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something related to foreign places, or processes happening at a great distance from you.

      Card Advice:

      The Ship encourages you to be patient and allow things to develop naturally. Don’t rush or try to force events – now is the time to go with the flow and watch as your dreams and goals gradually come closer. Use this period for reflection, planning, and understanding your long-term ambitions.

      No. 4 – The House

      Main Meanings:

      The House card symbolizes matters related to family, personal life, and your place of residence – be it a home or apartment. It highlights security, stability, and safety, emphasizing the importance of a strong foundation in life. This card suggests that you have a base on which you can build something greater, whether in relationships, career, or other significant aspects of your life.

      Symbolism and Interpretation:

      – Family and Personal Life: The House is a symbol of family, loved ones, and the place where you feel secure. It reminds you of the importance of creating and maintaining stable and safe relationships, whether with family, a partner, or friends.

      – Stability and Security: The card emphasizes the need for stability and security. It suggests that you are on solid ground, providing you with a sense of safety and confidence in the future.

      – Strong Foundation: The House also symbolizes building something solid and long-lasting. This can be literal, such as building a home, or metaphorical, such as creating strong relationships or a business.

      Context and Timing:

      – Timing: The House symbolizes long-term processes and stable structures, indicating an extended period that may last several years. This is a card of long-term plans and projects that require time and effort to achieve.

      – Significator: In some cases, the House may represent a man who is close to the heart of the querent. Traditionally, this card is associated with the King of Hearts, symbolizing a kind, positive man, a lover, or a partner.

      Additional Meanings:

      – Residence: The card is also connected to your home or apartment, pointing to important matters related to your place of residence. This could involve anything from the need for repairs to resolving real estate issues.

      – Strengthening Foundations: The House reminds you of the need to strengthen your foundations, whether in personal life, career, or spiritual development. Now is the time to lay a strong foundation on which you can build in the future.

      Card Advice:

      The House encourages you to focus on creating and maintaining stability in your life. This is a time to strengthen relationships, take care of loved ones, and build a solid foundation for the future. It’s important to pay attention to long-term projects and plans that require time and effort but will bring lasting results. Be confident in your path and create your safe space where you can feel protected and secure.

      No. 5 – The Tree

      Main Meanings:

      The Tree card symbolizes health, vitality, and stability. It speaks of slow but steady growth and rooting. This card is often used for questions related to physical health as well as spiritual and emotional well-being. The Tree suggests constancy and calmness, emphasizing processes that require time to fully develop.

      Symbolism and Interpretation:

      – Health and Vitality: The Tree represents health, symbolizing both physical well-being and a person’s inner energy. It indicates the strengthening of health, especially if placed next to a related card. It is a sign that one’s condition will improve, stabilize, and develop positively.

      – Stability and Growth: The card symbolizes stability and rooting. It signifies slow yet steady growth that requires time. The Tree reminds us that some processes in life must unfold gradually to reach full maturity.

      – Nature and Calmness: The Tree is associated with nature, forests, and the life force drawn from the earth. It is a card of peace and harmony, suggesting the need to connect with nature and seek tranquility in everyday life.

      Context and Timing:

      – Timing: The Tree indicates long-term processes, often spanning around a year (9 to 12 months). It is a card of long-term growth and development that requires patience and time.

      – Role in Life: If the Tree is located near a personal card, it may symbolize a person who plays a significant role in the querent’s life. This could be a lifelong partner or another important individual whose influence is deeply rooted and enduring.

      Additional Meanings:

      – Strengthening a Theme: If the Tree is next to another thematic card, it enhances its meaning. For example, next to the House card, it could signify the strengthening of family ties or stability in housing matters.

      – Lack of Movement: The Tree can also symbolize stagnation or lack of movement, but in a positive sense, as a state of rest and waiting. It is a time to allow processes to unfold naturally without forcing them.

      Card Advice:

      The Tree card reminds you of the importance of stability and long-term development. It encourages you to focus on strengthening both physical and emotional health and to be patient in reaching your goals. Take time for rest and recovery, connect with nature, and seek inner peace. Allow your roots to grow strong, and let life progress at its natural pace.

      No. 6 – The Clouds

      Main Meanings:

      The Clouds card symbolizes confusion, uncertainty, and heaviness in life. It points to periods when everything seems foggy and difficult to understand, and decisions are not easy to make. This is a card of hesitation, problems, and inner struggles. The Clouds remind us that obstacles and confusion may arise on the path, requiring time and patience to overcome.

      Symbolism and Interpretation:

      – Uncertainty and Fog: The Clouds represent times when the future seems unclear, and the answers to important questions are hidden behind a thick veil of fog. It’s a period when it’s hard to see the true direction and understand what’s happening around you.

      – Hesitation and Problems: The card indicates possible internal or external conflicts that create obstacles on the path to your goal. These could be unresolved issues, conflicting emotions, or difficulties in relationships.

      – King of Clubs: This card is often associated with a man with whom the querent may have or has had problems. This could be a former partner, lover, or spouse, as well as a man who creates difficulties or hinders the development of a relationship.

      Context and Timing:

      – Timing: The Clouds card is associated with autumn, gray, and cloudy days. It points to a period when events may unfold slowly and with difficulty, requiring patience and readiness for unpredictable twists.

      – Difficult Person: The Clouds can signify a man who is characterized by indecisiveness, mood swings, and difficulty in communication. This may be someone with whom it’s hard to come to an agreement, and whose

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