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they had been dating for about two years. True, she could not call their relationship full-fledged. They usually saw each other twice a week. And the dates themselves were not always long in time. Of course, she wanted them to see each other more often. However, the reality was different. It is not so easy to build a private life when you already have children. Peter, like Martha, had children. That year he was to be forty-two years old. There was a lot in common between them. They both raised their children alone. Peter’s wife died in a car accident a few years ago.

      Martha, in turn, did not have a husband. To that day, she hadn’t told anyone much about her ex-husband. The children didn’t even know anything about him.

      And yet, despite this, they both had their own families. Each of them gave his all to the children. At the same time, they also tried to earn good money so that their children would not need anything.

      They both understood that they would hardly ever live together, in a house under the same roof. They were adults and intelligent people and quite soberly assessed their chances for happiness in personal life.

      But, despite this, they quickly managed to find a common language with each other. There was a lot in common between them. However, in professional terms, there were slightly different.

      Peter never liked being an employee. He always wanted to have his own business. By the age of thirty-five he managed to open his own restaurant. It was called Grunwald and was located on Zürchenstrasse. It was an excellent Swiss cuisine restaurant that needed no introduction in the entire Zurich. That was where Martha was heading now.

      According to the good old tradition, he invited her again to his own restaurant. By the way, it was in this restaurant that they first met. Martha really liked the place and enjoyed going there especially in the company of Peter.

      Meanwhile, the silver-colored Volkswagen Jetta was already pulling up to the Grunwald restaurant. Martha found a free space in the parking lot and parked the car.

      She was in a bit of a hurry as her lunch break was limited. In total, she had forty minutes for lunch. She hurried out of the car and walked towards the entrance to the restaurant. As soon as she entered, she started looking around for Peter. He appeared standing in the very center of the hall and, seeing Martha, went straight towards her.

      «Hello, Martha. It’s good to see you again,» he was the first to say hello.

      «Hello, Peter. I’m very glad too,» she answered in a joyful tone.

      A smile immediately appeared on their faces and they embraced upon meeting just like lovers should. Peter was quite tall and of an athletic build. He had a thick head of black hair.

      «How are you? Do you still run a department at your dear bank?» he asked and smiled.

      «Yes, I still work a lot. I still lead the department. Well, how are


      «I’m good. Things are going well. There are more than enough customers,» he answered with joy in his voice. «So, I booked a table for us in advance.»

      He took her hand and led her to a vacant table by the window. As soon as they took their places a waiter appeared at once with the menu.

      «You can order whatever your heart desires and not think about paying the bill.»

      «Peter, you are so kind and caring today.»

      «When was I different?» he replied with a smile on his face.

      Martha didn’t answer, but she broke into a smile. Now she was looking at him with loving eyes.

      «Have you already chosen what you want to order?» he asked.

      «Let’s see what we have here.»

      «I think I already know what I will take myself.»

      «And what should it be?» she asked, looking him straight in the


      «I’m thinking about lamb ribs with beans and green peas and Olivier

      salad. And for dessert we will have a cake called Schwarzwald. I will also ask the waiter to bring us a couple of glasses of the most expensive red wine that we have.»

      «I believe I’ll order the same for myself.»

      «That means that our tastes agree on this, too,» he said, and smiled. «Waiter, you can fulfill our order.»

      «Just a minute, sir,» the waiter said dryly, and hurried away.

      «You have an excellent taste.»

      «I’m aware, thank you.»

      «Every time you order at a restaurant, I always want to order the same for myself,» she admitted honestly.

      «Yes, my dear, I certainly know a thing or two about food.»

      «Do you know the recipe for the dishes you order?»

      «What kind of dish are we talking about?»

      «Well, for example, today you ordered a Schwarzwald cake for dessert.»


      «Do you know its recipe?»

      «I do.»



      «Won’t you tell me? I would be very interested to hear.»

      «Schwarzwald is a cake with whipped cream and cherries. It appeared in Germany in the early 1930s. It is now considered a classic there and has gained worldwide fame.»

      To make a Schwarzwald you need to soak biscuit chocolate in kirschwasser, and make a cherry filling. Then you take cherries and chocolate chips to decorate the cake.

      «Wow! I didn’t realize you actually know the recipes and the history of the dishes,» she said admiringly.

      «I know a lot of things,» he answered pointedly.

      «You never cease to amaze me, Peter.»

      A few minutes later, the waiter put the ordered dishes on the table. The couple sat and chatted nicely with each other. Peter asked Martha more about her children and wondered how she managed to cope with everything without the help of a housekeeper. In turn, she also asked him about the kids and at the same time admired his restaurant. She really liked to visit the place especially in the company of her beloved. This place was actually quite nice and cozy. And the restaurant itself was not far from the city center.

      They were so immersed in conversation that half an hour flew on by. It was time to fold for Martha if she did not want to be late for her favorite work. She was about to get up from the table when suddenly she felt a strong pain in her chest. She felt her insides all squeezed up and a strong cough ripped her body. This incessant cough lasted for about seven seconds, which seemed to her an eternity. She felt really ill.

      «What’s wrong with you, Martha?» he said in a confused voice. «Are you okay?»

      «Yes, I’m fine,» she said in a hoarse voice.

      «Are you sure you feel good?»

      «Everything is fine. The cough will go away now. It hasn’t happened to me in a long time,» she said.



      «I see blood on the table,» he said, and pointed to the drops of blood that had appeared on the tablecloth.

      «Is this my blood?» she asked hesitantly.

      «Looks like it. Are you sure you’re all right?»

      «It’s all right, Peter.»

      «Do you want me to drive you to work?»

      «No thanks. I think I can handle it myself.»


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