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      Belanger A. Google’s ad tech dominance spurs more antitrust charges, report says // Ars Technica, June 12, 2023 // arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2023/06/googles-ad-tech-dominance-spurs-more-antitrust-charges-report-says/.


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      Vincent J. EU Says Apple Breached Antitrust Law in Spotify Case, but Final Ruling Yet to Come // Verge, Feb. 28, 2023 // theverge.com/2023/2/28/23618264/eu-antitrust-case-apple-music-streaming-spotify-updated-statement-objections; Kalra A. EXCLUSIVE TinderOwner Match Ups Antitrust Pressure on Apple in India with New Case // Reuters, Aug. 24, 2022 // reuters.com/technology/exclusive-tinder-owner-match-ups-antitrust-pressure-apple-india-with-new-case-2022-08-24/; Zakrzewski C. Tile Will Accuse Apple of Worsening Tactics It Alleges Are Bullying, a Day After iPhone Giant Unveiled a Competing Product // Washington Post, April 21, 2021 // washingtonpost.com/technology/2021/04/21/tile-will-accuse-apple-tactics-it-alleges-are-bullying-day-after-iphone-giant-unveiled-competing-product/.


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