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and International Relations (Princeton, 2009), 43–44.


      Ibid., 24; on Cobden, Nicholls D. Richard Cobden and the International Peace Congress Movement, 1848–1853, Journal of British Studies, 30:4 (Oct. 1991), 351–376, at 357.


      Ibid., 28 (“On Nonintervention”).


      Ibid., 29.


      Mastellone S. Mazzini and Marx: Thoughts upon Democracy in Europe (London, 2003), 21, 79.


      Brock P. Polish Democrats and English Radicals, 1832–1862, Journal of Modern History, 25:2 (June, 1953), 139–156; ibid., Joseph Cowen and the Polish Exiles, Slavonic and East European Review, 32:78 (Dec. 1953), 52–69; ibid., The Polish Revolutionary Commune in London, SEER, 35:84 (Dec. 1956), 116–128.


      Mastellone S. Mazzini and Marx, 85, 111–112; Claeys G. Mazzini, Kossuth and British radicalism, 1848–1854, Journal of British Studies, 28:3 (July 1989), 232; Weisser H. Chartist Internationalism, 1845–1848, Historical Journal, 14:1 (March 1971), 49–66. О происхождении Мадзини см. Morelli E. L’Inghilterra di Mazzini (Rome, 1965), 85.


      Цитируется по собранию сочинений К. Маркса и Ф. Энгельса, том 8.


      The Great Men of the Exile, Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, Collected Works, vol. 11 [Marx and Engels 1851–1853] (New York), 284.


      Engels F. The Free Trade Congress at Brussels, The Northern Star, 520, Oct. 9 1847.


      Marx K. The defeat of Cobden, Bright and Gibson, New-York Daily Tribune, 4990 (April 17, 1857).


      Eccarius-Marx, 26 Sept. 1864, Founding of the First International, 56.


      Report of International Meeting in St. Martin’s Hall, Sept. 28, 1864, Founding of the First International, 2–7.


      О реакции Мадзини на выступление Оджера см. Collins and Abramsky, 35.


      Marx-Engels, 4 Nov. 1864, Founding of the First International, 368–370.


      Collins and Abramsky. Karl Marx and the British Labour Movement, 37.


      Morelli, Inghilterra, 203.


      Marx-Engels, 11 Sept. 1867, Marx K. and Engels F., Collected Works, vol. 42: Marx and Engels, 1864–1866 (London, 1987), 424.


      Collins and Abramsky, 216.


      Morelli E. Mazzini e la Comune, in: Morelli, Mazzini: Quasi una Biografa (Rome, 1984), 138.


      Mazzini G. The International: addressed to the Working Class, Part 1, Contemporary Review, 20 (June – Nov. 1872), 155–168; см. также Fiumara F. Mazzini e l’Internazionale (Pisa, 1968), 42–43; Willis K. The Introduction and Critical Reception of Marxist thought in Britain, 1850–1900, Historical Journal, 20:2 (June 1977), 417–459, cited at 427.


      Duggan C. Giuseppe Mazzini in Britain and Italy, in: Bayly C. A., Biagini E., eds. Giuseppe Mazzini and the Globalization of Democratic Nationalism, 1830–1920 (OUP, 2008), 187–211, об уменьшении его влияния.


      De Rosen Jerivs A., ed. Mazzini’s Letters (London), “to a German” (Feb. 1861), 168.


      Lord Acton. Nationality (1862), in: The History of Freedom and Other Essays (London, 1909), 298.


      Rae J. Contemporary Socialism, 3rd ed. (London, 1901), IV–V.


      The Beehive, August 17, 1867.


      Suganami H. The Domestic Order Analogy and World Order Proposals (Cambridge, 1989), 17.


      Классическая работа: Koskenniemi M. The Gentle Civiliser of Nations: the Rise and Fall of International Law (Cambridge). О правительственном интернационализме см.: Herren M. Governmental Internationalism and the Beginning of a New World Order in the Late Nineteenth Century, in: Geyer M., Paulmann J., eds. The Mechanics of Internationalism: Culture, Society and Politics from the (Oxford, 2001), 121–145.


      Instructions for the Government of Armies of the United States in the Field, April 24, 1863, [Lieber Code], Section 1: pt. 29; Liber to Ruggles in: Curti M. Francis Lieber on Nationalism, Huntington Library Quarterly, 4:3 (April 1941), 263–292.


      Koskenniemi M. The Gentle Civilizer of Nations: the Rise and Fall of International Law, 1870–1960 (Cambridge, 2001).


      Ibid., ch. 1, также p. 61.


      Hull, Absolute Destruction, 123.


      Koskenniemi M. The Gentle Civilizer of Nations, 47.


      Benveniste E. Civilisation – contribution a l’histoire du mot, Problemes de linguistique generale (Paris, 1966); Pagden A. The “defence of civilization” in eighteenth century social theory, History of the Human Sciences (May 1988), 1:1, 33–45.


      Mill. On Civilization; Koskenniemi. Gentle Civiliser, 54–55.


      Gong G. The Standard of Civilization in International Law (Oxford, 1984). Также: Koskenniemi M. Histories of International Law: Dealing with Eurocentrism, Treaty of Utrecht chair, University of Utrecht, 2011.


      Японский дипломат цит. по Best G. Humanity in Warfare: the Modern History of the International Law of Armed Conficts (London), 141.



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