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A Regency Baron's Bride: To Catch a Husband... / The Wicked Baron. Sarah Mallory
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Автор произведения Sarah Mallory
Издательство HarperCollins
‘I beg your pardon.’ He looked down. The coffee had slopped on to his empty plate. ‘That was very careless of me.’ He shot a quick, apologetic glance at Kitty. ‘Thankfully there is no harm done. This time.’
She met his eyes fleetingly.
‘You must be careful to make sure it doesn’t happen again.’
Her tone was cool but he was certain she was not talking about the spilling of his drink but of that blazing, explosive kiss they had shared last night. They had agreed the matter was best forgotten but after a night’s reflection Daniel found he did not want to forget it. Kitty’s reaction when he had kissed her convinced him that she was not indifferent to him, but could he be wrong? Was it possible that she had put the matter from her mind? He did not think so. He wanted to talk to her but she gave him no opportunity to do so, staying close to her godmother for the remainder of the morning and ignoring him when he tried to hand her into the carriage, turning instead to Leaconham to perform that duty. After that he could only ride beside the carriage, knowing Kitty was only feet away from him.
‘I trust Lord Harworth will not be too put out with you for your absence last night, sir,’ said Lady Leaconham when they arrived at Portman Square and she took her leave of him. Kitty, he noticed, said nothing, merely standing on the doorstep with her eyes downcast.
‘I sent a messenger to him yesterday evening, to explain the situation.’
‘Ah, of course. And I hope you will escort my son to his rooms—’
‘Dash it all, Mama, I ain’t in need of a nursemaid!’ cried Garston, poking his head out of the carriage window. ‘I am perfectly capable of getting myself home. Drive on, Dawkins!’
He dragged his hat from his fair head and waved it towards the coachman. Daniel nodded to Lady Leaconham.
‘You need not worry, ma’am. I’ll see him home safely.’
Then with a nod of his head he turned his horse and rode off. There would be no tête-à-tête with Miss Kitty Wythenshawe today. Perhaps that was for the best, he thought as he rode out of Portman Square, for the very unsettling idea was taking hold of him that where Miss Wythenshawe was concerned, he was standing on the edge of a precipice.
‘Well, there is no doubt about it,’ declared Lady Leaconham, leading the way into the house, ‘Mr Blackwood is much more gentlemanly than I had at first thought. To be sure, he does not smile a great deal or go out of his way to make himself agreeable, but his stopping at the inn to look after Garston, and escorting us home was uncommon kind!’ Her brows drew together. ‘Do you think he has formed a tendre for you, my love?’
‘F-for me?’ said Kitty, forcing a laugh. ‘What an absurd idea! He never speaks to me but to pick a quarrel!’
‘Well, I am relieved to hear it,’ said her godmother. ‘Pleasant Mr Blackwood may be, but he is nothing compared to Lord Harworth. He is in trade and thus not to be considered at this stage. I think we had best concentrate on securing Bertram’s interest in you. Ah, Meakin, there you are.’ She turned to address her maid who was hurrying down the stairs and she continued in a much weaker voice, ‘I need you to help me to my room. What with the anxiety over my son, and being obliged to remain overnight in a common coaching inn, my poor nerves are in shreds.’
She tottered to the stairs and into the arms of her waiting dresser. Realising that her assistance was not required, Kitty made her way to the servants’ hall. She was far too tense to lie down in her room so she decided that she would take Titan for a walk and enjoy a little solitude in which to examine her own reaction to the previous evening.
The memory of Daniel’s kiss kept jumping into her mind, bringing back that weakness in the knees and the feeling of her bones turning to water. She had no experience of being kissed before, and the thought that these sensations occurred every time a young lady allowed herself to be embraced by a gentleman alarmed her. No wonder anxious parents warned their daughters never to be alone with a man. It was also very daunting to think that not only had she allowed Daniel to kiss her, but she had responded in a most unladylike way. Indeed, she could not deny that she had enjoyed the sensation of being in his arms.
For the rest of the day guilt and shame raged within Kitty. She dare not tell anyone of her transgression, but she was determined that nothing like it should ever happen again. She would make sure in future that she was always suitably chaperoned. She would avoid the company of all men and especially, especially Daniel Blackwood!
Lady Leaconham was laid low with her nerves for a few days following the picnic and Kitty was glad of the excuse to remain indoors, even declining an invitation to drive out with Ann Harworth. However, the following week brought no hint that the events at the Rising Sun were known by more than those closely involved and Kitty was encouraged to hope that no one other than she and Daniel knew of their taking supper together.
She had not seen Daniel since that night and was nervous of meeting him again, so when Lady Leaconham informed her that her sister had invited them to the opera she was reluctant to accept.
‘But, my dear, we must go!’ cried Lady Leaconham. ‘It is so near the end of the Season this may well be our last opportunity to visit the theatre. And Lord Harworth has hired a box for us all.’
‘But I thought you were not a lover of opera, Godmama,’ said Kitty, clutching at one last straw.
‘Well, in general I am not, but this is a new working of Dido, and the review in the Herald says that there is to be a procession with an ostrich and an elephant! There, that will be something to see, will it not, my love?’
‘Yes, it will indeed. Do you know who is to be in Lady Harworth’s party, ma’am?’ Kitty asked, trying to keep her voice casual.
‘Well, Ann will be there, naturally.’ Lady Leaconham gave a little chuckle. ‘I have no doubt the two of you will have your heads together as soon as you meet.’
‘And … and will any gentlemen be present?’
Kitty flushed as Lady Leaconham reacted to her question with a knowing smile.
‘My sister does not say but I have no doubt that Lord Harworth will be escorting us. So we must make sure you are looking your best!’
Kitty did not reply. To ask more questions might make her godmother suspicious. She could only hope that Daniel Blackwood was not musical, and would stay away.
Alas for her hopes, when they arrived at the King’s Theatre, Kitty immediately spotted Daniel amongst the crowd. Catching her eye, he smiled at her but she immediately looked away, pretending she had not seen him. Lord Harworth was in good spirits and genially escorted them to the box, where he insisted upon directing his guests to their seats. His sister, however, immediately objected.
‘I will not allow you to monopolise Kitty,’ she cried. ‘We shall sit together, at the front of the box where we may see everything.’
‘And where you may be seen by all your beaux,’ replied her brother, in high good humour. ‘Very well, if that is what you want! Mama, you and my aunt should sit here, where you will have an excellent view of the stage. Blackwood and I will sit behind you. We can stand if we wish to see more.’
With everything arranged, the ladies made themselves comfortable. Kitty knew Daniel was watching her but she avoided his gaze as she disposed her skirts carefully around her. Unfortunately her nervousness made her drop her fan and it was Daniel who immediately stooped to retrieve it. As he leaned over to return it he said quietly, ‘I think you are avoiding me, Miss Wythenshawe.’
She tried to look at him to make her denial, but her eyes stopped at his mouth. She could not help admiring the beautiful, curving lines of his lips, remembering the feel of them pressed against her own. She found herself growing hot at the memory. A sudden fanfare heralded the start of the performance and gave her the excuse to turn her attention to the stage, but she was all too aware of Daniel’s warm breath on her cheek as he murmured, ‘I hope you will oblige me by taking