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of the road off before I go down to dine.’ She slanted a curious look in Lottie’s direction. ‘Can you dress hair, Lottie?’

      ‘I’ve practised on May and Ruth; they’re the other chambermaids. We do it for each other if and when we get a free moment, which isn’t often. It’s always busy here.’

      ‘We’ll see how good you are then, but I’d like some hot water first.’

      ‘Of course, my lady.’ Lottie bobbed a curtsey. ‘I’ll fetch it right away.’

      In the kitchen Lottie found Mrs Filby and Jezebel talking in loud whispers while Ruth rushed round taking food to the dining room. Mrs Filby turned on Lottie with a low growl. ‘I blame you for this.’

      ‘What have I done now?’ Lottie looked from one to the other in astonishment. It was not uncommon to get the blame for anything that went wrong, but she had been out all day.

      ‘I let you take a day off and you breeze in late on the arm of that lieutenant who brought the injured soldier to the inn,’ Mrs Filby said angrily. ‘I don’t know what went on between you two, but it must have been something that pleased him or you wouldn’t have been singled out by the lady. You’re forgetting your place, Lottie Lane. You are a skivvy, little more than a slavey, so you can forget the airs and graces.’

      ‘But that’s not how it was,’ Lottie protested. ‘I bumped into the lieutenant by chance.’

      ‘So you say.’ Mrs Filby thrust a serving dish into Lottie’s hands. ‘Take this to the dining room and give Ruth a hand. We’re full tonight and rushed off our feet.’

      ‘Yes, rushed off our feet,’ Jezebel repeated, scowling. ‘You can carve the ham when you’ve finished in the dining room, Lottie. I’ve only got one pair of hands.’

      ‘I have to take some hot water to her ladyship. She’s getting ready to come down to dine, and she wants me to do her hair.’

      ‘You’re going to do her hair?’ Mrs Filby and Jezebel exchanged wry glances. ‘I’d like to see that, but she’ll have to wait. Do as I tell you first, and see to the stuck-up bitch when you’ve finished in the dining room.’

      There was little that Lottie could do other than to obey her mistress, and then she had to appease Jezebel by carving the ham, which she did to the best of her ability. It was almost an hour later by the time she was free to take the hot water to Lady Aurelia. She opened the door with an apology on her lips, but was met with a sunny smile as Aurelia sat up and swung her legs over the side of the bed.

      ‘Ah, there you are, Lottie. I seized the opportunity for a quick nap, which is a trick I learned during my husband’s last campaign. I find I can cope with staying up all night as long as I have plenty of naps in the day. You should try it sometime.’ She moved to the washstand. ‘I’ve been looking forward to this. There’s nothing as comforting as dousing one’s hands and face in clean, warm water, unless it’s a long and luxurious bath.’

      Lottie filled the washbowl with the rapidly cooling water. ‘I’m sorry I took so long, my lady, but they are short-handed in the kitchen.’

      Aurelia splashed her face with water and reached for the towel. ‘How thoughtless of me. I shouldn’t have commandeered your services, but I’m very glad I did. You seem to me to be an extraordinary young woman. Do you ever think about leaving this place and making a life for yourself in the outside world?’

      ‘Sometimes I do, my lady.’

      Aurelia moved to the dressing table and sat down, handing a silver-backed brush to Lottie. ‘Let’s see what you can do with my hair.’ She met Lottie’s curious gaze in the fly-spotted mirror. ‘Tell me how you know Farrell. Did you have an assignation with him?’

      Lottie smothered a sigh. Why did everyone jump to the wrong conclusion? ‘No, my lady. It wasn’t like that.’

      ‘Go on. I’ve known Farrell for at least five years, and I’m very fond of him. Moreover, I trust his judgement: if he thinks you are worth his attention, then I must take note. Tell me how you came to meet him.’

      Lottie launched into an explanation as to how she had come to know Lieutenant Gillingham, and how they had met again at the Middlesex Hospital. Aurelia was a good listener and she seemed genuinely interested.

      ‘I’ve finished, my lady,’ Lottie said, fastening the last curl with a hairpin. ‘Is it satisfactory?’

      Aurelia turned her head from side to side, examining her reflection from as many angles as possible. ‘More than satisfactory, Lottie. You have a natural gift for dressing hair. My maid could not have done better.’

      ‘I’m so glad you’re happy with it, my lady.’

      Aurelia twisted round on the stool. ‘You know you’re wasted in a place like this. I’m not certain about nursing as a career, but I would gladly take you on as lady’s maid. You’re quick and intelligent and you’d pick it up easily.’

      ‘I hadn’t even considered that prospect, my lady, but I would like to do something for the brave men who risk their lives to keep us all safe.’

      ‘I applaud your sentiments, but you’ll forgive me if I don’t share your romantic notions of war and the battlefield. It’s a beastly business, Lottie.’

      ‘But you married a soldier, my lady.’

      ‘My family, the de Morgans, have a long military history. My father, being the second son, naturally went into the army, but when his elder brother succumbed to typhus, Papa inherited the earldom. I knew what I was letting myself in for when I married Dashwood, but it’s not the life for everyone.’ She rose from the stool. ‘I like you, Lottie, and I am in dire need of a maidservant. Unfortunately, Merriweather, who has been with me since I was a child, is not in the best of health and I think her days of following the drum are coming to an end. Would you be interested in taking her place?’

      ‘Taking her place, my lady?’ Lottie stared at her in disbelief. ‘Are you offering me the position?’

      Aurelia gave her a long look. ‘Yes, I am. But you needn’t give me an answer at this very moment. Think about it tonight, and if you decide to throw your lot in with me, be ready first thing in the morning.’

      ‘Thank you, my lady.’ Dazed and taken by surprise, Lottie could hardly believe her ears, but Aurelia had picked up her fan and was heading for the door.

      ‘I’ll need you to show me to the dining room, Lottie. I’m hungry and I intend to eat my fill, as I always do before we embark on a campaign.’

      Lottie rushed to open the door for her. ‘Are you planning to accompany your husband, my lady?’

      ‘It goes without saying. I believe an army wife should support her husband, no matter what. We’ll be leaving for the Crimea as soon as the order is given.’ She stepped outside, pausing for a moment to glance over the balustrade. ‘You would travel with me, of course.’

      ‘Do you mean to say that I would be going to the Crimea?’

      Aurelia shot her an amused glance. ‘I thought that was what you wanted.’

      ‘It was – I mean – it is.’

      ‘Then you accept my offer?’

      ‘I do, my lady. Yes, indeed I do.’

      Aurelia clapped her hands, her eyes shining with delight. ‘I am so pleased. I took to you at once, Lottie, and I know we will get on very well together. I’m not a demanding mistress, although I do like to have everything my own way.’ Her cheeks dimpled prettily and her laughter echoed round the gallery, returning again and again in a merry chorus. ‘You will dine with us tonight to celebrate.’

      ‘Oh, no, my lady,’ Lottie protested, horrified at the thought. ‘That wouldn’t do at all. What would Mrs Filby say?’

      ‘Mrs Filby will do as I tell her, and

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