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end to her thoughts. Here comes the first customer, eager to stock up on essentials, and early in the morning. It’s nice to see people consciously trying to create the image of an active and thrifty person. Why is that? I have no idea, but it’s necessary.

      – “That’s enough! We have to pull ourselves together!” Alena told herself resolutely. With remarkable tact, the cash register worked again and the printer began to spit out the desired copies.

      – “It’s business as usual. This is how it should be. And everything will be the way I want it,” the excited girl reassured herself. It is difficult to deal with emotions and the reason for this is the usual loneliness. The desire to be loved, quite justified for such a sweetheart.

      – “Alya, Alena, wake up! You’ll burn in this sun!” her friend Maya tried to wake her up. Alena jumped up like a frightened sparrow, forgetting that she was wearing only a swimsuit, and a pareo fell treacherously under her feet. The young men resting nearby appreciated this fact with an understanding smile.

      – “Yes, Alena, you are very lucky for such things! And do not forget to tighten the straps of your bathing suit when you go to the sea as a mermaid!” Maya laughed happily.

      – “You’re right. I can’t live without adventure! We need to roll over and warm up my stomach right now,” Alena suggested, smiling as she continued to sunbathe on the beach.

      – “Of course we will! And do you remember our trip to the sea yesterday?” her friend recalled with a carefree wink. Yes, it has been a nice reminder.

      – “Of course I do! Especially how you tried to ask that cute stranger what he really wanted, and shocked him with such a frank confession! Yes, we caused quite a stir with our unpredictability. Ah, how delicious the champagne looked from the big family glasses!”, Alena joked again with her inherent charm.

      – “I remember! I must also report that you looked quite chic stretched out on the sand,” Maya babbled, smiling.

      – “Was the sea really warm, or was it just me? Maybe I should have swum up to the stranger. But you did. Went ashore and asked back what he told us the other day!” Alena laughed.

      – “Ah! Yes! I think the stranger was babbling about his water being warmer! That’s what he seemed to think,” her friend assured her.

      – “Yes, it was! Oh, I so wanted to touch his beautiful body. That’s exactly what I remember!” Alena explained quite matter-of-factly.

      – “Girlfriend and I, you and I, wouldn’t get along with a holiday romance. Too in yourself, though, would be something to remember!” Maya suggested cheerfully.

      – “Mom, I want to go to the lake across the street and try to catch some fish,” was the son’s request.

      – “You’re my fisherman!” I’ll let you go later. – “First we need to eat and refresh ourselves,” she replied, kissing and hugging him tenderly. Alena watched them with tenderness, thinking of her favorite children. Great happiness to be a mother. It’s already 2011. A son and a daughter, the most beautiful and precious thing she has in this world. The children decided to make a whole firework of soap bubbles. Covered in towels from the sea sun, they played around and looked pleasantly charming.

      – “The sea is good for children. The only wonderful reason to go on vacation every year. I like being natural and not having to worry about anything,” they all continued. A beautiful seashore beckoned and offered an incredible walk. I called my kids and picked up my little goddaughter and in my arms and walked towards the sea. The waves were lapping happily for the happy children, and there was nothing more wonderful. Everything lends itself to a pleasant reflection on life and love. And each time, new departures from previous thoughts lead to new memories. At such moments it was a pleasure to listen to a beautiful melody. I remembered that it wouldn’t be difficult to turn on the radio, and there were loudspeakers.

      – “We’re going to have so much fun!” Alena rejoiced. In a changing mood, she turned the volume on and off, enjoying the concert. After a while, a bright cheerfulness appeared on the part of the shop visitors, they liked the pleasant atmosphere of the moment. They walked around quietly, studying the merchandise. And the song in French, all enticing and fascinating…

      – “Why do I want to think of you so much! To allow completely reckless acts and to be a little girl in love,” she lamented the inevitable timing, smiling as she listened to the tune.

      – “That’s it, I have to stop thinking about you, dear. I’m perfectly calm and sane,” she joked, suggesting a familiar truth to herself. Not to think about the past, sometimes it was better to forget and not to determine the degree of madness.

      – “What was, is past,” she remarked rather affirmatively.

      – “And yet it came true. Well, he wasn’t such a sick madman when he tried to talk about my future. One thing is clear, dull, preferred, something incomprehensible. I don’t know why? really different,” Alena whispered. “Salve! Bone era! Mademoiselle! That’s your zest!” In a French manner, she enthusiastically repeated the words of the song, so much to her liking. A ray of sunlight slid across her desk, reminding her of warm spring days and, of course, of love. A burst of emotion from the memories of the past, and then the belief that I could pull myself together and get through. Each time before the abyss, harder and harder.

      …Every breath with hoarseness, every thought with pain in my heart. And here I am, closing my eyes again, walking slowly through the waters of the interspace. It is important not to miss anything, to accept and understand myself, despite the mountain stream of revelation that hurts body and soul. And so it is every time doubt is like a torrent of cold water. You put in the last remnants of your strength to keep your sanity and not get lost between worlds. Love is the boatman on the river of forgetfulness. You just have to trust that there is and always will be a boat of love. “The cuckoo brings me back to my lost faith. Herald of a life of many years. Maybe it just flew by. – Everything will be fine! – he called to me. The song echoed in my heart. Like the summer chords of the nightingale. It’s so good at the edge of the forest, I’m a naive girl at peace. I asked the witch cuckoo about my future. And believed in the glorious morning of tomorrow…” How good it is to remember happy moments. You always find peace of mind afterwards.


      Sweet words, like leaves from an oak branch in an autumn park, whirling under my feet, make my heart happy. Time is remembered by good moments, and 2013 was no exception, although it did not bring a good storm…

      – Do not be angry, for you understand me. Today with a friend we decided to go for a walk in the park. Talking about our favorite men. I go crazy like a little girl! And I like this state. Alive, I can still love! You were not chosen by chance, I knew everything. Kisses!” After I told the virtual man about my plans and desires, I felt peace of mind.

      Writing every day and feeling embarrassed has been my destiny for a long time. Naivety is sometimes glorified as a certain virtue, and I thank God for it. All the paths in the park are littered with yellow leaves. Shrubs creep between the slender aspens and birches, only the majestic oaks do not tolerate such surroundings.

      – Untouched by the centuries, the same age as the universe, they amaze with their immortal destiny, like the greatest miracle of the world” – wrote the ancient Roman scholar Pliny the Elder.

      Yes, this place is incomparable, you can always come here and rest your soul. Sweet mothers with their children in strollers. Athletes jogging in sweaty beacons and, of course, kids on bikes. There’s something for everyone. But I’d rather tease the pigeons with bread crumbs. No matter how hard life is, it is still beautiful and tends to go on without rules we make up. The fall season shines with its splendor, painting with all its colors.

      – We

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