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Energy, hasn’t your economy felt the changes?

      – Yes, she felt it, but please remember – we are not complaining, we are just creating new solutions all the time, replied the member of the commission calmly. – Having free will, we do not have to get involved in this project, we can make conscious decisions. But it’s nice to think that thanks to us, all of Atlantis has warmth in its homes, it has light and no one goes hungry. Our Atlantis is also a chain, but the right one, made of good metal. – We, the people, take care of everything. Please note that any stray wanderer can enter any house and will receive help, lodging and food there. he continued with a smile.

      Everyone confirmed his words, many found out how wonderful and selfless help the inhabitants of Atlantis can be.

      – Remember that when we have a problem, we have to solve it. And you come to us with a powerful «protection». Protection is needed when someone does something wrong, noted the meeting participant.

      – And no work? – asked the next.

      – Well, it’s Imanuel who describes a world where you’ll get everything for now, – added one of the committee members. – And even in a place like this there will be bets. Because man likes to create something, he likes to act. Sometimes it even has to, because not everyone will become a Youtuber… Someone else has, let’s say, greater aspirations. In our world, what counts above all are people who create.

      – And not some stupidity show, haha – laughed an old man, sitting in the first row. – Because at this point, development is stopped, that’s for sure. And our world is rushing towards destruction, over a pint of beer and a football match.

      – Well… Someone said it might be time to get down to business. I would like to know at what stage of research is the Imanuel aggregate now, is it stable? Is it a finished product? – asked one of the guests.

      – We are constantly working and looking for the best solution. We work very intensively, and our commitment brings very good results. Keep fingers crossed. Our conclusions are as follows: Imanuel’s low – power generator must work non – stop, so it is difficult for us to assess how long it will work without interruption and when it will fail, argued the expert. – Let us remember that the success of our efforts, and thus the creation of a kind of perpetual motion machine, depends on the rate of return on investment. – Someone answers the question exhaustively.

      – This principle applies to every device we bring to market, as economics always rule, – adds another expert. – Of course, choosing this type of energy, we take into account the consequences, because, for example, electric vehicles cause the development of subsequent events – such a domino effect. All this causes some development, but Imanuel’s aggregates will disappear someday, they will be replaced by aggregates activated and powered by vibration (word), it will be an aggregate of the word. This will certainly lead us on a straight path to prosperity, because each next step inevitably accelerates our development. So let’s always be open to new ideas, added the learned sage.

      – Well, Ladies and Gentlemen, we have sat for a long time, but the most important thing is that so many things have been clarified. And by launching the Imanuel aggregate our prosperity will increase and the condition of our natural environment will improve – he concluded.

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