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Your Eare is good.

      Cassius, what Night is this?

        Cassi. A very pleasing Night to honest men

         Cask. Who euer knew the Heauens menace so?

        Cassi. Those that haue knowne the Earth so full of


      For my part, I haue walk'd about the streets,

      Submitting me vnto the perillous Night;

      And thus vnbraced, Caska, as you see,

      Haue bar'd my Bosome to the Thunder-stone:

      And when the crosse blew Lightning seem'd to open

      The Brest of Heauen, I did present my selfe

      Euen in the ayme, and very flash of it

         Cask. But wherefore did you so much tempt the Heauens?

      It is the part of men, to feare and tremble,

      When the most mightie Gods, by tokens send

      Such dreadfull Heraulds, to astonish vs

         Cassi. You are dull, Caska:

      And those sparkes of Life, that should be in a Roman,

      You doe want, or else you vse not.

      You looke pale, and gaze, and put on feare,

      And cast your selfe in wonder,

      To see the strange impatience of the Heauens:

      But if you would consider the true cause,

      Why all these Fires, why all these gliding Ghosts,

      Why Birds and Beasts, from qualitie and kinde,

      Why Old men, Fooles, and Children calculate,

      Why all these things change from their Ordinance,

      Their Natures, and pre-formed Faculties,

      To monstrous qualitie; why you shall finde,

      That Heauen hath infus'd them with these Spirits,

      To make them Instruments of feare, and warning,

      Vnto some monstrous State.

      Now could I (Caska) name to thee a man,

      Most like this dreadfull Night,

      That Thunders, Lightens, opens Graues, and roares,

      As doth the Lyon in the Capitoll:

      A man no mightier then thy selfe, or me,

      In personall action; yet prodigious growne,

      And fearefull, as these strange eruptions are

         Cask. 'Tis Caesar that you meane:

      Is it not, Cassius?

        Cassi. Let it be who it is: for Romans now

      Haue Thewes, and Limbes, like to their Ancestors;

      But woe the while, our Fathers mindes are dead,

      And we are gouern'd with our Mothers spirits,

      Our yoake, and sufferance, shew vs Womanish

         Cask. Indeed, they say, the Senators to morrow

      Meane to establish Caesar as a King:

      And he shall weare his Crowne by Sea, and Land,

      In euery place, saue here in Italy

         Cassi. I know where I will weare this Dagger then;

      Cassius from Bondage will deliuer Cassius:

      Therein, yee Gods, you make the weake most strong;

      Therein, yee Gods, you Tyrants doe defeat.

      Nor Stonie Tower, nor Walls of beaten Brasse,

      Nor ayre-lesse Dungeon, nor strong Linkes of Iron,

      Can be retentiue to the strength of spirit:

      But Life being wearie of these worldly Barres,

      Neuer lacks power to dismisse it selfe.

      If I know this, know all the World besides,

      That part of Tyrannie that I doe beare,

      I can shake off at pleasure.

      Thunder still.

        Cask. So can I:

      So euery Bond-man in his owne hand beares

      The power to cancell his Captiuitie

         Cassi. And why should Cćsar be a Tyrant then?

      Poore man, I know he would not be a Wolfe,

      But that he sees the Romans are but Sheepe:

      He were no Lyon, were not Romans Hindes.

      Those that with haste will make a mightie fire,

      Begin it with weake Strawes. What trash is Rome?

      What Rubbish, and what Offall? when it serues

      For the base matter, to illuminate

      So vile a thing as Caesar. But oh Griefe,

      Where hast thou led me? I (perhaps) speake this

      Before a willing Bond-man: then I know

      My answere must be made. But I am arm'd,

      And dangers are to me indifferent

         Cask. You speake to Caska, and to such a man,

      That is no flearing Tell-tale. Hold, my Hand:

      Be factious for redresse of all these Griefes,

      And I will set this foot of mine as farre,

      As who goes farthest

         Cassi. There's a Bargaine made.

      Now know you, Caska, I haue mou'd already

      Some certaine of the Noblest minded Romans

      To vnder-goe, with me, an Enterprize,

      Of Honorable dangerous consequence;

      And I doe know by this, they stay for me

      In Pompeyes Porch: for now this fearefull Night,

      There is no stirre, or walking in the streetes;

      And the Complexion of the Element

      Is Fauors, like the Worke we haue in hand,

      Most bloodie, fierie, and most terrible.

      Enter Cinna.

        Caska. Stand close a while, for heere comes one in


         Cassi. 'Tis Cinna, I doe know him by his Gate,

      He is a friend. Cinna, where haste you so?

        Cinna. To finde out you: Who's that, Metellus


        Cassi. No, it is Caska, one incorporate

      To our Attempts. Am I not stay'd for, Cinna?

        Cinna. I am glad on't.

      What a fearefull Night is this?

      There's two or three of vs haue seene strange sights

      Cassi. Am I not stay'd for? tell me

         Cinna. Yes, you are. O Cassius,

      If you could but winne the Noble Brutus

      To our party-

        Cassi. Be you content. Good Cinna, take this Paper,

      And looke you lay it in the Pretors Chayre,


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