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correct, the city was destroyed, but artifacts could remain under the rubble,» said the father animatedly. He always had that intonation when he intended to find something, especially if it was unique, long-lost, and belonged to the realm of legends.»

      «Нobody tried to find them for several thousand years?» exclaimed Alcmen in amazement.

      «The city was found just a few days ago. Prior to that, nobody knew its location. The city only existed in legends and oral traditions. A month ago, I told you that we needed to check a hypothesis regarding its location, and now everything has been confirmed».

      «So the city really existed. Incredible! And what about the artifacts?»

      «What artifacts?» the father didn’t understand.

      «Artifacts are a magic wand, speed boots, and an invisibility hat?» Alcmen asked.

      «Something like that, but much more interesting».

      The father himself didn’t know what to expect from the excavations. He only hoped to find the clock that could control time and the spear of strength, the most powerful weapon on earth.

      «According to legends, there were clocks in the city that could manipulate time and a spear of strength, which had tremendous destructive power. But in reality, we don’t know what we can find in the City of the Gods. It has long been buried under sand and time, and this is a more destructive force than any weapon used in war».

      The boy put the book aside.

      «The clocks of time and the spear of strength, isn’t that evidence that history was completely different? It’s strange why my dad doesn’t agree with me; if people were able to control time, they must have been more advanced. In my opinion, this completely proves that there was a more advanced civilization in ancient times,» Alcmen concluded.

      «Tell me something else,» the boy asked, realizing that his father knew much more than anyone else.

      «Like what? You seem to know more than me,» the father smiled. «You tell me, your story is already different.»

      «Okay, never mind. I’m intrigued by what the clocks of time looked like. What could you do with them? What power did the spear have? How did they use it?»

      The boy looked at his father with great curiosity, thinking that there was nothing more mysterious and enigmatic than the secrets of the City of the Gods.

      «The shape of the clocks was represented differently. I can assume, and most researchers agree, that the clocks were shaped like hourglasses, but I don’t think so,» the father calmly said. He didn’t want to make a sensation out of it. He had enough of that last time.

      «We cannot treat legends as reliable sources. I can say that only select warriors were able to control the spear. They had something like a fingerprint recognition today. Each chosen warrior had their own access to the spear, and the spear itself was used only in special cases. We cannot say for sure because we have not seen the spear itself or its images.»

      «I understand. This is to ensure that no one can use the spear arbitrarily,» Alcmen said seriously.

      «Correct. The spear had incredible power. It could shatter a granite wall to pieces. Unfortunately, the principle of its operation is unknown.»

      «Why did they leave then? If they had such an incredible weapon?»

      «No one knows that. I want to say that this is based on legends, I emphasize, what actually happened is unknown. We still have to find out how everything really was, if we are lucky. I am more convinced that we know about the legends that circulated in the city, rather than what actually happened.»

      «And if we are lucky after all?»

      «Then they will talk about us on the radio and write about us in the newspapers.»

      «I can’t even imagine it. I always want to imagine the inhabitants of this city. How they lived, what they did, how they communicated. Their life was probably interesting and completely different from ours. They couldn’t have made up the legend out of thin air,» Alcmen stated.

      «Probably…,» the father looked at his grown-up son. He reasoned like an adult, and he could no longer be treated like a child.

      «That was a different life, that’s for sure. If we believe the legend, then the chosen ones were taught from an early age. They later guarded the clocks of time and the spear of strength. All ordinary citizens were engaged in ordinary activities, went to school like you. By the way, did you do your homework? I promised your teacher that you would do your homework and read. I have already talked to her about everything.»

      «I do my homework, but what you’re doing is much more interesting and useful. We are like keepers of the secrets of the inhabitants of the City of the Gods,» the boy said in a whisper and looked around.

      «Go to bed, keeper.»

      «And what about you?»

      «I will think a little longer. Various thoughts are swirling around in my head and I can’t seem to stop them. Remember when I told you I didn’t agree with the common opinion about the shape of the clocks?»


      «Well, I think the clocks that could control time looked like the Latin letter ’y’. It’s the beginning of everything, when everything converges or diverges from one point. According to this principle, the universe emerged from a tiny point and grew to infinity, and it continues to grow.»

      «So you mean it’s possible to stop time or control it!?» the boy asked, feeling both surprised and curious at the same time.

      «I don’t know, time inexorably moves forward. I think the principle mentioned in the legend is not without foundation…,» the father fell silent and looked through the walls, then suddenly came to his senses and said:

      «I need to think, and you should go to bed.»

      «Will you come in?»

      «To tell you a story,» the father said ironically.

      «Yes,» confirmed the son.


      Alcmen went to his room and went to bed. He closed his eyes, but his thoughts didn’t want to calm down. «The clocks of time. I wonder what they looked like? I wonder if we can find them. It would be great to find the clocks themselves. And with their help, go back in time and see what really happened there.»

      Then his father entered the room.

      «Are you already asleep?» he asked.

      «No, I’m waiting for you. I forgot to ask, when are we leaving?»

      «Very soon. I will go to the university tomorrow and find out everything for sure. Most likely this week.»

      «Great! It’s the most beautiful fairy tale. I will visit the City of the Gods. Tell me something else?» the boy asked, staring at his father with curiosity. He couldn’t fall asleep.

      «In the City of the Gods, there was a temple that had clocks of time where you could control time. That’s actually what I want to find. It’s more likely. And if I find it, it will be a great success.»

      «What small goals,» the boy said in surprise. He imagined himself looking for the clocks of time and the spear of strength, while his father talked about hoping to find only the ruins of the temple. He didn’t agree with settling for something less.

      «I always set small goals for myself so that I won’t be disappointed later, and if something bigger happens, I will be more pleased.»

      «Interesting perspective.» The boy looked at his father in a whole new light. They, for the first time in their lives, spoke so openly and as equals. Alcmen understood that behind the word «dad» was a very ordinary person with his fears and quirks.


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