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did not please the vizier. His daughter had assisted him in forming several plans of great political import, and the conduct of the foreign physician prevented their being carried to a successful issue.

      Thus Agahr, appearing again at the entrance, beckoned with imperative gesture the Persian to join him; and, after a careful inspection of his patient, lying peaceful and unconscious, the physician obeyed.

      Together they paced up and down the deserted marble passage, the Persian’s quick eye never leaving the entrance to the khan’s chamber, while Agahr plied him with eager questions concerning his master’s condition.

      “He will live until his son, the Prince Ahmed, arrives,” said the other, calmly. “He will remain unconscious, but he will live.”

      “And then?” asked the vizier, anxiously.

      “Then I will awaken him. He will have full command of all his faculties for a brief period – and then he will pass away quickly.”

      Agahr sighed.

      “Is it not possible for him to pass away during this stupor?” he enquired.

      “Yes, it is possible,” answered the Persian. “But I believe I can prevent that. My task requires constant vigilance: that is why I dare not leave the Khan’s chamber.”

      “I will send a man to relieve you,” said the vizier. “You can instruct him in his duties and he will be faithful.”

      “No,” returned the Persian.

      An awkward silence followed. Then Agahr stopped suddenly and said:

      “I will be frank with you. The son of Burah Khan is not the rightful heir to the throne of Mekran. It is the exiled Prince Kasam, from whose grandsire Keedar Khan by right of sword wrested all Baluchistan. Therefore it is best for the country that Burah does not live until his son arrives.”

      He paused, wiping the perspiration from his brow and glancing half fearfully into the grave face of the physician. The latter nodded.

      “I understand,” said he.

      Agahr became reassured.

      “The ancestors of Prince Kasam,” he continued, earnestly, “ruled the land for nine generations. Then the Baluchi rebelled and put their Headsman, the fierce Keedar Khan, upon the throne his own brother was forced to vacate. I being at the time vizier, remained Keedar’s vizier, as I have remained vizier to his son. By means of wars and bloodshed these terrible men have for forty-six years dominated all Baluchistan. It is now time, in the interest of justice and humanity, that the rightful heir should recover the throne.”

      “Did not Prince Kasam’s ancestors conquer this country with the aid of the Afghans, and put to death every member of the then reigning family?” asked the Persian.

      “It is a matter of history,” said Agahr, proudly. “They were my ancestors, these bold conquerors, as well as the ancestors of Prince Kasam.”

      “Yet Keedar Khan made you his vizier, and his son retained you?”

      “Yes; and I have been faithful.”

      “But now, it seems to me, you are speaking treason,” said the physician.

      “Not so,” declared the vizier, indignantly. “Burah Khan, by your own showing, is virtually dead at this moment. I owe no allegiance to his son, whom I have never seen.”

      “How is that?” asked the physician, in surprise.

      “When Ahmed was a child his father, fearing a revolt and that his boy might fall by an assassin’s knife, placed him in the Sunnite monastery at Takkatu for safe keeping. There he has remained ever since. It will be necessary for Burah Khan to officially acknowledge him before the chiefs of the Nine Tribes and to appoint him his own successor, before Ahmed can legally occupy the throne. If this is not done the people, who are weary of the rule of these tyrants, will acclaim Kasam as khan.”

      “But Prince Ahmed will arrive, and be acknowledged. Burah Khan has so willed it, and he is still the master.”

      Agahr faced the Persian with an angry frown.

      “Do you refuse to assist us?” he asked, sharply.

      “I refuse to betray the man whose life I have promised to preserve until his son arrives,” declared the physician.

      “But you are a stranger – a Persian.”

      “Even so.”

      “And you expect a reward, or you would not have hastened to Mekran when summoned by the Khan. Name your price. I will double it, and you shall depart this very night.”

      The Persian smiled.

      “Here, and throughout the world,” said he, “the strongest argument is the clink of gold. Listen well, your Excellency. I have promised Burah Khan life for seven days. I shall keep my promise. Then, if the Prince does not come, I can do no more.”

      The vizier started.

      “If the Prince does not come?” he repeated, thoughtfully.

      “To be sure.”

      “Ah! I had not thought of that!” exclaimed the old man.

      “It is the only thing I fear,” said the other, with exasperating coolness; “but I rely upon Dirrag. If you are able to delay him you will doubtless win the throne for Prince Kasam.”

      Before the mocking tones had died away the physician disappeared behind the draperies of the khan’s chamber, and the vizier, controlling his anger and chagrin as best he might, walked away to concoct further plans.

      The woman who brought the Persian his evening meal became confused under his sharp scrutiny and started to retire hurriedly. He arrested her with a stern command, saying:

      “Sit here and taste of the dish you have brought.”

      Then she began to tremble.

      “Master, I dare not!” she wailed.

      “Very well. Take away this food and bring me eggs boiled in the shell.”

      The physician was bending over the couch of the khan when one of the under cooks entered silently with the eggs. The man was of the Brahoe caste, small and wiry. He placed the eggs upon the table and eyed for a time the back of the tall Persian, who seemed intent upon his patient. But a moment later he suddenly straightened, threw back his hand and caught the wrist of the Brahoe in a firm grasp.

      A dagger fell upon the rug, and the man shrank back shuddering before the gleaming eyes of the physician.

      An instant they remained motionless. Then, releasing his prisoner, the physician picked up the dagger, placed it within his own bosom and seated himself quietly at the table. One of the eggs he cast aside; there was a tiny pin-hole through the shell. The others he ate with his usual composure. As he raised a cup of water to his lips the Brahoe, who had watched him with amazement, suddenly stretched out his hand in warning.

      “Wait! it is poisoned,” he whispered. “I will bring you more.”

      Swiftly he glided away and presently returned with a fresh bowl of clear water.

      The physician drank without hesitation.

      “You may go,” said he, setting down the bowl.

      “Master,” said the man, “be warned. You are surrounded by dangers. But you are brave, and I am your servant henceforth. Eat hereafter only the food I bring you.”

      The Persian nodded and gave the Brahoe a smile. Still the man hesitated, peering cautiously about as if suspecting listeners. Finally he came nearer and said in a low voice:

      “I do not know all; your foes are cunning and powerful. But the old khan is not to live the seven days. And life is lightly esteemed in Mekran – if it stands in the way of a purpose. Do not sleep tonight.”

      “I never sleep,” returned the Persian, looking upon the man curiously.

      Indeed, the critical condition of Burah Khan seemed to require his constant attention. The strange physician watched the

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