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frenzy of white froth – then cascading out into an enormous pool where many tunnels met. Trapped in his vision, Gold-Eye still realised that this was the Main Junction and the great rush of water was filling it. In moments it would begin a mad, headlong rush towards the sea. Along Ten East. The Main Drain.

      “Water!” he shrieked, coming out of the vision. “Flood!”

      Even as he cried out, a rumbling, deep roar vibrated through the tunnel, displaced air rushed past their faces – and the first small wave heralded the smashing waters to come.

      “Back!” shouted Ella. “Back to the ladder!”

      The others had already turned and in a second were running, dancing, slipping back along the tunnel. The sound of the water behind them rose as they ran, and the waves were soon slapping the backs of their knees and then their backs – and still the main flood was building in the surge reservoir they knew as the Main Junction.

      “Up! Up!” Drum called as Gold-Eye arrived panting at the ladder. Holding the steel upright with one hand, he picked Gold-Eye up with the other and practically hurled him through the hole in the ceiling, and Ninde after him.

      Then, with a ferocious, frothing howl, the flood hit.

      Water geysered up the ladder shaft, exploding around Gold-Eye and Ninde as they desperately climbed higher. For a second, both were nearly plucked away, nostrils, mouth and lungs filled with forced water. Then, as quickly as it came, the water disappeared, leaving them coughing and crying on the ladder.

      Ninde’s flashlight still hung on its cord around her wrist. She fumbled her light downward, but it illuminated only the subsiding waters. There was no sign of Ella or Drum.

      “They’re gone,” she sobbed. “Gone.”

      Gold-Eye heard her faintly, the words fuzzy in his water-logged ears. He felt weak, unable to speak, barely capable of holding on. His hands hurt, the knuckles cracking, unable to relax his deathly grip on the worn steel rungs.

      “We shouldn’t have come out,” Ninde sobbed. “I knew it was wrong…”

      “Ninde…” Gold-Eye said, suddenly less worried about himself as her muttering and crying rose in intensity and volume. “Ninde!”

      She stopped in mid breath, choked and broke into a fit of coughing. When it stopped, she seemed calmer. Gold-Eye felt calmer too, as if his state of mind was directly dependent upon hers.

      “Ninde,” he said again. “Can you do… mind-listen… people?”

      “Don’t be stupid,” Ninde said, half coughing the words. “They’re drowned. I can’t hear what dead people think!”

      Gold-Eye said nothing. Ninde coughed a few more times, then said, “I suppose I could try. Not from here, though.”

      “Safe to go down?” asked Gold-Eye. He couldn’t see past Ninde.

      “Yeah,” replied Ninde, shining her flashlight down again. “I guess… I guess it was a quick one. The water looks about w-waist high.”

      “We go then?” asked Gold-Eye. “Look for Ella and Drum?”

      “I suppose,” said Ninde doubtfully. She withdrew her elbows, which had been locked around the rungs. “I guess if it was the other way around, they’d look for us. And Drum is very strong. If they hung on to the ladder for long enough…”

      She started climbing down, Gold-Eye following close behind – and then suddenly stopped, just at the top of the tunnel.

      “What?” asked Gold-Eye anxiously.

      “The last part of the ladder’s missing,” Ninde replied, her voice flat. “It’s just broken off. We’ll have to hang and drop.”

      “Wait!” cried Gold-Eye as Ninde prepared to lower herself from the last rung. “Rope! We use rope!”


Stelo: You want us to what?
Shade: Capture a Winger.
Stelo: How?
Shade: The tethered goat.
Stelo: What?
Shade: It’s an old trick, used for capturing wild carnivores. Tigers, for example. You tether a goat to a stake. When the animal comes to eat the defenceless goat, you kill or capture it.
Stelo: We haven’t got a goat.
Shade: No. It’ll have to be one of your team. Pretending to be hurt or unconscious – to attract a Winger.
Stelo: Great… How do we stop the rest of the flight dropping in?
Shade: Simple. Have the decoy lie somewhere only one can land. In between a fence and a building, perhaps…
Stelo: I don’t like it.
Shade: I need a Winger to examine. Theoretically they’re too heavy to fly. I need to find out how they do… It’s very important to the struggle, Stelo. And the tethered goat will work.
Stelo: Have you used it before?

Shade: Yes.
Stelo: Did it work?
Shade: Oh, yes. Not with a Winger, but we got a Tracker once.
Stelo: Whose team did it?
Shade: No one you know, Stelo. Long before your time, my boy. Now, I want you to get started tomorrow…


      “They’re alive!” said Ninde, sounding very surprised. “I think.”

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