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origin, or attribute to the effects of degeneration the prodigious differences found in their nature from that of every other animal.

      Thus, of ten genera, and four detached species, to which we have endeavoured to reduce all the animals peculiar to the New World, there are only two, the genus of the jaguars, ocelots, &c. and the species of the pecari, with their varieties, which can with any foundation be connected with the animals of the Old Continent. The jaguars and ocelots may be regarded as a species of the leopard or panther, and the pecari as a species of hog. After these are five genera and one detached species, namely the species of the lama, and the genera of sapajous, sagoins, stinkards, agoutis, and ant-eaters, which may be compared, though in a very distant and equivocal manner, with the camel, monkey, pole-cat, hare, and scaly lizards. There then remain four genera and two detached species, namely, the opossums, the coatis, the armadillos, the sloths, the tapir, and the cabiai, which can neither be referred nor compared to any genera or species of the Old Continent. This sufficiently proves that the origin of these animals, peculiar to the New world, cannot be attributed merely to degeneration. However, great and powerful the effects of degeneration may be supposed, we cannot, with any appearance of reason, persuade ourselves that these animals were originally the same as those of the Old Continent. It is more reasonable to imagine that the two continents were formerly joined, and that those species which inhabited the New World, because they found the climate and soil most suitable to their nature, were separated from the rest by the irruption of the sea when it divided Asia from America. This is a natural cause, and similar ones might be conceived which would produce the same effect; for example, if the sea should make an irruption from the eastern to the western side of Asia, and thus separate the southern parts of Africa and Asia from the rest of the Continent, all the animals peculiar to the southern countries, such as the elephant, the rhinoceros, the giraffe, the zebra, the orang-outang, &c. would be, relatively to the others, the same as those of South America at present are; they would be entirely separated from the animals of the temperate countries, and could not be referred to an origin common to any of the species or genera which inhabit these countries, on the sole foundation that some imperfect resemblances, or distant relations, might be observed between them.

      We must, therefore, to find out the origin of these animals, turn back to the time when the two continents were not separated, and refer to the first changes which happened on the surface of the globe. We must, at the same time, place before our view the two hundred species of quadrupeds as constituting thirty-eight families; and although this is not the state of nature, such as it is come down to us, and as we have represented it, but, on the contrary, a much more ancient state, which we can only attain by inductions and relations nearly as fugitive as time, which seems to have effaced their traces, we have endeavoured, by facts and monuments still existing, to return to those first ages of nature, and to exhibit those epochas which appear to be most clearly indicated.



      ALL the powers of Nature with which we are acquainted, may be reduced to two primitive forces; the one which causes weight, and that which produces heat. The force of impulsion is subordinate to them; it depends on the first for its particular, and on the latter for its general effects. As impulsion cannot exercise itself but by the means of a spring, and the spring only acts by virtue of the force which approximates the remote parts, it is clear, that to perform its power it has need of the concurrence of attraction: for if matter ceased to attract, if bodies lost their coherence, every spring would be destroyed, every motion intercepted, and every impulsion void; since motion cannot transmit itself from one body to another but by elasticity, it is demonstrable, that one body absolutely hard and inflexible, would be absolutely immoveable, and entirely incapable of receiving the action of another. Attraction being a general and permanent effect, impulsion, which in most bodies is neither constant nor fixed, depends on it as a particular effect; for, if all impulsion were destroyed, attraction would still equally subsist and act; it is, therefore, this essential difference which makes impulsion subordinate to attraction in all inanimate and purely passive matter.

      But this impulsion depends still more immediately, and generally, on the power which produces heat; for it is principally by the means of heat, that impulsion penetrates organized bodies; it is by heat that they are formed, grow, and develope themselves. We may refer to attraction alone all the effects of inanimate matter; and in this same power of attraction, joined to that of heat, every phenomena of live matter. By live matter I understand not only every thing that lives, or vegetates, but also every living organic molecule, dispersed in the waste or remains of organized bodies. In it I comprehend also light, heat, fire, and all matter which appears to be active in itself. Now this live matter always tends from the centre to the circumference, whereas brute or inanimate matter tends from the circumference to the centre. It is an expansive power which animates the live matter, and it is an attractive force to which the inanimate matter is obedient. Although the directions of these two powers be diametrically opposite, yet they balance themselves without ever being destroyed, and from the combination of these two powers equally active, all the phenomena of the universe result.

      But it may be said, by reducing all the powers of Nature to attraction and expansion, without giving the cause of either, and by rendering impulsion, (which is the only force whose cause is known and demonstrated to our senses) subordinate to both, do you not abandon a clear idea, and substitute two obscure hypotheses in its place? To this I answer, that as we know nothing except by comparison, we shall never have an idea of what general effect will produce, because such an effect belonging to every thing, we should be unable to compare it to any, and consequently there is no hope of ever knowing the cause or reason why all matter attracts, although we are sensible such is the fact. If, on the contrary, the effect were particular, like that of the attraction of the loadstone and steel, we might expect to discover the cause, because it might be compared to other particular effects. To ask why matter is extended, heavy, and impenetrable, are ill-conceived propositions, and merit not an answer; it is the same with respect to every particular property, when it is essential to the subject, and we might as well be interrogated why red is red? The philosopher becomes a child when he puts such questions; and however much they may be forgiven to the last, the former ought to exclude them from his thoughts.

      It is sufficient that the forces of attraction and expansion are two general, real, and fixed effects, for us to receive them for causes of particular ones; and impulsion is one of these effects, which we must not look upon as a general cause, known and demonstrated by our senses, since we have proved that this force of impulsion cannot exist nor act, but by the means of attraction, which does not fall upon our senses. Nothing is more evident, nay, certain, than the communication of motion by impulsion; it is sufficient for one body to strike another to produce this effect. But even in this sense, is not the cause of attraction most evident, and that motion, in all cases, belongs more to attraction than impulsion?

      The first reduction being made, it might perhaps be possible to adduce a second, and to bring back the power even of expansion to that of attraction, insomuch that all the forces of matter would depend solely on a primitive one; at least this idea seems to be worthy of that sublime simplicity with which nature works. Now cannot we conceive that this attraction changes into repulsion every time that bodies approach near enough to rub together, or strike one against the other? Impenetrability, which we must not regard as a force, but as a resistance essential to matter, not permitting two bodies to occupy the same place, what must happen when two molecules, which attract the more powerfully as they approach nearer, suddenly strike against each other? Does not then this invincible resistance of impenetrability, become an active force, which, in the contact, drives the bodies with as much velocity, as they had acquired at the moment they touched? And from hence the expansive force will not be a particular force opposed to the attractive one, but an effect derived therefrom. I own, that we must suppose a perfect spring in every molecule, and in every atom of matter, to have a clear conception how this change of attraction into repulsion is performed. But even this is sufficiently indicated by facts; the more matter is attenuated, the more it takes a spring. Earth and water, which are the most gross aggregates, have a less spring than air; and fire, which is the most subtle of all the elements, is also that which has the most expansive force. The smallest molecules of matter, the smallest atoms with which we are acquainted are those of light, and we

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