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      "Rules and Regulations of the Wimbledon Village Club," p. 1.


      "Hints on the Formation of Local Museums, by the Treasurer of the Wimbledon Museum Committ


"Rules and Regulations of the Wimbledon Village Club," p. 1.


"Hints on the Formation of Local Museums, by the Treasurer of the Wimbledon Museum Committee," p. 27.


Works referred to, and extracted from, in the following Lectures: – Besides those mentioned in the Lectures, the following works are alluded to, or quoted; – Beattie's Essays; Burnet's History of Music; Hogart's Musical History; Edwards's History of the Opera; The Harmonicon; Schlegel's Life of Handel; Holmes' Life of Mozart; Moschele's Life of Beethoven.


See Note, p. 91.

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