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looked at him.

      "Let us go now," she said. "See, uncle is getting his things together."

      "Not without the primroses," he said; "Lilian will break her heart if you go without any. Let me get some," and he went up the slope.

      Stella stood in thought. The sudden meeting with the fairy-like creatures, had filled her with strange thoughts. She understood now that rank and money are not all that is wanted for earthly happiness.

      So lost in thought was she that she did not hear the sound of a horse coming along the mossy road, though the animal was coming at a great pace.

      Lord Leycester's ears were freer or quicker however, for he caught the sound and turned round.

      Turned round in time to see a huge bay horse ridden by a tall, thin, dark young man, almost upon the slim form, standing with its back to it.

      With something like an oath on his lips, he dropped the flowers and with one spring stood between her and the horse, and seizing the bridle with both hands threw the beast, with sheer force, on to its haunches.

      The rider had been staring at the river, and was taken by surprise so complete, that, as the horse rose on its legs, he was thrown from the saddle.

      Stella, alarmed by the noise, turned and swerved out of the path. And so they were grouped. Lord Leycester, pale with furious passion, still holding the reins and forcing the horse in an iron grip, and the erstwhile rider lying huddled up on the mossy road.

      He lay still, only for a moment, however; the next he was on his feet and advancing toward Lord Leycester. It was Jasper Adelstone.

      His face was deadly pale, making, by contrast, his small eyes black as coals.

      "What do you mean?" he exclaimed, furiously, and half-unconsciously he raised his whip.

      It was an unlucky gesture, for it was all that was needed to rouse the devil in Lord Leycester's breast.

      With one little irresistible gesture he seized the whip arm and the whip, and flinging the owner to the ground again with one movement, broke the whip, and flung it on the top of him with the other.

      It was all done in a second. With all the will in the world, Stella had no time to interpose before the rash act was accomplished; but now she sprang between them.

      "Lord Leycester," she cried, pale and horror-stricken, as she gazed into his face, white and working with passion; all its beauty gone, and with the mask of a fury in its place. "Lord Leycester!"

      At the sound of her voice – pleading, expostulating, rebuking – a shiver ran through him, his hand fell to his side, and still holding the now plunging and furious horse with a grip of steel, he stood humbly before her.

      Not so Jasper Adelstone. With a slow, sinuous movement he rose and shook himself, and glared at him. Speechless from the sheer breathlessness of furious hate he stood and looked at the tall, velvet-clad figure.

      Stella was the first to break the silence.

      "Oh, my lord!" she said.

      At the sound of her reproachful voice, Lord Leycester's face paled.

      "Forgive me," he said, humbly. "I beg – I crave your forgiveness; but I thought you were in danger, you were – you were!" Then, at the thought, his fiery passion broke out again, and he turned to the silent, white-faced Jasper. "What the devil do you mean by riding in that fashion?"

      Jasper Adelstone's lips moved, and at last speech came.

      "You shall answer for this, Lord Leycester."

      It was the worst word he could have said.

      In an instant all Lord Leycester's repentances fled.

      With a smothered oath on his lips, he advanced toward him.

      "What! Is that all you have to say? Do you know, you miserable wretch, that you nearly rode over this lady – yes, rode over her? Answer for it! Confound you – " and he raised his arm.

      But Stella, all her wits on the qui vive, was in time, and her own arms were wound about his, on which the muscles stood thick and prominent – like iron bands.

      With a gesture he became calm again, and there was a mute prayer for pardon in his eyes as he looked at her.

      "Do not be afraid," he murmured, between his lips; "I will not hurt him. No, no."

      Then he pointed to the horse.

      "Mount, sir, and get out of my sight. Stop!" and the fiery passion broke out again. "No, by Heaven, you shall not, until you have begged the lady's pardon."

      "No, no!" said Stella.

      "But I say 'Yes!'" said Lord Leycester, his eyes blazing. "Is every tailor to ride through the Chase and knock down whom he will? Ask for pardon, sir, or – "

      Jasper stood looking from one to the other.

      "No, no!" said Stella. "It was all an accident. Please, pray do not say another word. Mr. Adelstone, I beg you will go without another word."

      Jasper Adelstone hesitated for a moment.

      "Miss Stella," he said, hoarsely.

      Alas! it was oil on the smoldering fire.

      "Miss Stella!" exclaimed Lord Leycester. "Who gave you the right to address this lady by her Christian name, sir?"

      Jasper bit his lip.

      "Miss Etheridge, you cannot doubt that I am heartily sorry that this unpleasant contretemps should have been caused by my carelessness. I was riding carelessly – "

      "Like an idiot!" broke in Lord Leycester.

      "And did not see you. No harm would have resulted, however, if this man – if Lord Leycester Wyndward had not, with brutal force, thrown me from the saddle. I should have seen you in time, and, as I say, no harm would have been done. All that has occurred is this man – Lord Leycester Wyndward's – fault. Again I beg your pardon."

      And he bent his head before her. But as he did so a malignant gleam shot out of his eyes in the direction of the tall, stalwart figure and white, passionate face.

      "No, no, there is no occasion!" said Stella, trembling. "I do not want you to beg my pardon. It was only an accident. You did not expect to see anyone here – I – I – oh, I wish I had not come."

      Lord Leycester started.

      "Do not say that," he murmured.

      Then aloud:

      "Here is your horse, sir; mount him and go home, and thank your stars the lady has escaped without a broken limb."

      Jasper stood a moment looking at him, then, with another inclination of the head, he slowly mounted the horse.

      Lord Leycester, his passion gone, stood calm and motionless for a moment, then raised his hat with an old-world gesture.

      "Good-day to you, and remember to ride more carefully in future."

      Jasper Adelstone looked down at him with a malignant smile on his thin lips.

      "Good-day, my lord. I shall remember. I am not one to forget. No, I am not one to forget," and striking spurs into the horse, he rode off.


      "Who is 'Lenore,' uncle?"

      It was the evening of the same day – a day never to be forgotten by Stella, a day marked with a white stone in her mental calendar. Never would she be able to look upon a field of primroses, never hear the music of the river running over the weir, without remembering this morning the first she had spent with Lord Leycester.

      It was evening now, and the two – the painter and the girl – were sitting by the open window, looking out into the gloaming, he lost in memory, she going over and over again the incidents of the morning, from the visit of Mr. Jasper Adelstone to his encounter with Lord Leycester.

      It was strange, it was almost phenomenal – for Stella was frankness and candor itself – that she had said nothing of the encounter to her uncle; once or twice she had opened her lips – once

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