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of sensation through him, and he had to lock his knees to keep standing. If he wasn’t careful, this was all going to be over in a hurry.

      Partly to distract her, and partly to distract himself, he slipped two fingers underneath the crotch of her shorts. She was wet and naked under there, the twin sensations loosening his control another notch. With a groan, he shoved her hand away from him, and buried his fingers in her slick heat. She gripped him, the muscles in her thighs tightening, her back flexing. “That feels so good,” she hissed. “Please don’t stop.”

      “Baby, I don’t intend to stop.” He parted her folds with his thumb and began to stroke her, gently at first, then more firmly. His fingers found her G-spot and began to stroke there, as well. She coiled around him, tension building, and began to pant with breathy moans.

      He looked at her. Her head was thrown back, her hair a wild tumble down her back. Her lips, still swollen from his kisses, were parted, her eyes closed, lacy lashes dark against her pale face. She was gorgeous in a way she’d never been before, wild and primal, unbound by inhibition or convention. The sight of her transformed by lust and need fed his own desire.

      He lowered his head to her breast once more and had no sooner taken her in his mouth again before she exploded beneath him. Her muscles gripped him and she bit his shoulder to keep from crying out as she shook with the force of her climax. He threw both arms around her and held her close, rocking her, stroking her back.

      After a while, her breathing slowed, and she eased back against the hammock and looked up at him. “How come sex has never been like this before?” she asked.

      She sounded so astonished, he didn’t know whether to laugh or be angry. “Maybe you haven’t been with the right guy,” he said.

      Her gaze drifted down, to the open front of his shorts, and she smiled. “Now it’s your turn.” She sat up, feet dragging in the sand, and swung the hammock back and forth, bumping against his legs. “This could be interesting.”

      He grasped her hips to still her. “I think you need to take your shorts off.”

      He expected her to object, to protest she couldn’t get naked when they were practically in public, but eyes locked to his, she stripped the shorts off in one movement and dropped them in the sand. “Your turn,” she repeated.

      He discarded shorts and briefs, though he felt a little silly with the breeze blowing across his naked butt. Anyone walking by would have no doubt about what was going on in the shadows when they spotted his pale cheeks glowing in the moonlight.

      She reached around and cupped his bottom. “You have a very nice butt. I’ve noticed it before. Especially when you wear your motorcycle leathers.”

      “Oh, so you’ve been lusting after me before now?” The thought pleased him.

      “I may be a little repressed, but I’m not dead.”

      “I don’t think you’re all that repressed, either.” He leaned forward, nudging the tip of his penis against her opening. He was anxious to be in her now.

      She smiled up at him. “I guess I’m not, am I?” She pushed back with one foot, swinging out of his reach, then poised there, leaning toward him. “Something’s missing here.”

      “Do you mean a condom? I’ve got one in my pocket.” He started to reach down for his shorts, but she stopped him, one hand wrapped around his cock.

      “I was thinking we needed a little more…lubrication.” With that, she bent and took him into her mouth. He let out a low groan and clutched her shoulders as her lips and tongue wrapped around him. She licked and suckled, her touch light, then stronger, keeping him teetering on the edge. He gritted his teeth and dug his fingers into her. Should he hold back, or let himself go?

      She raised her head and through his glazed vision, he was aware of her smiling at him. “I think we’re ready for that condom now.”

      She took the packet from his stiffened fingers and opened it. He almost lost it when she rolled the rubber on him, but somehow maintained control. Then she lay back and wrapped her thighs around him. “Let’s see how this hammock works.”

      Sinking into her was sheer heaven. She tightened around him, hot and wet, and he thrust forward, rocking the hammock. With little effort, they fell into a steady rhythm of thrust and sway, a tantalizing dance in time to the music which throbbed overhead. He closed his eyes and gave himself up to sensation: the pulsing music, the smell of sand and saltwater and sex, the exquisite sensation of Glynna clenching him, holding and releasing him, desire building, as he thrust faster, deeper…

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