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what is important for YOU? What do YOU want?»

      Lisa looked perplexed. Grandmother dragged the floor lamp closer, sat down on the pillow on the floor, pulled up a map, and laid it out in front of her.

      «It should be somewhere here…» Grandma ran her finger through the mountain area.

      Lisa approached her; she read, «Sun City’.

      «Wow! The map of the Sun City. So, you think, it really exists?!» she sat close to Grandma.

      «I know it.»

      For some moments they sat in silence. Light from the lamp lit up the map. Grandma carefully studied the mountain areas.

      «But it’s not easy to get there,» she said. «Many travelers have tried to find Sun City… They had the best maps.»

      Lisa imagined mountain tops covered with snow, grey dawn, illuminated highways, streams of cars heading towards mountains… Forests. Groups of people. They talk, look around. And again, she saw mountain tops. A snowstorm was starting…

      «However, if the Sun City doesn’t invite you, doesn’t call you – the best maps are of no use,» calm Grandmother’s voice returned Lisa to the room.

      «So how does he choose whom to call?»

      «It welcomes those who ask TRUE questions…»

      Lisa looked at the map. She gathered the courage, trying to find the way to formulate her question. Suddenly, as if she caught a perfect wave she asked,

      «Sun City! Tell me, why can’t I be normal, just like anyone else!!?»

      Immediately a little violet spark flashed on the map. Then it gently lifted off the map and flew around the room. Lisa jumped to her feet. Mountain tops on her drawings on the walls were glimmering violet. Lisa was in the middle of a violet wave. Amused, she looked at her grandma. Grandma smiled and nodded.

      «It couldn’t be otherwise…»

      Lisa looked around in awe; she looked at the map, then at Grandma. Grandma’s face had almost no wrinkles; soft clear joyful gaze of brown eyes. Strands of gray hair came from under the hat. Lisa rushed to hug her.

      «Let’s go there! Let’s go today! Let’s go for a real adventure!»

      «Is this what you want?»

      «More than anything!!!»

      «Hmmm… And what if Sasha wouldn’t consider this idea as cool?»

      Lisa burst into laughter.

      You don’t think that your concert is more important than my new job!?

      Through the music, Denis heard the door. He took off the headphones, got up, and put on a bathrobe. While walking out of the bedroom, he heard the sound of a car departing.

      He entered the dining room, rather spacious and stylishly furnished, and saw a beautiful suit, hanging over a chair. Denis gave a quick look at the suit as he walked to the table.

      Close to the breakfast table he found a little note:

      «Denis, darling, here is your suit for the Opera tonight. Please don’t be late. You know how important this meeting is for your father. Love you, Mom.»

      Denis crumpled the note and threw it in the trash.

      He made some tea and started on a sandwich, staring blankly into space. Then he cast a look at the suit and his father’s voice sounded in his head,

      «Well, you certainly don’t think that your concert is more important than my new job!?»

      Denis tightened his jaw a bit.

      You can’t stop the river…

      «Breakfast is ready,» Lisa heard her mother’s voice.

      The door opened and Lisa’s mom looked inside. She smiled at Lisa, but then she saw the map and her facial expression changed. She marched inside looking directly at Grandma.

      «How many times have I asked you not to put this nonsense into her head!?»

      Lisa stiffened. Grandma kept silent, observing her daughter’s office suit of a grey jacket and skirt, her loose hair of bright red, same as Lisa’s, her still young and pretty face. «Do you have any idea of how beautiful you are?» she thought.

      «My suffering was not enough?» Mother went on. «Do you want others to point and laugh at Lisa as it was with me?»

      Lisa felt tears. She was eager to forget the travelling. She only wished this fight to be over.

      «You can’t stop the river,» Grandma’s voice was quiet, but firm.

      «Believe me, I can,» Mother grabbed the map.

      Lisa couldn’t bear the tension any longer. She ran from the room. Not being able to think clearly, she found herself in the kitchen, standing in front of a beautifully served breakfast, as she heard,

      «Don’t you dare tell me what I did and didn’t have courage for! You know nothing about how I felt!»

      Lisa ran from the kitchen and met her mother in the hallway.

      «Mom, you made such a beautiful breakfast. Let us all calm down and eat together!»

      «I am not calming down – this has gone too far!»

      Grandma watched her with warmth,

      «I know, it takes huge courage to be yourself. Lisa has this gift…»

      «I forbid you to talk to your Grandma,» said mother abruptly, looking at Lisa.

      Lisa couldn’t say a word, she couldn’t even breathe.

      «Why are you taking away her dream?»

      «Those are only your fantasies! And I,» Mother took the coat. «I just want to protect her.»

      «Her or yourself?»

      Mother didn’t answer. She took her purse and went out.

      «Don’t worry sweetheart… just give it some time…» Lisa heard Granny’s voice through tears.

      I care

      «Heeey!» somebody shook Lisa by the shoulder.

      Lisa raised her head, trying to come to grips with the reality and saw Sveta’s face. Her little friend was concerned,

      «What happened?»

      Lisa looked around. She sat at the kitchen table. Did she fall asleep? She remembered the fight and frowned, «It’s all my fault’, she thought and sighed.

      «Mmm… it looks delicious!» Sveta poured some tea in Lisa’s cup. «Here you go!» she put a pancake and some jam onto Lisa’s plate. «So! Are we celebrating Masleniza?»

      «Don’t think so…»

      «But your Grandma said it was important to celebrate, remember?!»

      «Who cares about this anyway…?»

      «I do! I care!»

      Lisa smiled and hugged her friend. Sveta lightened up,

      «Hey, I dreamt of him again!»

      «Who… Guardian?»

      «Yeah, he said the time had come……. He actually mentioned celebration.»

      «What did he say… he’d show up at Masleniza?»

      Sveta’s little face got concentrated,

      «I am not sure if that was exactly what he said… maybe!»

      Thousands of thoughts rushed through Lisa’s head, as she sipped her tea.


      Denis looked at the mirror, while styling his longish hair. Beautiful face, elegant

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