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he might be able to think more clearly. It might stop the wild heat that raced in his blood—something which was becoming harder to ignore by the second.

      Her hands rested on her hips and, just as he had been moments before, he was mesmerised by her long legs, showcased spectacularly by the corset-style costume. Her narrow waist, highlighted by those ridiculous pink feathers.

      ‘What I meant was that you should leave.’ Irritation rang in her voice as she glared across the small room at him.

      And give her a chance to run out on him, just as she’d done the morning after their wedding? He hadn’t even decided what would happen next, how they’d go about living their lives separately. She’d just left and he couldn’t risk her doing that again. His father had made that plain.

      ‘When I leave, it will be with you or not at all and, as I have no wish to be seen on the streets of Paris with a stripper, I suggest you get dressed.’ He stepped into the room, drawn to her, until her sharp words halted him, making him stand firm once more.

      ‘I am not a stripper.’ Shock resonated in her voice and she stepped back from him, as if burnt by his words.

      ‘From what I recall, you are very, how shall I say, rehearsed at taking your clothes off.’ He remembered again their wedding night, the teasing way she’d removed the silk that had covered her body, tossing it carelessly around the suite. ‘Isn’t that what you did on our wedding night?’

      Her lips pursed and she took in a deep breath. The shock and anger of finding out she worked in such a place still roared in his blood. Her claim that nobody knew her real identity was certainly true. It had taken several months to track her down.

      ‘I am a waitress.’ She emphasised the last word vehemently.

      ‘That may be so, but I saw what was going on out there when I came in.’

      ‘What you saw, Kazim, was dancing.’ Her hands pressed heavily against her hips, anger rolling off her in furious waves.

      He frowned and stifled a smile of triumph as he saw a flush of irritation cross her face. He didn’t say anything more, just raised his brows in question.

      ‘Have it your way.’ She shrugged her shoulders and turned her back to him. ‘But if you want me to change so that I look less like a stripper, at least make yourself useful and undo me.’

      At first he could only look at her bare shoulders, her dusky skin so tantalising that he wanted to trail his fingertips across her back. He looked at the seemingly endless hooks which fastened the corset tightly around her body and scrunched his fingers hard into the palms of his hands. What was she trying to do to him?

      ‘It will be much quicker if you do it for me and, as you’ve locked the door, nobody else is going to come in and help me any time soon.’ She stood resolutely with her back to him, impatience in every word she said.

      He sighed, beginning to open the fastenings, his fingers brushing against the warmth of her skin. He gritted his teeth hard against the onslaught of desire that flooded him, angry she could have such an effect on him.

      Kazim thought back to their wedding night. Amber had surprised him that night when he’d told her to return to her family. She hadn’t dissolved into female hysteria and had shown strength she’d kept hidden from him during their short engagement—strength he now saw again.

      ‘What’s wrong with your father?’ Her soft voice rushed him back from the past and he baulked against painful memories as the last of the fastenings on the corset opened, revealing the enticing smoothness of her back. She distracted him from everything at that moment—his reason for being here and the trauma of his childhood.

      He couldn’t take his eyes from her as she clutched the costume against her and hurried behind a screen. Seconds later, the garish outfit was slung over the top of the screen and his mind raced into overdrive, colliding with images from their one night together. It was almost as if she was deliberately distracting him—again.

      What had she been saying? Quickly he gathered his thoughts. ‘He is frail and weak.’ On the outside, at least. He kept the words calm, devoid of emotion, because he didn’t want to allow himself to think. Not even for a moment. He closed his eyes, forcing down the memories he would have to carry for the rest of his life.

      ‘I’m so sorry.’ Her soft words rescued him from thinking as she came out from behind the screen, dressed in jeans, long boots and a chunky knitted jumper. She didn’t look anything like the woman he’d married. Nobody would ever know who she was—a princess on the run. No wonder she had managed to blend in with those around her in this unsavoury part of Paris so successfully.

      ‘That is why you must come back to Barazbin. I am the sole heir.’ He resisted the urge to tell her that their marriage must provide heirs for the country. That was a given fact.

      She shook her head. ‘No, Kazim, that’s never going to happen.’

      He sighed impatiently. ‘I am concerned for our people. There is trouble within our lands and our nomadic tribes are paying a high price. Your absence has brought my ability to rule into doubt. You will come back with me.’ He watched as she pulled on her coat and picked up her bag. It was as if she wasn’t listening. ‘Amber. Do you understand what I’m saying?’

      * * *

      Irritation surged through Amber, instantly replacing the softer emotion she’d felt for Kazim as he’d told her about his father. ‘Oh, I understand, Kazim.’ She reached behind the formidable figure of her husband and unlocked the door, wondering why she hadn’t thought to do that earlier and throw him out. But one look at his face, as their eyes collided, told her why.

      There was something between them, something undeniable. Irritation verged on anger at his demands and she pulled hard at the door. ‘You think you can send me away and order me back at your whim.’

      With lightning speed Kazim turned, pressed his hand against the door, his height towering over her. She looked at the long tanned fingers of his hand and shook her head. ‘Let me out, Kazim, or I will call security.’

      ‘Security? In a place like this?’ An icy edge had crept into his voice and she looked up into eyes so cold, so devoid of emotion, she had to stifle a gasp. ‘I would be interested to see how they handle it, a man and his wife wanting to talk.’

      ‘I don’t feel like your wife, Kazim. It has been ten months since we married and this is the first time I have seen you.’ Did he really think he could play that card on her?

      All the hurt and anger she’d kept inside her since that night bubbled up, giving her the confidence to face the man who had broken her heart and shattered her foolish dreams.

      ‘We married out of duty, Amber, never forget that.’ His calm voice was full of authority, his expression harsh and forbidding. ‘And now my duty is to return to Barazbin—with you.’

      She laughed, a nervous laugh, but a laugh nonetheless. For a moment, confusion raced across his handsome face and her laughter died. She didn’t know that much about the man she’d married, but she did know he commanded authority and didn’t expect anyone to challenge his decisions. As the son of the Sheikh of Barazbin, Kazim didn’t lack any of the power his father possessed. He was powerful, both in business and position, and right now she was left in no doubt of just how much.

      ‘I haven’t got time to discuss this now,’ she said, looking boldly up at him. ‘I need to go home before the manager realises I’m still here and...’ Her words faltered for a moment and, like a hawk, Kazim pounced on it.

      ‘And what, Amber?’ He leant his shoulder casually against the door, folded his arms and looked down at her, making her feel as if she were a petulant child that had just been scolded.

      Amber thought of all the times the manager had tried to force her to dance, insisting her talents were wasted as a waitress. He’d taken every opportunity he could to try and push her into dancing and if she lingered here any longer he would think she

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