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      About this time, as it appears, was published "The Group" – a satirical dramatic piece in two Acts, in which many of the leading tory characters of the day were humorously introduced. A strong political influence has been ascribed to this and other satirical poems from her pen. It is in allusion to this that Mrs. Adams speaks of "a Rapatio soul" – Governor Hutchinson being thus designated. The following description is applied to him:

      "But mark the traitor – his high crime glossed o'er

      Conceals the tender feelings of the man,

      The social ties that bind the human heart;

      He strikes a bargain with his country's foes,

      And joins to wrap America in flames.

      Yet with feigned pity, and Satanic grin,

      As if more deep to fix the keen insult,

      Or make his life a farce still more complete,

      He sends a groan across the broad Atlantic,

      And with a phiz of crocodilian stamp,

      Can weep, and wreathe, still hoping to deceive;

      He cries – the gathering clouds hang thick about her,

      But laughs within; then sobs —

      Alas, my country!"

Act II. Scene I.

      With the classical allusions then common, she mentions

      " – India's poisonous weed,

      Long since a sacrifice to Thetis made,

      A rich regale. Now all the watery dames

      May snuff souchong, and sip in flowing bowls

      The higher flavored choice Hysonian stream,

      And leave their nectar to old Homer's gods."

      It may be imagined that such bold and keen satire would produce a marked sensation, and be severely felt by the persons against whom it was aimed. The author herself seems to have had some misgivings, fearing lest her patriotic feelings should have carried her too far. Mrs. Adams thus re-assures her:

      "I observe my friend is laboring under apprehension, lest the severity with which a certain Group was drawn, was incompatible with that benevolence which ought always to be predominant in a female character. Though 'an eagle's talon asks an eagle's eye,' and satire in the hands of some is a very dangerous weapon; yet when it is so happily blended with benevolence, and is awakened only by the love of virtue and abhorrence of vice – when truth is unavoidably preserved, and ridiculous and vicious actions are alone the subject, it is so far from blamable that it is certainly meritorious."

      Mrs. Warren employed much of her leisure with her pen. She kept a faithful record of occurrences during the dark days of her country's affliction, through times that engaged the attention both of the philosopher and the politician. She did this with the design of transmitting to posterity a faithful portraiture of the most distinguished characters of the day.

      Her intention was fulfilled in her history of the war. Her poetical compositions, afterwards collected and dedicated to General Washington, were the amusement of solitude, when many of her friends were actively engaged in the field or cabinet. Some of them contain allusions to bodily sufferings, her health being far from robust. The tragedies, "The Sack of Rome," and "The Ladies of Castile," are more remarkable for patriotic sentiment than dramatic merit. The verse is smooth and flowing, and the language poetical, but often wanting in the simplicity essential to true pathos. An interest deeper than that of the story is awakened by the application of many passages to the circumstances of the times. The truth of the following lines must have been dolefully felt:

      "'Mongst all the ills that hover o'er mankind,

      Unfeigned, or fabled in the poet's page,

      The blackest scroll the sister furies hold

      For red-eyed wrath, or malice to fill up,

      Is incomplete to sum up human woe;

      Till civil discord, still a darker fiend,

      Stalks forth unmasked from his infernal den,

      With mad Alecto's torch in his right hand,

      To light the flame, and rend the soul of nature."

      Both these tragedies were read with interest, and much praised in after years. Alexander Hamilton writes to the author, July 1st, 1791:

      "It is certain that in the 'Ladies of Castile,' the sex will find a new occasion of triumph. Not being a poet myself, I am in the less danger of feeling mortification at the idea that in the career of dramatic composition at least, female genius in the United States has out-stripped the male."

      The criticism of John Adams – who writes from London, Dec. 25th, 1787, is equally favorable.

      "The 'Sack of Rome' has so much spirit in itself, that for the honor of America, I should wish to see it acted on the stage in London, before crowded audiences. The dedication of it does so much honor to me, that I should be proud to see it in print, even if it could not be acted. It requires almost as much interest and intrigue to get a play acted, as to be a member of Parliament."

      At another time he says of her Poems: "The Poems are not all of them new to me, by whom some of them have been read and esteemed some years ago. However foolishly some European writers may have sported with American reputation for genius, literature and science, I know not where they will find a female poet of their own to prefer to the ingenious author of these compositions."13 "A Poetical Reverie" was published before the breaking out of the war. It gives a poetical view of the future greatness of America, and the punishment of her oppressors.

      "The Squabble of the Sea Nymphs," celebrates the pouring of the tea into the sea, and is something in the Rape of the Lock style. The lines to a friend, who on the American determination to suspend all commerce with Great Britain, except for the necessaries of life, requested a poetical list of the articles the ladies might comprise under that head, have some fine satire. The reader will not object to the following specimen:

      "An inventory clear

      Of all she needs, Lamira offers here;

      Nor does she fear a rigid Cato's frown

      When she lays by the rich embroidered gown,

      And modestly compounds for just enough, —

      Perhaps some dozens of more sightly stuff:

      With lawns and lutestrings – blond and mechlin laces,

      Fringes and jewels, fans and tweezer cases;

      Gay cloaks and hats, of every shape and size,

      Scarfs, cardinals, and ribbons of all dyes;

      With ruffles stamped, and aprons of tambour,

      Tippets and handkerchiefs, at least three score:

      With finest muslins that fair India boasts,

      And the choice herbage from Chinesan coasts;

      (But while the fragrant hyson leaf regales,

      Who'll wear the home-spun produce of the vales?

      For if 'twould save the nation from the curse

      Of standing troups – or name a plague still worse,

      Few can this choice delicious draught give up,

      Though all Medea's poisons fill the cup.)

      Add feathers, furs, rich satins, and ducapes,

      And head-dresses in pyramidal shapes;14

      Side-boards of plate, and porcelain profuse,

      With fifty dittos that the ladies use;

      If my poor treacherous memory has missed,

      Ingenious T – l shall complete the list.

      So weak

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MS, Letter to Mrs. Warren, Dec, 36th, 1790,


It is mentioned in Sanderson's Biography of the Signers of Independence, that the Whig ladies of Philadelphia having adopted the tory fashion of high head-dresses, after the evacuation of the city by the British, some Whigs dressed a negress in the full costume of a loyalist lady, took her to a place of resort, where the fashionables displayed their towering top-knots, seating her in a conspicuous place, – and afterwards paraded her through the city. Nothing, however, could stop the progress of the fashion, which for a season became general in America.