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hoover the flat if you really want me to, but ….

      5 I’ll make coffee if you really want me to, but ….

      6 I’ll wash the bowls if you really want me to, but ….

      7 I’ll throw a party this weekend if you really want me to, but ….

      8 I’ll find your favourite toy if you really want me to, but ….

      9 I’ll fight with that nasty Dane if you really want me to, but ….

      EXERCISE 5

      Put the verb in brackets in the correct form and guess the last word of the sentence:

      1 Kudjo would rather Luna /not communicate/ with her neighbour so *****.

      2 It’s high time Luna /behave/ herself in *****.

      3 Kudjo would rather /live/ in the country and /eat/ natural *****.

      4 Luna would rather /not go/ to the country at all. She is afraid of pigs and *****.

      5 Luna’s parents would rather Luna /know/ nothing about their skeletons in the *****.

      6 It’s about time they /stop/ considering Luna to be little and *****.

      7 Luna would rather /have/ long blonde hair than short brown *****.

      8 Kudjo would rather /not have/ any hair in the hot *****.

      9 It’s time Kudjo and Luna /find/ a new hobby (for example, fishing) and /forget/ about *****.

      EXERCISE 6

      Change the sentences using the constructions in brackets:

      For example,

      Luna’s parents are too fussy and it irritates Luna. («d rather) Luna would rather her parents were not so fussy.

      1 Kudjo and Luna didn’t understand what the bats were trying to tell them because they didn’t know their language. (unreal of past)

      2 Kudjo has been meaning to learn different languages of birds and mammals. («d rather)

      3 Anyway, Kudjo and Luna guessed that the bats wanted to show them something important. (unreal of past)

      4 The dogs agreed to follow the bats because they believed them. (unreal of past)

      5 The bats would like Kudjo and Luna to go into the forest. («d rather)

      6 Luna is a bit scared of going to the middle of nowhere especially after midnight. (unreal of present)

      7 Moreover, Luna’s parents are in a twit because it’s too late and Luna hasn’t come home yet. (it’s high time)

      8 On the other hand, the bats may know something that can help the dog find the truth. (real condition)

      9 Kudjo prefers to follow the bats anywhere in spite of the night time. («d rather)

      EXERCISE 7

      Enlarge the sentences by using the constructions in brackets:

      For example,

      Kudjo wants Luna to go with him.

      «d rather… – Kudjo would rather Luna went with him to see what the bats have decided to show them.

      It’s time… — It’s time Luna stopped being such a coward.

      If … – If Luna were not so cowardly, she’d risk going with Kudjo.

      1 Luna’s parents are worried a lot.

      «d rather… —

      It’s time… —

      If … —

      2 The bats are still fluttering their wings around Kudjo and Luna.

      «d rather… —

      It’s time… —

      If … —

      3 The little pup is feeling much better now.

      «d rather… —

      It’s time… —

      If … —

      4 Luna has agreed to follow the bats but only in the morning.

      «d rather… —

      It’s time… —

      If … —

      5 The first problem is how to explain it to the bats.

      «d rather… —

      It’s time… —

      If … —

      6 The next problem is that bats are nocturnal animals.

      «d rather… —

      It’s time… —

      If … —

      7 Kudjo can see only one option now- he’ll follow the bats alone.

      «d rather… —

      It’s time… —

      If … —

      8 Luna doesn’t want to let him go without her.

      «d rather… —

      It’s time… —

      If … —

      9 Finally, Kudjo has made up his mind to go there on his own.

      «d rather… —

      It’s time… —

      If … —


      EXERCISE 8

      Fill the gaps in the story with missing words:

      Kudjo said ***** to Luna and gestured for the bats to start flying. They flew up immediately and moved very slowly and so low that nearly parted Kudjo’s hair. It looked uncanny. A cloud of ***** and a running ***** under the screen of night. Kudjo had been following the bats for ***** minutes when suddenly he felt somebody else running behind him. He stopped, turned around and sighed with relief. It was Luna. She got scared stiff when she was ***** alone and decided that she would be safer with Kudjo in the middle of nowhere than running alone to her *****.

      Kudjo felt relieved of a great weight to see Luna. If she had run on her own to her parents’ house, he’d have worried a lot.

      The cloud of bats was circling around impatiently over their *****. Their screeching sounds were getting louder and louder and their ***** were fluttering faster and faster. The dogs realised that they were very ***** to the place the bats wanted them to see. The bats were gesturing for them «It’s high time we continued».

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