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no longer visible recent blush on the red from crying little face. Tears also ended, leaving only the dried stains. One can only imagine the indescribable joy of the mother, who finally found a brave tourist after a long search.

      * * *

      Very long ago, when John was just a youngster, a rather interesting story which diversified his life happened to him. Though, the end of it was very deplorable for the kid. He was proud of it and talked a lot about it. As for the sake of him a great train was stopped… A lot of people drove by that train: they all were hurrying somewhere, wanted to get home faster, on a business trip, etc., etc. And suddenly the train before reaching the station, stopped abruptly. People, for sure, wondered why, without apparent reason the train stopped… but it would be better that they did not know. But for you, dear reader, I will explain what really happened. In general, the family returned from Koblevo (Ukraine). They had the reserved seats, sittings and side berths. Thousands of people were there. All were at each other. It was clear that there was no vacant seat. John was too tired in the road and wanted to sleep. He was put to the top shelf and tied by a bed sheet. Perhaps, the sheet was not tied tightly enough, or John spun strongly in a dream, but in the end he slipped out of the sheets and fell down, hurt his head very much on the corner of the iron bed. Wild cry stirred up all the nearby cars, blood gushed from the guy’s back of the head. The uncle ran to stop the train, then he led the doctors who gave John the first aid. The train was standing on the spot half an hour. John continued to sob, though, he did not already feel the pain, only very nasty sticky putty on the head – most likely it was a brilliant green. When they arrived in their hometown, the grandfather and grandmother, after a long absence of the family went out to meet the train station… and they were surprised! A little one with rewound head was carried out. When they went to the emergency room to insert sutures, they were said that it was too late. That’s how John got a scar for life. But that Smith did not get upset, but thanked God that he left to John the most precious thing that could be – his life.

      John grew up, grew wiser, and his parents sent him to kindergarten. He was quite sociable and made friends with many children. It seemed that everything was fine… but there were some unpleasant moments. For example, he had a mad kindergarten teacher. Once she brought John to the toilet… and left. There were drafts and kiddy was very frozen and scared. At last teacher hit upon smart enough picking him up from that place. The next day the boy had a cold and fell ill for a long time. John felt the real care only from his relatives.

      Then they sent him to school, one of the best in a town. He studied not good, but not bad. But I do not dareto call him a ham-and-egger. I have for it my own reasons. In the process of studying he thought much, philosophized in his soul and could amuse his classmates and teachers without any problem, breaking the lesson. He had a wonderful sense of humor, which many teachers were lack at (or they did not want to spoil their credibility). Because of this, sometimes he had troubles.

      * * *

      It was like this. In John’s class was a boy Buddy from a wealthy family. He was too spoiled, and everyone was bored with him: he fought, spoiled things, brought may-bugs and mice on lesson, etc. That was, did whatever came to hand. He studied very poor, it’s easier to say that he did not study at all. And he begged for his marks. The only person, whom he did not bully, whom he regarded with some fear, was John. It was unknown why the circumstances were such that, but he treated John more than neutral. And one of the classmates decided to take revenge to dirty dog: he made a photo of the villain in unambiguous positions on the computer, printed and then pasted at all points of the school. Considering the fact that John was quite unlucky, all the arrows turned on him (well, on whom else). His mother was called to the director. John had no alibi and the old folks of the negligent classmate accused Smith in everything. A homeroom teacher refusedto help John. He knew who had done it. For this he could be expelled from school, because it was very strict with such situations.

      The next day some idea cameto John and he hoped that he could be justified! Smith decided to talk one-to-one with those who committed the foregoing action. Guy agreed to plead guilty, and John was justified…

      The long-awaited holiday came to the class. When this dirty dog broke the desk at disco, he was transferred to another school. Hatred for him disappeared, but bad memories were not left by anyone.

      Among his classmates were children of other nationalities, most of them were Jews, but John did not pay any attention to that, because he thought that friends were friends, and you could not choose them, taking into account their skin color, religion they profess, nationality and so on.

      John had problems and he kept them inside. He learned for a long time not to be constrained and contain within themselves some impulses. Because of that he had lost many complex…

      * * *

      That year began for him like a real torment. In addition to many small problems, including financial, quarrels, added another health problem – ingrown toenails on both feet. About a year they doctored themselves, while John was constantly tormented by the pain. But his strength failed him and he had to be operated as he could not attend training on basketball for about six months. They pricked anesthesia and it was not too painful. In the hospital John beganto think more about the meaning of life, read newspapers, did not miss the daily news. In addition, he was trying to catch up with the program in English. Because of laziness, he missed a lot and really wanted to catch up. John was an optimist, he seemed to cope with any problem… I wonder if he will stand the test of time, or whether he will be broken down?..

      In the hospital

      When he was operated on – he lost consciousness for only a small fraction of a minute – he wound up the monster inside. That was, he had felt the monster before, but at that moment he got John an intolerable pain. He gnawed at him inside, twisted and turned the vital organs, guzzled his essence. At first, Smith thought that that monster was a scalpel, but it was far from truth. It seemed that the merciless creature lodged in his heart forever. John twisted, but he endured heroically, as it was at war. Yes, actually it was like the war, a war with himself, with body and soul. During surgery he underwent anesthesia, without problems came out of the operating room and went to his house. John tried to sleep, and, curiously enough, he succeeded.

      At the first sight the darkness appeared in front of him, nor scary, or attrahent. Several tens of minutes, he lay, having closed his eyes. Then before his eyes the pictures began to rush quickly. They randomly swirled in his head, he was nearly sick. Among these pictures he remembered many. “My God, it had happened already to me”, – an idea flashed across his mind. There were situations that had happened to him the last couple of days. The brain seemed to rewind the thoughts, as the tapes, back. Most likely all homosapiens do so. But there were pictures that John had never seen before and did not know what it was. Therefore, they terrified him, like any other person who appeared in his place. The man is afraidof what he does not know. Such is his nature! “But why did it happen to me? – He tormented himself with this question in his sleep. – And in the sleep and in reality I have no peace.” It may be that his mind was doing now the millions and even billions of times more transactions per second. Where did his head obscure humanity beings, things, objects? Perhaps he remembered his previous life. But how did the ancient people take such knowledge? Or did another human mind live on the Earth. So far it is pure conjecture. But they will certainly exist as long as scientists do not come to a common conclusion. But that is unlikely, because people do not like to concede. Perhaps at that moment John contacted directly galaxies with extraterrestrial mind through a multitude of stars and planets. Nobody can answer it except him. And anyway, who said that “extraterrestrial mind” is located on a vast number of star-years away? Maybe the aliens as they like to call the inhabitants of the Earth, has been living with us (or inside us), but we are in our own affairs and worries just do not notice them. These tricky questions will exist as long as someone proves or disproves the hypothesis. Maybe they

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