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      Vincent of Beauvais, and other late writers, say that the name of God was found after his death written in gold letters on his heart; but this is only one instance of the way in which legends have been coined to explain titles, the spiritual significance of which was not considered sufficiently wondrous for the vulgar.


Vincent of Beauvais, and other late writers, say that the name of God was found after his death written in gold letters on his heart; but this is only one instance of the way in which legends have been coined to explain titles, the spiritual significance of which was not considered sufficiently wondrous for the vulgar.


Lib. vi. c. 8.


De Bel. Jud. vii. 3.


As S. Ephraem related the incident several times to his monks, and they wrote it down from what he had related, there exist several versions of the story slightly differing from one another.


Hist. Eccl. lib. iii. c. 16.


Moreover it contradicts the positive statements of more reliable authors, that Bridget was the legitimate daughter of Brotseach, the wife of Dubtach.


But this legend is given very differently in another Life, and Cogitosus and the first and fourth Lives do not say anything about it.


As near as can be ascertained; see Lanigan, Eccl. Hist. of Ireland, vol. 1, p. 455.


Pertz, "Mon. Germ." vol. ii. p. 757.


Palgrave's "Normandy and England," vol. i. p. 419.


Palgrave's "Normandy and England," vol. i. p. 158.


'Annales Archeologiques,' Tom. xxiii. p. 232.


"Vie des Saints" Tom. ix. p. 22.


Elmasini 'Hist. Sarac.' Lugd. Batav. 1625, p. 267.


This article is condensed from an article by the Author in the Quarterly Review for October, 1867, on "Portraits of Christ."


For information on this Order, see Jan. 15, S. Alexander.


See for more information on the Iconoclastic heresy the life of S. Tarasius, Feb. 25th.


This very term "Symbol of Christ," as applied to the Holy Eucharist, is indication of heretical views on the Presence.


Gofredus in Vita S. Bernardi.


Eugenius III.

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