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      The Alden Catalogue of Choice Books, May 30, 1889

      Co-operative Publishing

      The Alden Publishing Co. was organized June 1888 with a view, on the part of its promoters, to consolidating and strengthening various interests which had previously been allied, but independent, and of introducing to the fullest practicable extent the principle of co-operation for the benefit of buyers of books. The amount of capital paid up Feb. 4, 1889, was $61,167.00. A dividend of five per cent. was paid Dec. 20, 1888. The business is recently growing very rapidly, and the prospects are extremely encouraging.

The Alden Publishing Co

      The Company was incorporated June, 1888; authorized capital $500,000: shares $1.00 each. The capital stock of the Company is sold at par for cash, in lots of not less than five shares, and is NOT assessible, and there is absolutely no liability to stockholders whose shares are fully paid for, under any circumstances, other than the liability for salaries of employes, which is common to, we believe, all of the States, and is practically no liability, salaries being paid weekly or fortnightly.

      All dividends will be paid in cash, but each Stockholder will be allowed the privilege of taking instead of cash any books sold by the Company to the amount of the dividend, at special reduced prices to stockholders, which makes the dividend equivalent to about 16 per cent. Prices to Stockholders are the regular prices reduced by the amount indicated by the figures in parenthesis immediately following the Catalogue price.

      Stockholders have the privilege of purchasing at any time any books sold by the Company at a small advance upon the cost, this privilege being limited in amount to a sum not exceeding, in any one year, the par value of the Stock owned by the purchaser. For prices to stockholders, see catalogue.

      Some limitation is, obviously, necessary; otherwise any one at enmity with the enterprise, might, on an investment of $10.00, purchase an unlimited quantity of books at reduced prices, and undersell us with our own customers. The privilege is open to Stockholders immediately upon investment being made.

      What lover of good books can not afford to take at least ten shares? How many friends might, with advantage, take a hundred, or more shares? A million dollars capital would not suffice to manufacture the books our patrons are urgently calling for: we are doing now an immense business for the amount of our capital, which business will be increased as our resources are enlarged.

76 Per Cent. Annual Dividends!

      The Literary Revolution has never assumed to furnish books at a price below what would permit a fair profit, nor has it ever solicited investments on the basis of expectation of fabulous returns. The facts are simple, and the opportunities offered are based on common sense. If you invest $10.00 you have reasonable expectation of not less than 10 per cent. annual dividend, but as a Stockholder you also have the opportunity of purchasing with your dividend books at a price below what they would cost one NOT a Stockholder – that makes your dividend equal to about 16 per cent. Again, you, as a Stockholder, are allowed the opportunity of purchasing, if you want them, during each year, books at special prices to an amount not greater than the par value of your Stock which, as will be seen from the list of prices to Stockholders, average (on our own publications) about 40 per cent. below what the same books would cost one not a Stockholder. In other words, you can buy $16.00 worth of books for about $10.00, thus saving $6.00, which is equal to 60 per cent. on your $10.00 stock, which, added to 16 per cent. dividend, makes practically 76 per cent. per annum on your investment. If you own $100.00 or more Stock you have similar privileges to the larger amount – if you don’t want so many books for your own use you can accommodate your friends or you can sell the books at a profit.

Literary Revolution Savings-Bonds

      To meet the convenience of friends of the enterprise who hesitate to make an investment of a character so permanent as in the Capital Stock of the Company, a Savings-Bond is now issued, payable three months, six months or twelve months from its date, which affords every facility given by the ownership of Stock, but pays approximately 60 per cent. per annum, instead of 76 per cent. A copy of the Bond, elsewhere, gives full particulars.

      Remittances may be addressed to John B. Alden, or to

THE ALDEN PUBLISHING COMPANY, 393 Pearl Street, New York, or any Branch Office.

      Alphabetical Catalogue

      Æsop’s Fables, complete, illustrated. Ideal Edition, cloth, 25c. (6c),

      *Abbott, Jacob. Rollo’s Tour in Europe. 10 vols., ill., 16mo, $10.00, reduced to $5.60 (50c)

      – *The Florence Stories. 6 vols., 12mo, ill., $5.00, reduced to $3.50 (50c)

      A’Kempis. Imitation of Christ, The. By Thomas A’Kempis. 12mo, cloth, 45c. (10c);

      Alden’s Illustrated Juveniles

      Alden. Stories and Ballads for Young Folks. By Ellen Tracy Alden, Illustrated, cl., 45c. (15c);

      Alden’s Juvenile Story Book. 12mo, 302 pages, illustrated, fine cloth, ornamented, 45c. (15c);

      – Juvenile Gems of Song and Story. Ideal Edition, extra cloth, ornamented, red edges, 45c. (15c);

      – Juvenile Book of Knowledge, illustrated, 12mo, cloth, ornamented, 45c. (15c);

      Alden’s Home and Handy Atlas

      Alden’s Home Atlas of the World. In one large quarto vol. 11x14 inches in size, containing 112 pages of handsomely engraved and colored maps. Also an index of over 5,000 cities, rivers, mountains, etc. throughout the world, showing exact location. Cloth, $2.25 (80c); Agents Wanted.

      Alden’s Handy Atlas of the World. 133 colored maps, diagrams, tables, etc. Price, 30c. (8c);

      Alden’s Manifold Cyclopedia

      Alden’s Manifold Cyclopedia of Knowledge and Language is publishing in 30 or more volumes, with thousands of illustrations. Ideal Edition, about 640 pages each, Brevier type. Price per vol., cloth, 60c. (20c); half Morocco, marbled edges, 75c. (25c). A specimen vol. may be ordered and returned if not wanted. sixteen vols. now ready. Volumes issued at intervals of about one month. Price of the sixteen vols., cloth, for cash received before July 1, 1889. $8.00 For half Morocco, add 15 cents a volume. AGENTS WANTED.

      Alden’s Literary Cyclopedia

      Alden’s Cyclopedia of Universal Literature is publishing in volumes of about 500 pages each. Ideal Edition, large type. It will be completed in not less than 15 nor more than 20 volumes, issued at intervals. Price per volume, cloth, gilt top, 60c. (20c); half Morocco, 70c. (25c). A specimen volume may be ordered and returned if not wanted. 13 vols., now ready. Price of the first 18 vols., cloth, for cash received before July 1, 1889, $6.50 For half Morocco, add 10 cents a volume. AGENTS WANTED.

      Alden’s “New” Ideal Revolver

      Alden’s Ideal Revolving Book-Case, No. 3. Has four shelves, adjustable, giving 136 inches of shelf room, size of case 19 inches wide, 12 inches deep, 48 inches high, or four feet, including the base. Is made of perfectly kiln-dried cherry birch, with birds-eye maple panels; hand carved; built on ingenious but simple interlocking principles, doing away, mainly, with screws, nails or glue; may be knocked down and set up again in five minutes; price $10.00 at store.

      No. 4, similar to No. 3, but without the birds-eye panels, and “solid” instead of “knock down,” price $8.00 at store.

      Allen, History and Mystery of Common Things. By W. C. Allen. 12mo, cloth, 50c. (15c);

      Allerton, Poems of the Prairies.

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