you want.”

      Macy giggled. “Okay by me. Dad?”

      “We’ll see.” His scowl darkened, but Tess couldn’t help thinking it was partly an act.

      Why on earth was the man so determined to put up a tough front when anyone could plainly see how devoted he was to his kids? Though she had to admit she’d been taken a little by surprise to discover it, Tess also had to admit that this quality in Wade appealed to her. Not that she’d ever want to go out with him or anything. Not really. Her plate was already full enough. Sure, he was good-looking, but still, she knew she’d be better off avoiding him. A tough, arrogant cowboy, he’d

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