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the most outrageous things to me then flow immediately on to normal conversation? About sex toys? It even manages to distract me momentarily from my current situation.

       ‘What is it doing up my arse, Jeremy?’

       ‘You have a beautiful arse, Alex. I want to explore it more and since I won our bet, tonight I can. And the best thing is, I know I won’t have a single complaint from you.’ As his face explodes into a mischievous grin, I realise I haven’t dared to move an inch since he inserted the invader. The more tense I become, the more I feel it and try to squeeze it out but it just won’t budge. I’m not even game to put my hand anywhere near it. I am aghast, standing staring at him in the reflection.

       ‘The theme of our evening is Marco Polo,’ he states proudly as I maintain my mannequin position. He cannot be serious.

       ‘Just as he discovered undiscovered territories of the world, so am I going to explore and discover the undiscovered territories of your body.’

       Oh god, he is serious and looking quite chuffed with himself.

       ‘Breathe, Alex, and you can move by the way. You will be okay, it will just feel a little strange until your body adjusts to the sensations it creates.’

       ‘Since when did you become such an expert on these things, Jeremy?’ I splutter the words at him.

       ‘Let’s just say I’m well researched.’

       He bends down to pick up my foot. My body jerks in response to the forced movement as he deftly places my knickers back in position. His fingers gently feel the plug, giving it a little push and pull, which makes me gasp out loud before he adjusts my skirt back into a respectable position.

       ‘Perfect. Thanks for wearing a short skirt tonight, very convenient. Are you ready to join the others? We’ve been in here a while now.’

       I stare at him in horror. It hadn’t yet dawned on me that I’d be expected to socialise. His eyes twinkle at the look on my face.

       ‘Or would you prefer to go panty-less?’

       ‘God no!’ I freeze in fear at the thought. His lips twitch at the corners.

       ‘You can be such an arsehole, Jeremy.’

       ‘Oh, sweetheart, believe me I know, no pun intended I’m sure. And to think, the night has only just begun.’

       I look at myself in the mirror and am surprised to see flushed cheeks and a post-orgasm glow on my face instead of the ashen pale face I was expecting due to the invasive plug.

       ‘I can assure you, you look more fantastic now than when we came in here and I have no doubt will continue to improve as we progress into the night.’ I look at him with an eyebrow raised, seeking further explanation.

       ‘I fully intend to remove the butt plug the same way it was inserted, but your orgasms will be far more dramatic outside the confines of a unisex toilet, I can promise you.’

       His words send my cheeks into an even deeper blush and my vulva into warm spasms that ricochet against the butt plug. As I take a careful step toward the door, I notice the invader’s bite has been subdued and is now replaced by a strange tantalising, sexual pull. It surprises me.

       ‘Every time you feel it within you, think of me touching you and what is to come. In the meantime, let’s have a few drinks to loosen you up so you don’t look like you’ve got something stuck up your arse!’

       He gives me a light slap on my backside and I tense causing the invader to assert its position inside me and then my nipples instantly harden at the sensation. Damn! Jeremy notices immediately.

       ‘God, I love your body, AB. It’s as if it talks directly to me.’

       I congratulate myself for having eased back into conversation with my lab partners, Josh and Sally, reasonably successfully for the past half an hour, trying to ignore Jeremy’s winks and grins from the group beside us. I am resigned to the fact that the invader will be there until Jeremy removes it, mostly because I don’t want to touch it. And it doesn’t feel too bad, actually, not too bad at all, but I’ll never admit that to him. We are in the midst of a very animated discussion when suddenly the fucking plug starts to vibrate deep within me, causing me to jerk and throw my drink in the air. It lands all over poor Josh. The feeling is absolutely like nothing I have felt before and is intense. I try to apologise to Josh, but all I can do is hold on to the bar table, resting my head in my hands as I break into a sweat and start panting. Fucking Jeremy better turn this fucking vibrating monster off! The sensation is so strong I can’t even lift my head to throw him a death stare.

       ‘Alex … Jeez … what’s wrong? Are you alright? Here, come and sit down …’

       Sit down? God no. But how can I explain that to your nearest and dearest friends?

       Thankfully, he stops it.

       ‘Really … I’m okay … I’ll be fine,’ I pant out intermittently.

       Jeremy strides coolly over to my side, putting on a great show of looking concerned for my welfare.

       ‘Alex, you don’t look well. Perhaps I should take you home?’

       ‘Yes, perhaps that is a good idea.’ I glare at him furiously for what he just did to me, but for once, I completely agree with him. Another stint like that in public would completely send me over the edge and I’m horrified to find myself in desperate need of his promised orgasm. ‘Let’s go. Now!’ He senses the urgency in my voice and efficiently gathers our belongings. We quickly say our goodbyes and promptly depart.

       At home, he carefully, considerately, tenderly and lovingly deflowers my arsehole. It doesn’t hurt as much as I thought it would. In fact, the more I relax, the more open I am, and that gives Jeremy room to move within me. It feels tighter, strangely more intimate than vaginal sex, as though he is claiming me, owning me completely. The sensations are totally different, more focused on my lower back and my thighs, while my clit and front passage are being teased and caressed to throbbing intensity by Jeremy’s expert fingers. What more can I say? Except that something I feared so much needn’t have caused me any anxiety whatsoever. Jeremy assures me such success can be attributed to the appropriate preparation and planning. As we lie naked in bed together, we are in awe of our bodies and the experience we have just shared together. Absolutely mind blowing. Maybe I shouldn’t have fought him for so long on this issue … Oh well, either way, it was worth the wait.

       ‘Guess what? I have decided what I’m doing my honours thesis on,’ I state proudly as we caress each other with languid strokes.

       ‘Finally! Do share.’

       ‘I’m basing it on the writings of Sabina Spielrein, specifically examining the connection between masochism and the ego in relation to the female form.’

       ‘Wow, AB. Pretty heavy topics. Has it been approved?’

       ‘Yes, just this morning. I’m really excited.’

       ‘Any reason you decided on that in particular?’

       Jeremy looks directly into my eyes, eagerly anticipating my answer.

       Suddenly embarrassed by the look in his eyes and the tone of his question, I attempt to dismiss him by rolling on to my stomach and burying my head in the pillow.

       ‘Alexa? You’re not trying to hide from me, are you?’ He gently

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