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as soon as the terminal is lowered, a layer of solder – tin is fed under it in a simplified model (a more complicated one will be considered later). Under the same layer there is a silver layer of a metal heater, and already under it a layer of rear-view glass.

      Empirically, it was found that the energy of the gap between the silver layer and the glass is 100 N. It may follow from this that the sum of the rupture forces between the solder and the terminal, as well as between the solder and the silver layer, is less than this value, since if it were greater than or equal to this value, the terminal itself would have sufficient force to carry the entire system with it when it breaks. But it is also clear that for rupture, that is, for deformation by the elastic force (3.2.1), where stiffness is determined through the Young’s modulus (3.2.2), its energy is equal to the energy of destruction of the crystal lattice, that is, the product of the specific heat of melting and the amount of matter (3.2.3), is equal to the potential energy of deformation (3.2.4).

      To determine the rupture force, which is already a priori the sum of the rupture forces between silver and solder, as well as between the terminal and solder, it is sufficient to use (3.2.5), where the distance is determined from the constancy of the area and the value of the volume change, which is calculated depending on the temperature (3.2.6), and from here the rupture force (3.2.7).

      Now that the force of the rupture has been calculated, we can stop a little at the moment of pressing. From such a calculation, it became possible to determine that with a specific heat of 7.19 kJ/mol, with an amount of substance of the order of 0.0434 mol and 0.005149 grams and a density of the order of 7190 kg/m3, the area is 7.04424 *10-7 m2, with a side of 0.8393 mm, from which the temperature coefficient of 0.0042 K-1 is taken into account, with a resultant force of 99.99886267 N, that meets all the specified conditions.

      Speaking of the pressing force, it can be noted that due to the attraction energy of the liquid flow of the alloy, it can be comparatively determined on the scale of the difference between the boundaries between the resulting force and the boundary force, from which a value of 0.001137328 N is obtained.

      Used literature

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      2. Abdurakhmonov S. M., Sayitov G. S., Oshchepkova E. A., Rakhmonov D. H., Khuriboeva M. S. A new design for soldering the terminal of the rear window heating system the car. Current science. International Scientific Journal. Moscow, 2019 No. 9 (26), pp. 22-28.

      3. Abdurakhmonov S. M., Sayitov S. S., Yuldasheva E. N. Automated soldering installation for terminal heating systems in auto-glass. Scientific-technical journal (STJ FerPI, FerPI ITJ, NTJ FerPI, 2021, Vol.25, No.6), pp. 256-259.

      4. Abdurakhmonov S. M., Sayitov S. S. On the technology of soldering contact to heating systems of auto-glass // All sciences: international Scientific Journal. – 2022. – No.5, 2022. – pp. 95-115.

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      UDC 621.318.3

      Kholmatov Erkinjon Salievich

      Lecturer of the Department of "Electronics and Instrumentation" of the Faculty of Computer Design Systems of the Fergana Polytechnic Institute

      Ferghana Polytechnic Institute, Ferghana, Uzbekistan

      Annotation. The use of a powerful force, obedient, easy to handle, which is applicable in a variety of cases, which illuminates, heats, drives machines as forces of the most powerful attraction is a very topical issue that requires very detailed consideration. Of course, the image of such a performance is precisely the electromagnetic design, the physics of which is built from the initial ideas about electromagnetism. There is also a large number of phenomena of this kind, each of which requires its own analysis in all parameters. This paper is devoted to the description of the algorithm created at the moment for such cases.

      Keywords: electromagnet, magnetic field, magnetic induction vector, magnetic field inductance, conductor, magnetic field strength, solenoid, Maxwell equations for electromagnetism, electromagnetic induction.

      Аннотация. Использование могущественной силы, послушной, простой в обращении, которая применима в самых различных случаях, которая освещает, отапливает, приводит в движение машины в качестве сил мощнейшего притяжения весьма актуальный вопрос, который требует весьма подробного рассмотрение. Разумеется, образом такого исполнения является именно электромагнитная конструкция, физика которой строиться от первоначальных представлений об электромагнетизме. Существует также большое количество явлений подобного рода, каждая из которых требует наличие своего разбора по всем параметрам. Описанию созданного на данный момент алгоритма для таких случаем и посвящена настоящая работа.

      Ключевые слова: электромагнит, магнитное поле, вектор магнитное индукции, индуктивность магнитного поля, проводник, напряжённость магнитного поля, соленоид, уравнения Максвелла для электромагнетизма, электромагнитная индукция.

      Initially, it is worth noting that the design of the electromagnet itself consists of a core and, most often, a metal wire, due to good electrical conductivity. This design itself

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