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34 Bindu-saras River made of water-drops 35 Avyakta Unmanifest, unevolved 36 Vrndaraka-samasrita Resort of the eminent 37 Uma-sapatni Having the same husband (i.e. Siva) as Uma (Parvati) 38 Subhrangi Having beautiful limbs (or body) 39 Srimati Beautiful, auspicious, illustrious, etc. 40 Dhavalambara Having a dazzling white garment 41 Akhandala-vana-vasa Having Siva as a forest-dweller (hermit) 42 Khandendu-krta-sekhara Having the crescent moon as a crest 43 Amrtakara-salila Whose water is a mine of nectar 44 Lila-lamghita-parvata Leaping over mountains in sport 45 Virinci-kalasa-vasa Dwelling in the water-pot of Brahma (or Vishnu, or Siva) 46 Triveni Triple-braided (i.e. consisting of the waters of three rivers: Ganges, Yamuna and Sarasvati) 47 Trigunatmika Possessing the three gunas 48 Sangataghaugha-samani Destroying the mass of sins of Sangata 49 Sankha-dundubhi-nisvana Making a noise like a conch-shell and drum 50 Bhiti-hrt Carrying away fear 51 Bhagya-janani Creating happiness 52 Bhinna-brahmanda-darpini Taking pride in the broken egg of Brahma 53 Nandini Happy 54 Sighra-ga Swift-flowing 55 Siddha Perfect, holy 56 Saranya Yielding shelter, help or protection 57 Sasi-sekhara Moon-crested 58 Sankari Belonging to Sankara (Siva) 59 Saphari-purna Full of fish (esp. Cyprinus Saphore – a kind of bright little fish that glistens when darting about in shallow water – or carp) 60 Bharga-murdha-krtalaya Having Bharga’s (Siva’s) head as an abode 61 Bhava-priya Dear to Bhava (Siva) 62 Satya-sandha-priya Dear to the faithful 63 Hamsa-svarupini Embodied in the forms of swans 64 Bhagiratha-suta Daughter of Bhagiratha 65 Ananta Eternal 66 Sarac-candra-nibhanana Resembling the autumn moon 67 Om-kara-rupini Having the appearance of the sacred syllable Om 68 Atula Peerless 69 Krida-kallola-karini Sportively billowing 70 Svarga-sopana-sarani Flowing like a staircase to Heaven 71 Sarva-deva-svarupini Embodied in the pantheon 72 Ambhah-prada Bestowing water 73 Duhkha-hantri Destroying sorrow 74 Santi-santana-karini Bringing about the continuance of peace 75 Daridrya-hantri Destroyer of poverty 76 Siva-da Bestowing happiness 77 Samsara-visa-nasini Destroying the poison of illusion 78 Prayaga-nilaya Having Prayaga (Allahabad) as an abode 79 Sita ‘Furrow’. Name of the eastern branch of the four mythical branches into which the heavenly Ganges is supposed to divide after falling on Mount Meru 80 Tapa-traya-vimocini Releasing from the Three Afflictions 81 Saranagata-dinarta-paritrana Protector of the sick and suffering who come to you for refuge 82 Sumukti-da Giving complete [spiritual] emancipation 83 Siddhi-yoga-nisevita Resorted to (for the acquisition of success or magic powers) 84 Papa-hantri Destroyer of sin 85 Pavanangi Having a pure body 86 Parabrahma-svarupini Embodiment of the Supreme Spirit 87 Puma Full 88 Puratana Ancient 89 Punya Auspicious 90 Punya-da Bestowing merit 91 Punya-vahini Possessing (or producing) merit 92 Pulomajarcita Worshipped by Indrani (wife of Indra) 93 Puta Pure 94 Puta-tribhuvana Purifier of the Three Worlds 95 Japa Muttering, whispering 96 Jangama Moving, alive 97 Jangamadhara Support or substratum of what lives or moves 98 Jala-rupa Consisting of water 99 Jagad-d-hita Friend or benefactor of what lives or moves 100 Jahnu-putri Daughter of Jahnu 101 Jagan-matr Mother of what lives or moves 102

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