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I see.

      – And you got that girl who rules everyone here, – Iziro said with enthusiasm. – Not bad.

      – More like she got me. If we’re being honest, – Rain replied. – What have you been up to all this time?

      – Various things… Talked with that boy-wizard, ate, meditated, slept, trained, washed clothes, – Iziro said with a smile.

      – And what were you doing just now? – Rain asked.

      – I know it’s not accepted in Raidaria, but it’s something like communicating with those who are no longer in our world, those who have died.

      – There’s nothing beyond our world, Izi, – Rain replied.

      – Perhaps, I can never prove something like that to you, but I have seen it myself. There’s such powerful magic in the world that allows you to see that realm and those who inhabit it. If you saw it the way I did, you would understand too.

      At that moment, one of Idia’s servants approached them and said:

      – Lady Idia said for you to follow me. I’ll show you the gathering and departure point.

      Iziro looked at him and then at Rain in confusion.

      – Today, we’re heading one way across the border of the Raidarian Empire, and with an escort, no less. I made a deal with Idia – she arranged everything! – Rain said enthusiastically.

      – Well, finally. Okay, let’s not waste a minute.

      – Alright! Just let me get my horse. – replied Rein to Idia’s servant, and they went after him.

      When they arrived at the location, Wel in the clearing in the woods was shooting fire from his hands into the sky. These pillars exceeded his height by twenty times. Nearby, horses were tied to the branches sticking out of a log. Some people were sitting on the log, talking about something. As Rein and Iziro approached a bit closer, Wel released the last pillar of flames from his hands, which was even larger than the previous ones.

      – What are you doing here? – Rein asked the boy.

      – Hi, Wel, – Iziro greeted the boy.

      – Hi, Izi! You can’t open the passage to the Rabbit Hole without me. If you have another earth mage, I’d be happy to leave, – Wel replied, smirking.

      – Wait… I know her! – Rein said, looking at the people sitting on the log. – She was in that tavern. What’s her name… Miri!

      Rein got angry, dismounted his horse, and quickly walked towards the girl.

      – Miri, isn’t it! – Rein said, pointing at her menacingly.

      The girl literally didn’t know what to do. She immediately jumped to the other side of the log and put her hands on it.

      – You! Where’s your damn friend, Acres?

      – How should I know, – she replied. – I understand that you’re angry, but can we discuss everything peacefully?

      – No! I owe something to your friend, and I really want to repay that debt.

      – I don’t know where he is, – she said, looking up at the sky, then to the side, then at the ground.

      Rein looked to the side and saw a hooded figure sitting with his back to him.

      – Wait… Is that him? – Rein said angrily.

      When she remained silent, slightly contorting her face, Rein immediately went to the person. Taking him by the shoulder, he turned him around and saw a painfully familiar face.

      – Acres, damn bastard, – Rein said before punching him in the face with all his might, causing him to fall.

      – Ouch! – Acres said. – Are all you Raidarians so unforgiving?

      – You betrayed me in that tavern, even though I saved you from that convoy of Raidarians.

      – Yes, but you’re alive – and I’m alive. Everyone is alive! And when you saved me, you got armor and a sword in return… It’s a win-win!

      – You bastard! I should have let them kill you back then.

      Rein moved to give Acres another punch, but Wel sent a pillar of flames between them, allowing Acres to crawl away and stand up.

      – Don’t tarnish our reputation, Rein, – Wel said. – You need to forget your grudge, or you’ll have to find another passage to the empire.

      – Because of this bastard, I killed many, possibly good guys, and then he betrayed me.

      – Don’t pretend to be a saint, Rein, – Acres said. – You’re no less of a bastard than I am, and you know it. Just like me, you killed all those not-so-bad guys and benefited from it. You could have really spared them if you considered yourself so righteous. All you Raidarians loot, kill, and violate the innocent. It’s the foundation of your life. And now you come and try to lecture me about moral standards… Seriously?

      – Have you known each other for a long time? – asked Iziro.

      – You’ll answer for betraying me, – Rein said.

      – If I hadn’t done that, who knows how many more would have suffered there.

      – You just saved your damn skin. Don’t lie to anyone here.

      – And even if I did save it, so what? You’re alive! Everyone is alive! But you’re not satisfied with something.

      – Those Raidarians are dead!

      – You need to cool down, – Wel said to Rein. – You’re his escort, after all! Or have you forgotten?

      – Listen! Let’s go through this Rabbit Hole and just go our separate ways, – Acres said. – I think it’s a great plan.

      – He’s right, – Iziro said.

      – So are we going today or not? – said one of the smugglers sitting on the log next to Miri.

      – Trusting him is like signing your own grave.

      – We have no choice, – Iziro said.

      – Alright, – Rein said. – But if you even dare to think anything unfavorable towards us – I will personally execute you, Acres.

      – Glad that everyone reconciled, – Wel said.

      And they went into the depths of the forests that ended in Raidaria itself. Wel kept approaching the trees and placing his hand on them, pausing briefly, as if listening to them.

      – We’ll be walking for a couple of days, the first rest stop is halfway to the cave, and we’ll arrange the second one before the burrow, – Wel said loudly so that everyone could hear. – The Rabbit Hole is also a long cave. The passage through it will take about a day, and it’s not the best idea to spend the night in it.

      – Didn’t expect to be commanded by a ten-year-old boy, – Rein said to Iziro.

      – In his soul, he’s much older than he seems, – Iziro said.

      They set up their first camp in a similar place to where they all met, with several logs scattered around a large bonfire. Rising at dawn, they continued their journey – and they walked until the evening.

      – And here is the burrow! – Wel exclaimed joyfully. – Better step away from that tree!

      Surprisingly, everyone quickly stepped back, and with clenched fists, Wel effortlessly toppled the tree with a small hand movement. Then, loosening his fists and raising his palms to shoulder level, he evaporated all the moisture in the tree.

      – You can detach

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