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      A considerable part of this Introduction appeared originally as an article in The Princeton Alumni Weekly.


      It had been the practice of our Presidents to send their Messages to Congress and not to read them in person.


A considerable part of this Introduction appeared originally as an article in The Princeton Alumni Weekly.


It had been the practice of our Presidents to send their Messages to Congress and not to read them in person.


The speech was made from a rostrum in the National Cemetery, on the battlefield.


General Victoriano Huerta had, on Feb. 18, deposed President Madero, and had been, on the 20th, elected President by the Mexican Congress. Three days later Madero was assassinated while in the custody of the new government. An army calling themselves Constitutionalists under General Villa, defeated the Mexican Federal forces in May. On August 20, Huerta declined the proposal of the United States government that he should cease to be a candidate for the Presidency.

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