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boddhaus adj pleased
boddi vb to drown; to flood
boddio vb to please, to satisfy
boddlon see bodlon
bogail (-eiliau) nmf navel; boss, hub
boglwm (boglymau), boglyn (-nau) nm boss, knob, stud, bud, bubble
bol, bola (boliau) nm belly
bolaid (-eidiau) nm bellyful
bolera vb to gorge, to guzzle; to sponge
bolerwr (-wyr) nm sponge, parasite
bolgi (-gwn) nm gourmand, glutton
bolheulo vb to bask in the sun
bolio vb to belly, to gorge
boliog adj big-bellied, corpulent
boloch nm pain, anxiety, destruction
bolrwth adj gluttonous, greedy
bolrwym adj costive, constipated
bolsothach, bolysothach nm hotchpotch; jargon
bolwst nfm gripes, colic
bollt (-au, -ydd, byllt) nf bolt
bom (-iau) nmf bomb
bomio vb to bomb
bomiwr (-wyr) nm bomber; bomiwr hunanleiddiol suicide bomber
bôn (bonau, bonion) nm bottom; stump; yn y bôn basically
boncath (-od) nm buzzard
bonclust (-iau) nm box on the ear
boncyff (-ion) nm stump, trunk, stock
bondigrybwyll adv forsooth ▶ adj hardly mentionable
bondo nm eaves
bonedd nm gentility, nobility
boneddigaidd adj noble; gentlemanly
boneddigeiddrwydd nm gentlemanliness
boneddiges (-au) nf lady
bonesig nf lady; Miss
bonet (-i) nf bonnet
bonheddig adj noble, gentle, gentlemanly
bonheddwr (-wyr) nm gentleman
bonllef (-au) nf shout
bonllwm adj bare-bottomed; bare-backed
Bonn nf Bonn
bonyn (bonion) nm stump
bord (-ydd, -au) nf table, board
bordhwylio vb to windsurf
bore (-au) nm morning ▶ adj early
boreddydd nm day-break, morning
borefwyd nm breakfast
boreol adj morning
bors nf hernia
bos nf palm of the hand, fist
Bosnia nf Bosnia
bost (-iau) nm boast, brag
bostio vb to boast, to brag
botas, en (-asau) nf boot
botwm (-ymau) nm button
botymog adj buttoned
botymu vb to button
both (-au) nf nave of wheel; boss
bowlio vb to bowl
brac adj free, frank, talkative
bracso vb to wade, to paddle
bracty (-tai) nm malt-house, brewery
brad (-au) nm treason; plot
bradfwriadu vb to plot, to conspire
bradlofrudd (-ion) nm assassin
bradlofruddiaeth (-au) nf assassination
bradlofruddio vb to assassinate
bradwr (-wyr) nm traitor
bradwriaeth (-au) nf treason, treachery
bradwrus adj traitorous, treacherous
bradychu vb to betray
braen adj rotten, corrupt
braenar (-au) nm fallow
braenaru vb to fallow, to pioneer
braenu vb to rot, to putrify
braf adj fine
brag nm malt
bragad nf army, battle; offspring
bragaldian vb to jabber, to gabble, to prate
bragio vb to brag, to boast
bragiwr (-wyr) nm bragger, boaster
bragu vb to malt, to brew
bragwair nm moorland hay, coarse grass
bragwr (-wyr) nm maltster, brewer
braich (breichiau) nf arm; branch, handle; headland
braidd adv rather, somewhat
braint (breintiau) nf privilege
braisg adj gross, thick, large; pregnant
braith adj f of brith
brân (brain) nf crow, rook, raven
bras (breision) adj fat; coarse; rich; luxuriant