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      Перевод И. М. Сеченова.


      Перевод Е. И. Фатеевой.


      Перевод В. П. Карпова.



      R. J. Nelson and L. J. Kriegsfeld, An Introduction to Behavioral Endocrinology, 5th ed. (Sunderland, MA: Sinauer Associates, 2017), 73–74, 554, 703.


      Martin N. Muller and Richard W. Wrangham, "Dominance, Aggression and Testosterone in Wild Chimpanzees: A Test of the 'Challenge Hypothesis,'" Animal Behaviour 67, no. 1 (2004): 113–23; 116 – о методах сбора, консервации и анализа мочи.


      Eugene Linden, "The Wife Beaters of Kibale," Time, August 19, 2002, 56; см. также: Eugene Linden, The Octopus and the Orangutan: More True Tales of Animal Intrigue, Intelligence, and Ingenuity (New York: E. P. Dutton, 2002), 112.


      Richard W. Wrangham and Dale Peterson, Demonic Males: Apes and the Origins of Human Violence (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 1996).


      Martin N. Muller, Sonya M. Kahlenberg, Melissa Emery Thompson, and Richard W. Wrangham, "Male Coercion and the Costs of Promiscuous Mating for Female Chimpanzees," Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 274, no. 1612 (2007): 1009–14; Joseph T. Feldblum, Emily E. Wroblewski, Rebecca S. Rudicell, Beatrice H. Hahn, Thais Paiva, Mine Cetinkaya-Rundel, Anne E. Pusey, and Ian C. Gilby, "Sexually Coercive Male Chimpanzees Sire More Offspring," Current Biology 24, no. 23 (2014): 2855–60.


      Human Rights Watch, "Human Rights Watch World Report 2000 – Uganda," December 1, 1999, https://www.refworld.org/docid/3ae6a8c924.html.


      Neil MacFarquhar, "8 Tourists Slain in Uganda, Including U.S. Couple," The New York Times, March 3, 1999.


      Danielle Kurtzleben, "Trump and the Testosterone Takeover of 2016," National Public Radio, October 1, 2016.


      Andrew Sullivan, "#MeToo and the Taboo Topic of Nature," New York Magazine, January 19, 2018.


      Gad Saad, "Is Toxic Masculinity a Valid Concept?," Psychology Today blog, March 8, 2018



      Neal Gabler, "The Testosterone Fueled Presidency," The Huffington Post, August 16, 2017, https://www.huffpost.com/entry/the-testosterone-fueled-presidency_b_59949cd3e4b056a2b0ef029c.


      Emerald Robinson, "The Collapse of the Never-Trump Conservatives," The American Spectator, June 29, 2018.


      Leon Seltzer, "Male Sexual Misconduct and the Testosterone Curse," Psychology Today blog, November 29, 2017



      Rachel E. Morgan and Barbara A. Oudekerk, "Criminal Victimization, 2018," BCJ 253043, Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. Department of Justice, September 2019, https://www.bjs.gov/content/pub/pdf/cv18.pdf; David C. Geary, Male, Female: The Evolution of Human Sex Differences, 3rd ed. (Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, 2021), 433–37; National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, "Comparison of Crash Fatalities by Sex and Age Group" (Washington, DC: National Center for Statistics and Analysis, 2008); Monica Hesse, "We Need to Talk About Why Mass Shooters Are Almost Always Men," The Washington Post, August 5, 2019.


      Почти нет признаков, разброс которых у мужчин не был бы больше, чем у женщин, однако навыки чтения в начальной школе относятся к тем, где разница в разбросе иногда низкая и статистически незначимая. Аriane Baye and Christian Monseur, "Gender Differences in Variability and Extreme Scores in an International Context," Large-Scale Assessments in Education 4, no. 1 (2016): 1–16. Обзор половых различий в коэффициенте интеллекта и других когнитивных показателях, полученных с помощью тестов: Alan Feingold, "Sex Differences in Variability in Intellectual Abilities: A New Look at an Old Controversy," Review of Educational Research 62, no. 1 (1992): 61–84.


      "Hey Skinny!.. Yer Ribs Are Showing!" Digital image, The Official Website of: Charles Atlas. Charles Atlas LTD. Accessed January 15, 2020. Рекламные комиксы Чарльза Атласа стали предметом серьезного научного анализа приемов, с помощью которых отражаются и продвигаются мужские идеалы. Jacqueline Reich, "'The World's Most Perfectly Developed Man': Charles Atlas, Physical Culture, and the Inscription of American Masculinity," Men and Masculinities 12, no. 4 (2010): 444–61.


      Rebecca M. Jordan-Young and Katrina Karkazis, Testosterone: An Unauthorized Biography (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2019), 54; Rebecca M. Jordan-Young, "How to Kill the 'Zombie Fact' That Testosterone Drives Human Aggression," paper presented at the Women in the World: Time for a New Paradigm for Peace conference, University of Maryland, September 2019, 22.


      American Psychological Association, "Harmful Masculinity and Violence," In the Public Interest Newsletter, September 2018,

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