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the duke, slowly. "That was – to put it delicately, Yorke – thoughtless of you. Will you give me that box, the leather one? Thanks."

      He opened the box and took out a small morocco case, and tossed it across the table.

      "I had an idea you would forget it, and so – ."

      "By Jove, that's pretty!" broke in Yorke.

      He had opened the case and revealed a gold bracelet, not set with diamonds, but of plain though first-rate workmanship. Just the sort of gift which a rather poor young man could manage.

      "I'm glad you like it. I am sure Eleanor will, especially as it comes from you."

      Yorke Auchester colored, and he looked for a moment as if he were about to decline the piece of jewelry; but, checking the words that rose to his lips, he put the case in his pocket.

      "It's a shame to let her think it came from me, but I'll give it to her, because – ." He paused.

      "Because you are too good-natured to disoblige me," said the duke.

      "She'll think I've been committing burglary."

      "In that case she will value the thing all the more highly," retorted the duke. He leaned back and rested his head on his hand.

      "Go out and smoke, Yorke," he said presently.

      Yorke Auchester was accustomed to his cousin's peremptory words. They were just those of a sick man, and had nothing of discourtesy in them.

      "All right," he said. "I'll stroll down to the parade."

      The duke smiled.

      "I expect you will find nothing but a strip of beach," he said. "There are some cigars in that traveling case."

      But Yorke said he had some cigars, and tossing on his hat made his way out into the sunshine.

      For the first few minutes, as he went down the village street and along the narrow quay which stood for parade, his face was unusually grave and thoughtful.

      We suppose by this time the intelligent reader will have formed some opinion respecting Yorke Auchester. At any rate we are not going to try and persuade the reader that the young fellow was an angel. He was no worse, perhaps a shade better, than most young men of his class. He was idle, but then he had never been taught to work, though in the way of sport he would cheerfully undergo any amount of toil, and endure any amount of hardship. He was thoughtless because he had nothing to think about, except the ever recurring problem – how best to kill time; he was extravagant because, never having earned money, he had no idea of its value. But he would share his last five-pound note with a friend, would sit up beside that friend all night and many nights, if he happened to fall sick, and behind his happy-go-lucky manner hid a heart as tender as a woman's, more tender than most women's, perhaps; and, like the antique hero, feared neither man nor beast. Children and dogs loved him at first sight; but, alas! that was perchance because of his handsome face, his bright smile, and his short, light-hearted laugh, for dogs and children have an unfair partiality for cheerful and good-looking people, and too often unwisely judge by appearances. Anyhow, there he was with all his faults, and so we have got to take him.

      He created quite a little sensation as he sauntered along with his hands in his Norfolk jacket, his hat a little on one side, his big L'Arranaga in his mouth; the simple folk of Portmaris had never before seen anything so splendid. But Yorke did not notice them. He was thinking; wondering what his cousin, the duke, would say if he knew how far too well he, Yorke, knew Finetta; wondering whether he hadn't better cut town and marry Eleanor Dallas and her fifty thousand pounds; wondering – .

      "Oh, dash it!" he exclaimed at last, as he felt the crisp check in his pocket. "What's the use of bothering, on such a morning, too!" and he threw off the "pale cast of thought," and began to sing under his breath.

      Then he stopped suddenly, for he saw a young girl sitting on the shingle with her back to the breakwater.

      It was Leslie, sitting as Ralph Duncombe had left her. She held the ring in her hand, her bosom still heaving, her heart troubled, her eyes fixed on vacancy. There was a tear trembling on the long black lashes, and a faint quiver on the parted lips, and Yorke Auchester, as, unseen by her, he stood and looked at her, saw this.

      Now, one of this young man's foibles was the desire, when he saw people in distress or trouble, to help them out of it, or, failing to do that, to at any rate try and cheer them up and console them.

      "That's the pretty girl from over the way," he mused. "Pretty! It's a lovely face, perfectly lovely. Now, what's the matter with her, I wonder? She can't be up to her neck in debt, and – and the rest of it. Got into a scrape, I expect, and somebody – papa or mamma, I suppose – has been bullying her. I should think whoever they are they must find it difficult to worry such an angel as that. She's been crying, or going to cry. Now what an ass of a world this is! If I were to go down to her, and ask her what was the matter, and try and cheer her up, and tell her there wasn't anything in the universe worth crying for, she'd jump up like a young wild-cat, feel herself insulted, scream for her brother or her father, and there'd be a row. And yet where would be the harm? I know this, that if I were sitting there down on my luck, I should like her to come and console me; but that's different, I suppose. Well, as the man said when his mother-in-law tumbled out of the second floor window, it's no business of mine."

      But though he made this philosophical reflection, he still stood and looked at her wistfully, until, afraid that she might turn her head and see him, he went down the beach and sat down on the other side of the breakwater.

      Leslie did not hear him, was quite unconscious of his proximity, did not even notice the perfume of the choice Havana. What was troubling her was the memory of Ralph Duncombe's passionate words and melodramatic promise; and the question, what should she do with the ring? She would have died rather than have put it on her finger; she didn't like – though she wanted – to pitch it in the sea. So she still held it in her soft, hot little palm. Happy ring!

      So these two sat. Presently that peculiar desire which assails everybody who sits on the beach at the sea-side began to assail Yorke. Why it should be so difficult to refrain from flinging stones into the sea it is impossible to say; the clever people have found out most things, or say they have, but this still beats them.

      Yorke, like everybody else, found the desire irresistible. Half unconsciously he took up a stone and shied it at the end pile of the breakwater. He missed it, mechanically took another aim, and hit it, then he absently found a piece of wood – the fragment of some wreck which had gone down outside in the bay, perhaps – and threw that as far as he could into the sullen, angry waves, which rolled and showed their teeth along the sand.

      A minute, perhaps two, afterward, he heard a cry of distress behind him, and looking round saw Leslie standing and gazing seaward, with a troubled, anxious look in her gray eyes.

      Yorke was astounded. What on earth had happened? Had she caught sight of a vessel going down, a boat upset – what?

      She began to run down the beach, her small feet touching the big bowlders with the lightness and confidence of familiarity, and once more she cried out in distress.

      Yorke strode after her, and gained her side.

      "What's the matter?" he shouted above the dull sea roar.

      She turned her face to him with a piteous look of entreaty and alarm.

      "Dick! It's Dick!" she said.

      "Dick! Who – which – where?" he demanded, looking in the direction of her eyes.

      "It's a little dog – there!" she answered, quickly, and pointing. "A little black and tan, don't you see him? Ah, he is so small!"

      "I see him!" said Yorke. "What's he doing out there? And can't he swim?"

      "Yes, oh, yes, but the tide is going out, and he has got too far, and the current is dreadfully strong. Oh, poor, poor Dick! He went out after a piece of wood or something that some one threw."

      Yorke flushed. He felt as guilty and uncomfortable as if he had been detected in an act of killing a human being.

      "See, he cannot make any way! Oh, poor little Dick! I am – so –

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