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children!" said the governess. A red spot had risen on both her cheeks. "I had hoped no more pets were coming. And ferrets! I dread ferrets. Now the pups – "

      "But they're of a very wicked breed," shouted Eric. "They're worse than my ferret Shark. They are young bloodhounds. Don't you deny it, Basil. You know you gave a sov. for them to Dandy Macjones."

      "But they are quite harmless at present," said Basil. "There are only two; they haven't arrived yet. They'll come by post, or train, or something to-morrow. When they do come, I'll promise to be careful."

      "Yes. Basil, I believe you are a boy to be trusted. – Eric!"

      "What is it, ma'am?"

      Eric put on a comical face, which set all the nursery children laughing.

      "Stand up, Eric. While you are at home, at least whenever you are in the schoolroom – in fact, I may say always – you have got to yield to my authority."

      "Thank you, ma'am. I didn't know it, ma'am."

      Eric pulled his forelock after the fashion of a charity school-boy. The nursery children clapped their hands with delight, and a wave of color swept over Miss Nelson's face.

      "I say, shut up and be respectful," growled Basil.

      Eric glanced at his brother. His whole funny face became rigid except his eyes, which still danced with mirth. He folded his hands on his breast, and said in a demure, mincing tone, "I beg your pardon, Miss Nelson."

      Even the governess had to smile.

      "It is granted, my dear boy. Now with regard to your pets. The rabbits are not to be in the house."

      "Oh, no, ma'am."

      "There's no rabbit-hutch."

      "I'll stow them somewhere, Miss Nelson."

      "See you do. The pigeons can share the dovecotes, I suppose."

      "Very well, Miss Nelson."

      "The ferrets – " here Miss Nelson almost shivered. "Dangerous, disgusting beasts!"

      "I say, don't," exclaimed Eric. "Shark's a stunner!"

      "Their teeth," continued the governess. "I have heard that their teeth can penetrate through any obstacle."

      "Shark's teeth!" pursued Eric. "Well, they ought to be strong; he has six rows; when he opens his mouth they start upright."

      "Six rows! Nonsense, Eric. Please don't talk in that silly way. And once for all understand that I cannot allow that animal to be kept on the premises."

      "But he's a stunner," said Eric. "Shall I bring him in for you to see?"

      "You must not attempt it, sir. It is awful to think of such a horrid creature being so close to one, and I forbid you to bring it into the house."

      "You shall see him, you shall see him," said Eric. "He's a perfect tip-topper. He'd kill anything. I paid five bob for him, and six ginger-beers, and ten and a half Betty cakes."

      "Silence, Eric; I shall have to speak to your father. Keep the ferret in his basket or box until I can have a word with Mr. Wilton."

      "But he'll starve, ma'am. He'd gnaw you if he was starving."

      "That will do. Leave the table now, all children. I can let you know before bed-time, Eric, what is to be done with that monster."



      Late that evening, after the young folk had gone to bed, Miss Nelson, having attired herself in a very neat black silk dress, with ruffles of real lace round her neck and wrists, her best brooch at her throat, and a pretty little head-dress of lace and ribbon becomingly arranged over her iron-gray hair, went down past the schoolroom, past the heavy oak door which divided the children's part of the house from that portion where, according to Ermengarde, all the gay life and all the fun went on, and finally tapped at Mr. Wilton's study-door.

      It so happened that there were no visitors staying at Wilton Chase to-night; many friends were expected the following day, but to-night Miss Nelson knew that she would find Mr. Wilton and probably his sister disengaged.

      Her tap was responded to by a hearty "Come in!" She was right. Mr. and Miss Wilton were both in the study. Miss Wilton was seated at her davenport scribbling off letters at furious speed, and Mr. Wilton was indulging in a cigar by the open window.

      "Well, Miss Nelson," he said courteously; "I am glad to see you."

      He placed a chair for the governess, and waited for her to speak.

      "I have come – " said Miss Nelson.

      She cleared her throat, she felt a little nervous.

      "I have come about a – a shark – "

      "Oh! oh!" exclaimed Miss Wilton. She quite jumped, and the pen dropped from her hand. "You hear her, Roderick. How interesting! Has one been seen off the coast?"

      "I mean a ferret," said Miss Nelson. "Its name is Shark. I've got confused. Pray pardon me. One of the boys has brought it home."

      "Oh, Eric," said Mr. Wilton. "I heard him chattering about it, the little scamp. Well, Miss Nelson," he could not help laughing. "Has that young prodigy of mine tried to frighten you unnecessarily."

      "He did say the creature had six rows of teeth," said Miss Nelson; "of course that is nonsense; but is a ferret a safe animal to have in the house, with so many young children about, and nurse not too careful?"

      "Certainly not. Thank you for coming and telling us about it, Miss Nelson. Ferrets are not safe creatures to have near children, and Eric's shall be removed to the gamekeeper's to-morrow."

      Miss Nelson rose at once to leave the room.

      "Sit down, Miss Nelson," suddenly interrupted Miss Wilton. "As you are here I have just a word to say to you. Do you think it well to allow Ermengarde to drive in the carriage without your escort. It so happened that my brother was able to accompany her to-day but I – of course I don't like to interfere – still I should have thought that it was scarcely wise. Ermengarde is inclined to be too forward as it is."

      "Ermie in the carriage to-day!" exclaimed Miss Nelson. She forgot to keep her seat. She stood up, her pale face was deeply flushed. "Impossible, Miss Wilton! Pardon me, you must be mistaken. Ermengarde was not – not quite – she infringed some of my rules, and I was obliged to give her a detention lesson. She certainly did ask to go and meet her brothers, but I was obliged to refuse. Ermie spent the afternoon indoors."

      Miss Wilton sounded a gong by her side. A page appeared, to whom she gave some letters.

      "See they are posted at once," she said. Then the turned to the window. "Roderick, are you asleep, or did you hear what Miss Nelson said?"

      "I beg your pardon, my dear, I confess I was not attending. I thought you ladies were discussing some domestic matter."

      "We were; a very domestic matter. Roderick, kindly tell Miss Nelson who was your companion to the railway station this afternoon."

      "Why, Ermengarde, of course. And very pleasant she made herself. I was going to tell you, Miss Nelson, when I had the opportunity, how pleased I am with the progress of your pupil."

      "Thank you," said Miss Nelson. The flush on her face had changed to pallor.

      "You did not know of this?" continued Miss Wilton eagerly. "You are astonished!"

      Miss Nelson was silent for several seconds.

      "I will speak to Ermie," she said; then in a low voice, "there has been a misunderstanding."

      She did not add any more, and Mr. Wilton, thinking that the governess looked tired and ill, tried to engage her in some general conversation. She answered a question or two in a very abstracted manner, and presently left the room.

      Miss Nelson had a private sitting-room, which was not thrown open to her pupils. It was a tiny room, but the governess loved it very much. She kept her favorite photographs here, and her best prized books. Here she was absolutely her own mistress, and she sometimes called the little

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