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his sword]

        BARDOLPH. Corporal Nym, an thou wilt be friends, be friends; an

          thou wilt not, why then be enemies with me too. Prithee put


        NYM. I shall have my eight shillings I won of you at betting?

        PISTOL. A noble shalt thou have, and present pay;

          And liquor likewise will I give to thee,

          And friendship shall combine, and brotherhood.

          I'll live by Nym and Nym shall live by me.

          Is not this just? For I shall sutler be

          Unto the camp, and profits will accrue.

          Give me thy hand.

        NYM. [Sheathing his sword] I shall have my noble?

        PISTOL. In cash most justly paid.

        NYM. [Shaking hands] Well, then, that's the humour of't.

      Re-enter HOSTESS

        HOSTESS. As ever you come of women, come in quickly to Sir


          Ah, poor heart! he is so shak'd of a burning quotidian


          that it is most lamentable to behold. Sweet men, come to him.

        NYM. The King hath run bad humours on the knight; that's the


          of it.

        PISTOL. Nym, thou hast spoke the right;

          His heart is fracted and corroborate.

        NYM. The King is a good king, but it must be as it may; he


          some humours and careers.

        PISTOL. Let us condole the knight; for, lambkins, we will live.


      SCENE II. Southampton. A council-chamber


        BEDFORD. Fore God, his Grace is bold, to trust these traitors.

        EXETER. They shall be apprehended by and by.

        WESTMORELAND. How smooth and even they do bear themselves,

          As if allegiance in their bosoms sat,

          Crowned with faith and constant loyalty!

        BEDFORD. The King hath note of all that they intend,

          By interception which they dream not of.

        EXETER. Nay, but the man that was his bedfellow,

          Whom he hath dull'd and cloy'd with gracious favours-

          That he should, for a foreign purse, so sell

          His sovereign's life to death and treachery!

Trumpets sound. Enter the KING, SCROOP, CAMBRIDGE, GREY, and attendants

        KING HENRY. Now sits the wind fair, and we will aboard.

          My Lord of Cambridge, and my kind Lord of Masham,

          And you, my gentle knight, give me your thoughts.

          Think you not that the pow'rs we bear with us

          Will cut their passage through the force of France,

          Doing the execution and the act

          For which we have in head assembled them?

        SCROOP. No doubt, my liege, if each man do his best.

        KING HENRY. I doubt not that, since we are well persuaded

          We carry not a heart with us from hence

          That grows not in a fair consent with ours;

          Nor leave not one behind that doth not wish

          Success and conquest to attend on us.

        CAMBRIDGE. Never was monarch better fear'd and lov'd

          Than is your Majesty. There's not, I think, a subject

          That sits in heart-grief and uneasines

          Under the sweet shade of your government.

        GREY. True: those that were your father's enemies

          Have steep'd their galls in honey, and do serve you

          With hearts create of duty and of zeal.

        KING HENRY. We therefore have great cause of thankfulness,

          And shall forget the office of our hand

          Sooner than quittance of desert and merit

          According to the weight and worthiness.

        SCROOP. So service shall with steeled sinews toil,

          And labour shall refresh itself with hope,

          To do your Grace incessant services.

        KING HENRY. We judge no less. Uncle of Exeter,

          Enlarge the man committed yesterday

          That rail'd against our person. We consider

          It was excess of wine that set him on;

          And on his more advice we pardon him.

        SCROOP. That's mercy, but too much security.

          Let him be punish'd, sovereign, lest example

          Breed, by his sufferance, more of such a kind.

        KING HENRY. O, let us yet be merciful!

        CAMBRIDGE. So may your Highness, and yet punish too.

        GREY. Sir,

          You show great mercy if you give him life,

          After the taste of much correction.

        KING HENRY. Alas, your too much love and care of me

          Are heavy orisons 'gainst this poor wretch!

          If little faults proceeding on distemper

          Shall not be wink'd at, how shall we stretch our eye

          When capital crimes, chew'd, swallow'd, and digested,

          Appear before us? We'll yet enlarge that man,

          Though Cambridge, Scroop, and Grey, in their dear care

          And tender preservation of our person,

          Would have him punish'd. And now to our French causes:

          Who are the late commissioners?

        CAMBRIDGE. I one, my lord.

          Your Highness bade me ask for it to-day.

        SCROOP. So did you me, my liege.

        GREY. And I, my royal sovereign.

        KING HENRY. Then, Richard Earl of Cambridge, there is yours;

          There yours, Lord Scroop of Masham; and, Sir Knight,

          Grey of Northumberland, this same is yours.

          Read them, and know I know your worthiness.

          My Lord of Westmoreland, and uncle Exeter,

          We will aboard to-night. Why, how

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