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the last five or six years I have practically been an abstainer, and my health has greatly improved in consequence. I am now eighty-three years of age.


Read September 28th, 1886, and reprinted from the “Transactions of the Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists’ Society,” Vol. iv.


It is noticeable how they both do the same thing, in a precisely similar way, at the same time, and this applies even to the attitudes they assume.


April, 1887. They have just been again weighed, after their winter’s hybernation; and their weight now is, respectively, 2 lbs. 7½ ozs. and 2 lbs. 2½ ozs. Thus each of them has lost 2½ ozs. in the seven months of quietude.


Read November 29th, 1892, and reprinted from the “Transactions of the Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists’ Society,” Vol. v.

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