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      This is the crisis people faced 200 years ago. We have to give them credit, because people had enough willpower, intelligence, diligence, humanism and courage to stop and think about it and start a new stage of evolution.

      Thanks to this we now live on the planet with the richest flora and fauna in the universe. In harmony and awareness. People, animals and birds can breathe fresh air, drink clean water, eat healthy food, which keeps them healthy and young.

      People have stopped acting like an unintelligent child who is interested in everything and breaks it to understand its structure, but doesn’t understand that you can’t smash everything. Broken things stop working and can cause irreparable harm. Mankind has become more mature and reasonable, more conscious. There is now a responsibility for ourselves, for the world around us and for the future, including the future of our descendants, for the world in which they will have to live.

      Other civilizations began to cooperate with us, the human race of Earth, deeming us reasonable. We made friends with some, learned from others. Finally came the understanding of who we are in this World and where we are going. What we really need in our journey, what gets in our way, what helps, what we have to learn, what we have to develop, what we have to create. The transformation has begun. A difficult but very interesting period. Everyone was able to contribute. Everyone’s experience and contribution was important.

      The 23rd century was the beginning of the Path of awareness. The critical mass of people was transformed. It became possible to increase the speed of natural evolution.

      My brother and I flew in a vimana (yes, they’re back! Many of the technologies of the past have been figured out and restored) to visit a relative whose childhood was spent in the period of that crisis; she is practically an eyewitness to the rebirth of mankind. Her personal formation, development and transformation went along with the whole country, perhaps in tandem, perhaps the aspirations of each transformed life, mutually influencing each other. The development of countries and the interaction among nations on the terms of a common goal transformed humanity as a whole. Each has made its own contribution.

      But now we were thinking of our relative, and we were drawing a parallel, looking back at this almost 200-year period. We were on our way to a birthday party, a major celebration. It was something incredible. A 200-year anniversary! And in the past people didn’t even live as long. Their bodies were already so worn out by the age of 60—80 that further existence in such a body did not make much sense, especially if the mind and memory were lost. It was sad that such experiences were lost and could not be used for the common good.

      We were flying to Africa. It was decided to celebrate the anniversary there. Two centuries ago, that continent was the furnace of the planet, a threat to global warming. Now it was a paradise. Gardens blossomed in the former deserts, cities were buried in greenery. The continent is covered with forests and lakes. It’s very nice and beautiful in the spring. It’s clean and cozy. There is enough drinking water and high-quality food. There are still enough problems, but not compared to what was happening here two or three centuries ago.

      It is hard to believe now, but until the middle of the 20th century, the black population of the mainland was in slavery. People were deprived of the opportunity to develop, to create, to move freely and to make choices according to their souls, to live life as human beings. It was not until 1963 that the first stage of decolonization culminated in the creation of the Organization of African Unity. Much of the credit for its creation belongs to the Soviet Union. But the first prerequisites for the collapse of the colonial system were laid during World War II and also thanks to the Soviet Union.

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