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высказаться представители тхеравады, джайнизма, индуизма. Не менее широко были представлены христианские религиозные лидеры.


      Тринити-колледж, основанный в 1592 г., является частью Дублинского университета (Ирландия).


      Bardach AL. What Did J.D. Salinger, Leo Tolstoy, and Sarah Bernhardt Have in Common?. Wall Street Journal. March 30, 2012, 2012; Life and Culture.


      Macdonald KS. Yoga Philosophy: Lectures Delivered in New York, Winter of 1895-6 by Swami Vivekananda on Raja-Yoga, or Conquering the Internal Nature. The American Journal of Theology. 1898; 2(2): 402–405.


      Уильям Дженнингс Брайан (1860–1925) – американский политик и государственный деятель, в 1913 г. 41-й госсекретарь США. На тогдашнего русского посла он произвел впечатление «типичного самородка, без всяких претензий на европейские манеры». – Примеч. ред.


      Yogananda P. Autobiography of a Yogi (Reprint of Original 1946 Edition) Crystal Clarity Publishers; 2003.


      Love R. The Great Oom: The Improbable Birth of Yoga in America. New York: Viking Adult; 2010.


      Чарльз Линдберг (1902–1974) – американский летчик, ставший первым, кто перелетел Атлантический океан в одиночку (20–21 мая 1927 г. по маршруту Нью-Йорк – Париж). – Примеч. ред.


      Room HoRM. Meditation Room. 1955; http://artandhistory.house.gov. Accessed February 13, 2012.


      Lapham LH. There once was a guru from Rishikesh. The Saturday Evening Post 1968.


      Meditation Clubs Flourish From Capital to Pentagon For Dissolving Tension. New York Times Oct 26, 1976, 1976.


      Bradee R. Hopeful place in Pentagon: Peace meditation room. The Milwaukee Sentinel1988;Editorial Page: 5.


      Bowman JH. Transcendental Meditation: Skeptic Tries It, Comes Away a Believer. Los Angeles Times Jun 13, 1973, 1973.


      Times LA. Drug Overdose, Not Meditation, Apparently Killed Yoga Teacher. Los Angeles Times Jul 2, 1975, 1975.


      Cox H. Turning East: The promise and peril of the new orientalism. New York: Simon and Schuster; 1977.


      Bush M, ed Contemplation Nation: How ancient practices are changing the way we live. Kalamazoo, MI: Fetzer Institute; 2011:61.


      Yoga and the Devil: Issue for Georgia Town (Sep 8 N. New York Times 1990.


      Cox H. Turning East: The promise and peril of the new orientalism. New York: Simon and Schuster; 1977.


      Bush M, ed Contemplation Nation: How ancient practices are changing the way we live. Kalamazoo, MI: Fetzer Institute; 2011:82.


      Press A. Southern Baptist leader on yoga: Not Christianity. 2010; October 7, 2010:http://www.foxnews.com/us/2010/10/07/southern-baptist-leader-yoga-christianity/. Accessed January 14, 2012.


      Stein J, Bjerklie D, Park A, Biema DV. Just say Om. Time2003.


      Onion T. One in five women training to be yoga instructors. October 19, 2005; http://www.theonion.com/articles/report-one-in-five-women-training-to-be-yoga-instr.5049/. Accessed February 11, 2012.


      Broad WJ. The Science of Yoga New York: Simon & Schuster, Inc.; 2012.


      Rochman B. Samurai Mind Training for Modern American Warriors. TIME magazine. September 6, 2009 2009.


      Mead R. Maharishi Prep. The New Yorker 2004.


      Cullen LT. How to Get Smarter, One Breath at a Time. TIME magazine 2006.


      Bush M, ed Contemplation Nation: How ancient practices are changing the way we live. Kalamazoo, MI: Fetzer Institute; 2011.


      Stein J, Bjerklie D, Park A, Biema DV. Just say Om. Time 2003.


      Cullen LT. How to Get Smarter, One Breath at a Time. TIME magazine 2006.


      Cloud J. Losing focus? Studies say meditation may hel p. TIME magazine. August 6, 2010 2010.


      Park A. Study: Yoga Improves Quality of Life After Cancer. TIME magazine 2010.


      Oz M. Medical Meditation: Say Om Before Surgery. Time 2003.


      Schwartz SA. Meditation – The Controlled Psychophysical Self-Regulation Process That Works. Explore. 2011;7(6):348–353.


      Метаанализ – понятие научной методологии, которое означает объединение результатов нескольких исследований методами статистики

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