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rel="nofollow" href="#para_42">§ 42), þius and þiu ar givn, respectivly, as the nom. and voc. sg. to the nom. pl. þiwôs (servants), gen. þiwê– the only forms found. Cp. þiu-magus, servant, § 88a, n. 1.

      Note 4. According to § 78, n. 2, the s of the nom. sg. is dropt in *ans (dat. anza), beam; *hals (halsis), neck; freihals, liberty; *ams (acc. pl. amsans), shoulder: waír, man; *gabaúr (n. pl. gabaúrôs), festiv meal; kaisar, emperor, Cæsar; stiur, steer (Neh. 5, 18; cp. Zs. fda., 37, 319).

      Note 5. wêgs, wave (nom. pl. wêgôs, but dat. pl. wêgim); aiws, time (dat. pl. aiwam, acc. pl. aiwins), show a tendency to merge into the i-decl.

§ 92. The ja-stems ar subject to the rules concerning the contraction of the ji into ei (s. § 44, c and n. 1), according to which there is a distinction between the words with long and those with short stem-syllabls. Further exampls: (a) long-stemd and trisyllabic (polysyllabic): asneis, hired man; andeis, end; ƕaiteis, wheat; sipôneis, disciple; the words in -areis (Kluge, Stammbildung, §§ 8. 9; ahd. gr., § 200): laisareis, teacher; bôkareis, scribe, etc. (b) short stems: niþjis, cuzin; *andastaþjis, adversary.

      Note 1. andeis, end, has in Rom. X, 18 the acc. pl. according to the i-decl.: andins.

      Note 2. Only in the pl. occurs: bêrusjôs, parents (§ 33).

      Note 3. The acc. pl. hlijans (Mk. IX, 5) suggests the nom. sg. *hleis (like freis, § 126, n. 2), tent. Cp. Zimmer, QF., 13, 308.

      Note 4. A nom. pl. silbawiljôs, adj. uzed as sb. (nom. sg. *silba-wiljis, willing of one's self; cp. gawiljis, § 126), occurs in II. Cor. VIII, 3.


§ 93. Paradims. (a) pure a-stems: waúrd, word; haubiþ, hed. (b) wa-stems: triu, tree. (c) ja-stems: kuni, kin.

§ 94. Like waúrd ar declined a very great number of neuter nouns; e. g., blôþ, blôþis, blud; gulþ, gold; juk, yoke; jêr, year; haúrn, horn; sauil, sun; silubr, silver; agis, fear; sáir, sorrow; maúrþr, murder; gras, grasis, grass.

      Exampls of words, like haubiþ, with a final hard sound for a medial soft spirant: dius, diuzis, animal; hatis, hatred; riqis, darkness (§ 78, n. 1); liuhaþ, liuhadis, light; witôþ, law.

      Note 1. According to § 42, the final w of wa-stems becums u after a short vowel. There occur two words of this kind: the paradim triu (weina-triu, vine) and *kniu, kniwis, knee. No change after a long vowel; as, lêw, opportunity; fraiw, seed.

      Note 2. According to § 91, n. 2, it is doutful whether sum words ar m. or n. The reasons givn there permit us to class words like þaúrp, field; maþl, market, with the neuters; doutful ar the forms dal, dale (cp. ON. dalr), lun, ransom (or lûns, cp. § 15, n. 1).

      Note 3. The word guþ, which is neuter in form, is uzed as m. when denoting the Christian God. But the n. pl. guda (heathen) gods (cp. § 74, n. 4), is stil uzed. The inflection of the sg. is uncertain, because only abbreviated forms (§ 1, n. 4) occur: , gþs, gþa. As ful forms ar givn: nom. acc. guþ, gen. guþs, dat. guþa, tho we should expect the gen. gudis, dat. guda. If the gen. form guþs is correct, the word guþ would belong to the consonantal stems (§ 114 et seq.). – In composition guda- and guþa-; s. § 88a, n. 1.

      Note 4. fadrein, 'paternity', in the sense of 'parents', may be uzed as an indeclinabl pl. with the art.: þai fadrein, þans fadrein. But also the regular neuter pl. fadreina occurs in the sense of 'parents'. The fem. fadreins, lineage, family, is a separate word (§ 103). – Cp. J. Schmidt, 'Indog. Neutra', 14.

      Note 5. The gen. of hatis, hatred, occurs onse (in cod. B) as hatis (a consonantal form); Eph. II, 3 (hatizê in A). For a different view, s. Wrede, 'Ostg.', 77. – Concerning the neuters in -is, s. v. Bahder, 'Verbalabstracta', 52 et seq.; Kluge, Stammbild., §§ 84. 145; Brgm., II, 419 et seq. Cp. also § 78, n. 3.

§ 95. Like kuni ar declined both short and long ja-stems; e. g., badi, bed; nati, net; faírguni, mountain; gawi, gaujis, province (§ 42, n. 2); taui, tôjis, deed (§ 26); reiki, reikjis, kingdom; arbi, arbjis, inheritance; galigri, consummation of marriage; gawaúrki, business; garûni, counsel; andwaírþi, presence.

      Note 1. Beside -jis a contracted gen. in -eis (cp. § 44, c; § 92) is found in but a few long and short stems; as, trausteis (nom. trausti, cuvenant); Eph. II, 12; andbahti, office, has the gen. andbahtjis (3 times) beside andbahteis (onse); Lu. I, 23; gawaírþi, peace, has gawaírþjis (6 times), gawaírþeis (3 times); waldufni, power, has waldufneis (Skeir., 49) beside waldufnjis (twice).

1. (b) Ô-Declension

§ 96. The Gothic ô-declension

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