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your mistakes if you don’t dwell on them, just step over one and go to the next one ☺. Mistakes are the rule life.

      The New

      The new is not only the well-forgotten old. The new is what is done at the current time under the current circumstances.

      Money or knowledge

      Many say that there isn’t enough money for everything. I agree, but why buy everything if you can apply the effort and do it yourself, and some things are even better, or cheaper, or both cheaper and better. Of course, to creating something beautiful, technological, tasty or anything else, will take a lot of time and effort, but we do it for ourselves. And if we want, we can not only save money, but also benefit from it, if done well enough. It’s up to you, of course, to choose: to use money or your knowledge and forces.


      Just do it, do what you know how to do, and develop in your direction, because it is important for us. And if anything does not work, then before you do something further, think about how and what is better to do, that is, teach yourself.


      Oddly enough, you need to think before you do something, but we, unfortunately, can forget about it. Thinking is learning and developing, and not necessarily from mistakes, you can learn with the help of anything: a book, a video lesson or a school and university, the choice is always yours. Of course, there are pros everywhere and cons, but why think about these pros and cons? Just choose the direction where you want to develop, and all the doors are open before you. If you find it difficult, then do not forget to think, but don’t fall into a muse and in the end decide, it is very important to make a decision. The main thing is to think about what to do and how, and then you will feel better. Only after you come to the conclusion what to do and how, do not forget the most important thing – to take this action physically, this is also very important.

      Think about the current circumstances i.e., what is going on now. Sometimes concentration drops, and we cannot think, or rather, we don’t really understand what’s going on right now. If the concentration drops it means that we do not maintain balance in life. Why in life? Everyone has his own life, and I can’t know exactly what’s wrong with you, particularly what is happening now, more precisely, you need to think what is happening wrong at home and fix it.

      It’s you who should care, everything depends on you and each of us.


      Everybody has his own lifestyle. Keep up with your style and do not pay attention to others, don’t think who, what and how they do, do everything in your own way, do not limit yourself, but maintain decorum. Find a perfect balance for yourself. If you start explaining to the other how and what to do, then he will, most likely, disagree, because you are acquiring his lifestyle, it’s more important to support him, but don’t say it’s wrong. Or if you want it to be exactly as you said, then you should convince and give weighty arguments, but never argue, always listen to others, it might be that you did not understand his style, and did not understand why he does it that way. Do you have a different lifestyle? Without understanding the other, you deduce your decisions about someone. It might be a very simple lifestyle, but it exists and can be developed further, the main thing is to want. Lifestyle is not about being humble; such is our life.

      Everything is quite easy, if thought thoroughly over.


      Balancing is not equalizing everything to one, it is maintaining everything that exists on our earth, or rather, where you are, while maintaining the boundaries of decency that will not harm anyone. The better the balance, the less people you hurt, the perfect balance is when you don’t hurt anyone, not even yourself. You don’t need watch the balance, you need to keep and maintain it. Push off, that is, start balancing from the origins of the Earth, that is, from the origins of our planet, because we live on it. From the origins, not from what is happening now. Our ideal balance is when everyone supports himself, develops himself. It’s like our planet sustains itself.

      Here you can stop and relax, if you read without break.


      What is philosophy? Is it the judgment of our life or existence to be accepted. Acceptance is the most difficult part of our life. To accept means to remember, but not to do, as it has been already said. And what should we accept in our life? All the “laws”? You will most likely go crazy: not them, of course. There is nothing perfect in this world, except if It’s done for yourself. So are the “laws” – they are not ideal for everyone, but only for one person (that is, for the one who created them), or if this “law” was thought over by more people, then for this group and plus several more people. That is, our “law” exists maximum for the group, therefore, we need to rename the “laws” that we create into instructions, at least for ourselves.

      The group may break up or split into smaller groups, they can also join back together and fall apart, it all depends on everyone in the group and specifically on you. Logically, this group can become much larger, and it will be a state, or, as at the moment, the whole world, but the rules will not change, everything is the same, everything can fall apart and join together, and it all depends on each and specifically on you, only the consequences of the changes will be much more… I don’t want to talk about it. One has to accept everything or change our guidelines, otherwise nothing good will happen. To accept is to remember, and it is not necessary to do, appealing to reason. Perhaps you are right, this guideline needs already to be amended or reviewed, appealing to reason.

      There is no God, there is this world and those who live in it, everyone can become God and everyone can die, but everything depends on us and everyone from us.


      Do you know why I’m an atheist, why don’t I believe in God? One day as a child, walking from school, passing by the church bell tower, I saw people who were standing and praying to one of the gods, at this moment I was seized by a thought that could not be disputed, because it was 100% true: all people pray to themselves, they just stand and pray, but excuse me, they were praying to the picture that stood before them, which will not solve any of their problems, indeed, all problems are solved by you with your own head, hands and feet, that is, you helped yourself, not God. You yourself or another human. Then why are you praying to someone, if everything depends on us and each of us. And all mistakes are coincidences, but these combinations of circumstances are created by you yourself or by another person, and why then the other person is not the same as you. Be kind and think what you’re doing, but don’t engross in thought.

      You can’t even imagine…

      You can’t even imagine how difficult it was to write this book. At this very moment, when I am writing this, I understand, that I have done only a half and I have pretty much left – to finish the book while constantly thinking of “who needs all this crap”, it should be edited first, then find publishers and find the way to communicate the text to everyone in this world.


      Affection of people of one age is good, but affection of the old person to a baby is bad: the baby will not learn anything new from the old, but only something which has already been, which can result in a child having a problem, he will be confused and think about the end and will not know how to develop, or will be able to know, but it will happen late. A baby and another baby will develop together, but it will take them long. It will take one baby even more time to develop probably, if ever, because he is alone. A baby and one young father or mother are not the best option. Being with a father or a mother separately the baby will not be able to properly develop or do it in time. There is only one option which includes a father, a mother and a baby, or possibly, two babies. A young couple, probably. This is the balance, our balance.

      This is just an example of many, of only one in the

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