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and fear raged in her soul.


      – You're a linguist?


      – Yes, why?


      – Do you know elven or Klingon?


      – Why are you asking such questions?


      – Terry and I argued how many languages do you know?

      Terry, smiling, looked at Igor, then at Anastasia. The conversation between Igor and Anastasia attracted the attention of the rest of the crew.


      – And what did you bet on?


      – Yes, remind me what did we bet on?

      Igor hesitated a bit and was lost in thought.


      – In case of my victory, Terry at the end of our mission takes us all to the Asian restaurant «Red Dragon». It’s located in «Babylon». By the way, they serve excellent noodles with teriyaki sauce as well as seafood in ginger marinade.

      Laughing, Igor looked at Terry. The captain was clearly surprised to learn that in case of loss, he takes everyone to the Asian restaurant. The rest of the crew looked at each other and smiled.


      – And if I win, Igor buys a good pair of sneakers for everyone.

      Igor made a surprised face.


      – Really?


      – A bet is a bet.


      – Your disputes are strange. Well, all right, in general, I know 12 languages, including Elven, Krypton, Klingon, and even studied the language of Heptapods.

      Having heard Anastasia’s reply, Igor and Terry both said at the same time.


      – You are buying sneakers.


      – You are buying noodles.

      Igor easily hit Terry on the arm. The response to the light blow was Terry's smile.


      – You are weird.

      Anastasia and all the crew members laughed. Nastya's nervous tension began to subside.


      – Terry, three minutes before the start. Take it easy, you're not on a TV show. You already have a crazy number of views that has exceeded four billion.


      – Rich, we talked with the team and decided to arrange a contest for the audience. Our gift will be a couple of samples brought from another planet. To participate in the contest, you must subscribe to our social and virtual accounts. All the details of the contest are on our pages, we will draw prizes and gifts upon arrival.

      The team drew attention to Terry. With all his looks and actions, he showed that the situation is under control.


      – Great, then tell me how it all ended and who won the piece of stone from another planet. No matter how painful it is to admit, your and Igor’s methods of stabilizing nervous tension do work, the overall crew performance is within the acceptable range.

      The FCC team along with its leader completed the final stages of the prelaunch preparation.


      – How long do we have to sit here? Launch us, I’m longing to explore new planets. We have checked and double-checked everything ten times already.

      Igor raised his thumb up and nodded his head in support of the words spoken by Terry. There was silence on the air, the ship's commander was waiting for a response from Rich.

      Rich Rudiger went to his workplace, where the whole hall and staff of his team were visible as well as the main screens with windows. Behind him stood a large delegation overseeing his work and the actions of his staff. He took a deep breath and spoke in an undertone.


      – May the fun begin! Cybersecurity and security!

      Rich was looking in the direction of Eric Newman and Peter Kushnirenko, who were responsible for internal and external security as well as for the work of all computer systems.


      – The internal network is clean, no cyber-attacks were detected, computing power is at its maximum, I give permission to the start.


      – Security gives permission to start.


      – The Communications Service?

      Sheila Lopez and Chase Silverman were responsible for the communication between the FCC and the «New World».


      – Permission to the start.


      – Health?


      – Astronaut performance is normal, I give permission to start.


      – Report on the readiness and serviceability of the «New World» shuttle.

      Paul Emerson and Renat Belyaev followed the indicators and sensors of the shuttle. Paul looked at Renat. Renat raised his thumb up and with a nod of his head let Paul know about the uninterrupted operation of all shuttle systems.


      – I confirm the readiness and serviceability of the «New World» and give permission to start.


      – The trajectory?

      Vin Disheb and Mary Milbront were responsible for the trajectory at the start of the shuttle.


      – Trajectory is perfect, permission to start.


      – Launch control?

      Evan Rochester and Anton Chistikov were ready to start engine starting operations on Rich's command.


      – Launch control gives permission to start.


      – Communication with the shuttle?


      – Confirm connection.


      – Terry, FCC is ready to start engines, one minute to start.

      Terry addressed to his crew.


      – Roger that. The entire crew, lower the extravehicular visor assembly.

      Excited team members alternately lowered the extravehicular visor assembly.


      – Start the final 30 second countdown. Start launch operations of accelerators.

      Using their touch screens, Evan Rochester and Anton Chistikov performed the engines starting procedure and fuel supply to the combustion chamber of solid boosters. Terry and Igor at the same time were ready to start the auxiliary engines of the shuttle.


      – 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 – start!


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