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      The Mystery of the Fires


      Mary Louise Gay a girl detective.

      Jane Patterson her chum.

      Mr. Gay, Mrs. Gay her parents.

      Joseph (Freckles) Gay her brother.

      Silky her dog.

      David McCall a young insurance agent, visiting Shady Nook.


      Max Miller

      Norman Wilder

Residents of Shady Nook

      Reeds two adults and five young people.

      Hunters mother and son.

      Partridges four adults.

      Mr. and Mrs. Flick owners of the inn.

      Robinsons two adults and two boys.

      Smiths two adults and three children.

      Mr. and Mrs. Ditmar a young married couple.

      Adams a farmer with three grown-up children.

      Mr. and Mrs. Frazier owners of the Royal Hotel.

      Eberhardt a village storekeeper.


       The Burnt Bungalow

      “For the whole month?”

      Jane Patterson’s eyes sparkled with anticipation as she repeated the invitation her chum had just extended.

      “Yes,” replied Mary Louise Gay. “You see, we never could invite you before, because the bungalow is so small, and there’s just room enough for our own family. But Dad will be out West all of August. He doesn’t expect to be back until Labor Day.”

      “On a case?” inquired Jane, for Mr. Gay was a detective on the police force.

      Mary Louise nodded.

      “Yes. An important one. I almost wish I could go with him – it sounds so thrilling.”

      “Didn’t you have enough excitement and mystery at Dark Cedars?” demanded Jane.

      “I never have enough,” returned the other girl.

      “Well, please don’t dig up anything to spoil our vacation at Shady Nook. Still, I don’t really suppose you could if you tried. The very name implies peace.”

      “It is a peaceful spot,” agreed Mary Louise. “Not a bit like a big summer resort. Just the mountains and the woods and the lovely Hudson River. Only half a dozen bungalows, so that everybody knows everybody else. It’s all so friendly and nice.”

      “Then I shan’t need any fancy clothes – like dance dresses?” Jane’s tone held a faint note of disappointment. She loved outdoor sports, but she was equally fond of parties.

      “You better take a couple along,” replied the other girl. “Across the river from Shady Nook there’s a big modern hotel where we often go for dinners and dances. Everybody wears their best clothes there. But most of the time we eat at Flicks’ Inn. It’s just a bigger bungalow, where they have a dining room for the Shady Nook people and a few boarders. Very nice and informal.”

      Jane jumped up and started down the steps, across the lawn that separated the Gays’ house from the Pattersons’.

      “I must go tell Mother all about it,” she explained, “and begin to get my clothing ready. What time do we start?”

      “Seven o’clock tomorrow morning. Rain or shine.”

      Left alone, Mary Louise opened the screen door and went into her own house. Her father, with his suitcase on the floor beside him, was saying good-bye to her mother and to his young son Joseph, whom everybody called “Freckles.”

      Mr. Gay put his hand upon his daughter’s shoulder and said to his wife:

      “I am counting on Mary Louise to take care of you, dear. After the way she mastered that situation at Dark Cedars, I feel that she is capable of almost anything. Far above and beyond most girls of sixteen!”

      “She is!” agreed Mrs. Gay proudly. “But I am not expecting any trouble at Shady Nook. I’m more worried about what may happen to you before you catch those criminals!”

      “I’ll be all right,” her husband assured her. “Wire for me if you need me – and I’ll come back by airplane.”

      Mrs. Gay nodded, little thinking that she would have to follow his advice before the month was over.

      As soon as he was gone, the other three members of the family returned to the business of packing. Silky, Mary Louise’s little brown spaniel, trotted around after them, sniffing at everything and looking serious and important, as if he were doing most of the work.

      “I’m thankful your father left us the car,” remarked Mrs. Gay, as the suitcases and packages were piled up near the back door. “We’ll need it.”

      “Shady Nook is so far from the Junction,” added Mary Louise. “Yes, we’re lucky. And isn’t it nice I have my license, so you won’t have to drive all the way?”

      “It certainly is,” agreed her mother. “You’ve always been a big help to me, Mary Louise. And so have you, Freckles,” she added to the boy.

      At last everything was finished, in time to allow them all a good sleep before their trip. Shady Nook was almost a day’s journey from Riverside, if they took it in a leisurely manner, driving slowly enough to enjoy the beautiful Hudson River, and stopping at noon at some pleasant inn to eat lunch and rest.

      Jane was on hand early, helping the Gays to stack the luggage in the back seat and on the rack provided at the rear of the car.

      “Don’t forget to leave a corner for Silky!” Freckles reminded the girls, “He can’t be left behind!”

      “As if I could forget him!” returned his sister, picking up the little spaniel and giving him a hug. “Didn’t he save our lives that night we rode in Harry Grant’s car?”

      Jane shuddered; she could never forget the horror of that dark night or the terror she had experienced when the tramp commanded, “Hands up!” Good old Silky, biting a piece out of the thug’s leg while the girls made their escape!

      “Who’s driving first?” she asked, as the last bundle was stored away.

      “I am,” answered Mary Louise. “You and Silky in front with me, and Mother and Freckles in back. We’ll shift places after lunch.”

      It was a lovely clear day, not so hot as it often is in August, and the whole party was in the gayest of spirits. Mary Louise loved to drive, and she did it well. She would not have minded if she had been kept at the wheel all day.

      Nevertheless, after their pleasant lunch at a quaint little tea room on the roadside, she was perfectly willing to exchange places with her mother and enjoy the better opportunity to look at the scenery.

      Jane, however, was more interested in Shady Nook than in the country through which they were passing. She asked innumerable questions.

      “How many bungalows did you say there are, Mary Lou?” she inquired.

      “There were six last year, counting Flicks’ Inn. But I understand that there were two new ones put up this spring.”

      “And are there plenty of young people?”

      “Not so many at the cottages, but it doesn’t matter, because we have just as much fun with the middle-aged people. Everybody swims and paddles and dances and plays tennis. Besides, there are always extra young people boarding at Flicks’ for shorter vacations. And sometimes we meet the people at the Royal Hotel.”

      “Is that where they hold the dances?” inquired Jane. “When we wear our flossy dresses?”

      “Yes. That’s the place. Across the river from Shady Nook.”

      “Tell me some of the people’s names,” urged Jane.

      “Well, next door to us – only it really isn’t next door, because there’s quite a little woods between – is the loveliest cottage at Shady Nook. It was built by a man named Hunter, who was very rich. He bought all the land

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