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said he, “what a plague you are! Lie down, and go to sleep.”

      Bruno, hearing Lorenzo’s voice, barked again with all the energy that he possessed.

      “Bruno,” said Lorenzo, very sternly, “if you don’t lie down and be still, to-morrow night I’ll tie your mouth up.”

      Murphy was now in the house, and all was still. He had got the silver bowl, and was waiting for Lorenzo to go to bed. Bruno listened attentively, but not hearing any more sounds, ceased to bark. Presently Lorenzo went away from the window back to his bed, and lay down. Bruno watched some time longer, and then he went and lay down too.

      In about half an hour, Murphy began slowly and stealthily to creep out of the house. He walked on tiptoe. For a time he made no noise. He had the bowl in one hand, and his shoes in the other. He had taken off his shoes, so as not to make any noise in walking. Bruno heard him, however, as he was going by, and, starting up, he began to bark again. But Murphy hastened on, and the yard was accordingly soon entirely still. Bruno listened a long time, but, hearing no more noise, he finally lay down again in his corner as before.

      What could be the reason that the poison failed?

      Murphy crept away into the thicket, and so went home to his encampment, wondering why Bruno had not been killed by the poison.

      “I put in poison enough,” said he to himself, “for half a dozen dogs. What could be the reason it did not take effect?”

      When the people of the house came down into the kitchen the next morning, they found that the door was wide open, and the silver bowl was gone.

      What became of the silver bowl will be related in another story. I will only add here that gipsies have various other modes of obtaining money dishonestly besides stealing. One of these modes is by pretending to tell fortunes. Here is a picture of a gipsy endeavoring to persuade an innocent country boy to have his fortune told. She wishes him to give her some money. The boy wears a frock. He is dressed very neatly. He looks as if he were half persuaded to give the gipsy his money. He might, however, just as well throw it away.


      On the night when Lorenzo’s silver bowl was stolen by the gipsy, all the family, except Lorenzo, were asleep, and none of them knew aught about the theft which had been committed until the following morning. Lorenzo got up that morning before any body else in the house, as was his usual custom, and, when he was dressed, he looked out at the window.

      “Ah!” said he, “now I recollect; Bruno is fastened up in his house. I will go the first thing and let him out.”

      Lorenzo discovers the open door.

      So Lorenzo hastened down stairs into the kitchen, in order to go out into the yard. He was surprised, when he got there, to find the kitchen door open.

      “Ah!” said he to himself, “how came this door open? I did not know that any body was up. It must be that Almira is up, and has gone out to get a pail of water.”

      He releases Bruno.

      Lorenzo went out to Bruno’s house, and took down the board by which he had fastened the door. Then he opened the door. The moment that the door was opened Bruno sprang out. He was very glad to be released from his imprisonment. He leaped up about Lorenzo’s knees a little at first, to express his joy, and then ran off, and began smelling about the yard.

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      For the positions of the chair and cradle in the hunter’s cottage, see engraving on page 30.


      Children, in the same way, often complain very strenuously of what their parents and teachers require of them, and resist and contend against it as long as they can; and then, if their parents persevere, they are afterward, when they come to perceive the benefit of it, very grateful.


      The house where Lorenzo lived was a large double house, of a very peculiar form. There is a picture of it on page 58.


For the positions of the chair and cradle in the hunter’s cottage, see engraving on page 30.


Children, in the same way, often complain very strenuously of what their parents and teachers require of them, and resist and contend against it as long as they can; and then, if their parents persevere, they are afterward, when they come to perceive the benefit of it, very grateful.


The house where Lorenzo lived was a large double house, of a very peculiar form. There is a picture of it on page 58.

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