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      The Expositor's Bible: The Book of Daniel



      The chief Rabbinic Commentaries were those of Rashi († 1105); Abn Ezra († 1167); Kimchi († 1240); Abrabanel († 1507).1

      The chief Patristic Commentary is that by St. Jerome. Fragments are preserved of other Commentaries by Origen, Hippolytus, Ephræm Syrus, Julius Africanus, Theodoret, Athanasius, Basil, Eusebius, Polychronius, etc. (Mai, Script. Vet. Nov. Coll., i.).

      The Scholastic Commentary attributed to St. Thomas Aquinas is spurious.

      The chief Commentaries of the Reformation period are those by: —

      Luther, Auslegung d. Proph. Dan., 1530-46 (Opp. Germ., vi., ed. Walch.)

      Œcolampadius, In Dan. libri duo. Basle, 1530.

      Melancthon, Comm. in Dan. Wittenburg, 1543.

      Calvin, Prælect. in Dan. Geneva, 1563.

      Modern Commentaries are numerous; among them we may mention those by: —

      Newton, Observations upon the Prophecies. London, 1733.

      Bertholdt, Daniel. Erlangen, 1806-8.

      Rosenmüller, Scholia. 1832.

      Hävernick. 1832 and 1838.

      Hengstenberg. 1831.

      There are Commentaries by Von Lengerke, 1835; Maurer, 1838; Hitzig, 1850; Ewald, 1867; Kliefoth, 1868; Keil, 1869; Kranichfeld, 1868; Kamphausen, 1868; Meinhold (Kurzgefasster Kommentar), 1889; Auberlen, 1857; Archdeacon Rose and Prof. J. M. Fuller (Speaker's Commentary), 1876; Rev. H. J. Deane (Bishop Ellicott's Commentary), 1884; Zöckler (Lange's Bibelwerk), 1889; A. A. Bevan (Cambridge), 1893; Meinhold, Beiträge, 1888.

      The latest Commentary which has appeared is that by Hauptpastor Behrmann, in the Handkommentar z. Alten Testament. Göttingen, 1894.

      Discussions in the various Introductions (Einleitungen, etc.) by Bleek, De Wette, Keil, Stähelin, Reuss, Cornely, Dr. S. Davidson, Kleinert, Cornill, König, etc.


      Pseudo-Epiphanius, Opera, ii. 243.

      H. J. Deane, Daniel (Men of the Bible). 1892.


      Winer's Realwörterbuch, Second Edition.

      Delitzsch, in Herzog's Real-Encyclopädie.

      Graf, in Schenkel's Bibel-Lexicon, i. 564.

      Bishop Westcott, in Dr. W. Smith's Bible Dictionary, New Edition. 1893.

      Hamburger, Real-Encyclopädie, ii., s. v. "Geheimlehre," p. 265; s. vv. "Daniel," pp. 223-225; and Heiliges Schriftthum.


      Russel Martineau, Theological Review. 1865.

      Prof. Margoliouth, The Expositor. April 1890.

      Prof. J. M. Fuller, The Expositor, Third Series, vols. i., ii.

      T. K. Cheyne, Encyclopædia Britannica, vi. 803.

      Prof. Sayce, The Higher Criticism and the Monuments. 1894.

      Prof. S. R. Driver, Introduction to the Literature of the Old Testament, pp. 458-483. 1891.

      Prof. S. Leathes, in Book by Book, pp. 241-251.

      C. von Orelli, Alttestamentliche Weissagung, p. 454. Wien, 1882.

      Meinhold, Die Geschichtlichen Hagiographen (Strack and Zöckler, Kurzgefasster Kommentar, 1889).

      Meinhold, Erklärung des Buches Daniels. 1889.


      Dr. Pusey, Daniel the Prophet. 1864.

      T. R. Birks, The Later Visions of Daniel. 1846.

      Ellicott, Horæ Apocalypticæ. 1844.

      Tregelles, Remarks on the Prophetic Visions of Daniel. 1852.

      Hilgenfeld, Die Propheten Ezra u. Daniel. 1863.

      Baxmann, Stud. u. Krit., iii. 489 ff. 1863.

      Desprez, Daniel. 1865.

      Hofmann, Weissagung und Erfüllung, i. 276-316.

      Kuenen, Prophets and Prophecy in Israel, E. Tr. 1877.

      Ewald, Die Propheten des Alten Bundes, iii. 298. 1868.

      Hilgenfeld, Die jüdische Apokalyptic. 1857.

      Lenormant, La Divination chez les Chaldeans. 1875.

      Fabre d'Envieu, Le livre du Prophète Daniel. 1888.

      Hebbelyuck, De auctoritate libr. Danielis. 1887.

      Köhler, Bibl. Geschichte. 1893.


      Babylonian, Persian, and Median inscriptions bearing on the Book of Daniel are given by: —

      Schrader, Keilinschriften und d. A. T., E. Tr., 1885-88; and in Records of the Past. See too Corpus Inscriptionum Semiticarum.

      Sayce, The Higher Criticism, pp. 497-537.

      These inscriptions have been referred to also by Cornill, Nestle, Nöldeke, Lagarde, etc.


      Sketches and fragments of many ancient historians: —

      Josephus, Antiquitates Judaicæ, ll. x., xi., xii.

      The Books of Maccabees.

      Prideaux, Connection of the Old and New Testaments, ed. Oxford. 1828.

      Ewald, Gesch. des Volkes Israel. 1843-50.

      Grätz, Gesch. der Juden, Second Edition. 1863.

      Jost, Gesch. d. Judenthums und seinen Sekten, i. 90-116. Leipzig, 1857.

      Herzfeld, Gesch. des Volkes Israel, ii. 416. 1863.

      Van Oort, Bible for Young People, E. Tr. 1877.

      Kittel, Gesch. d. Hebräer, ii. 1892.

      Schürer, Gesch. d. jüdischen Volkes. Leipzig, 1890.

      Jahn, Hebrew Commonwealth, E. Tr. 1828.

      Droysen, Gesch. d. Hellenismus, ii. 211.

      E. Meyer, Gesch. d. Alterthums, i.


      Delitzsch, Messianische Weissagangen. Leipzig, 1890.

      Riehm, Die Messianische Weissagung. Gotha, 1875.

      Knabenbauer, Comment in Daniel. prophet., Lament., et Baruch. 1891.

      Kuenen, Religion of Israel, E. Tr. 1874.

      Bludau, De Alex. interpe. Danielis indole. 1891.

      Nöldeke, D. Alttest. Literatur. 1868.

      Fraidl, Exegese d. 70 Wochen Daniels. 1883.

      Menken, Die Monarchienbild. 1887.

      Kamphausen, Das Buch Daniel in die neuere Geschichtsforschung. Leipzig, 1893.

      Lennep, De Zeventig Jaarweken van Daniel. Utrecht, 1888.

      Dr. M. Joël, Notizen zum Buche Daniel. Breslau, 1873.

      Derenbourg, Les Mots grecs dans le Livre biblique de Daniel. Mélanges Graux, 1888.

      Cornill, Die Siebzig Jahrwochen Daniels. 1889.

      Wolf, Die Siebzig Wochen Daniels. 1859.

      Sanday, Inspiration (Bampton Lectures). 1894.

      Sayce, Hibbert Lectures. 1887.


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The Commentary which passes as that of Saadia the Gaon is said to be spurious. His genuine Commentary only exists in manuscript.