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tortoiseshell comb adorned with rubies lies inside the box among the jewels. Carlo caresses it with his fingers


      Our poor mistress loved them so.


      And where is the necklace? The one that the American gave my mother?

      Petro shudders


      You are mistaken, there never was such thing.

      Carlo looks at him in surprise


      The snake-shaped one? Don’t you remember?

      Petro almost leaps from the couch


      Do you think I stole it?


      Dear God, of course not!

      Petro paces the sitting room nervously


      I’ve locked up both the Castle and the Hunting House. I will send the money to wherever you wish.

      Carlo closes the jewelry box and rises from the couch


      That will not be necessary. Once I am married, I will go back home to the castle.

      Petro shudders and waves his arms


      What? No, no you wouldn’t dare!


      Why not?


      You must obey your mother’s last wish.


      I am sorry, but my mind is already made up.

      Petro falls to his knees and kisses Carlo’s hands


      At least wait for me, wait until I’ve come back from Jerusalem, we will go there together.


      Carlo inspects the chapel’s doors. They are sealed. The servants are crowded behind his back.

      Carlo turns to his servants, confused


      What about my marriage? Open up the doors at once and start preparing for the wedding!


      But my Lord, Petro forbade us from opening the chapel!

      Carlo shoots the worker an angry look


      Petro is not the master here. I expect you to remember it next time!

      The servants attempt to open the door without success



      The lock is sealed with some sort of resin.


      Then melt it! Resin should become liquid when treated with heat. If it doesn’t work than break the door down for all I care. Take a whole wall down if you have to but have the chapel ready for my wedding!

      A lighted torch is brought close to the door. The resin starts to melt and trickles to the floor.

      The doors open and a dark hurricane rushes at the bystanders driving them to their knees. Black bat with glowing eyes is seen at the storm’s center



      Harry, James and Georges have finished their cigars and whiskey and are slumped in their chairs, tired. Captain Wright is fast asleep.

      Karl Ivanovich sits in his armchair, there is a pile of papers on the armrest. He puts the read sheet on his lap


      So, what is the answer to the mystery?

      Captain Wright snores in his chair


      A large black bat flies from the side of the forest towards the castle.

      The moon shines high in the night sky.

      The lake is concealed in thick mist. Bellow the mist, the water is covered with white nenufares.

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